Thursday, September 1, 2022

Julie Haener Feels Wrath of KTVU Staff; Ibanez Shuffle; Flirted with KPIX; Is Warren Already on Hot Seat? ; Andria Borba "Vacation"; Joe Fonzi Hidden Gem at The Firm; Aguirre Not So Thrilled at Mathai at NBC Bay Area; Murphy's KNBR Fake Party; Don Sanchez Circle7 Eternal Being; Carolyn Tyler Q --A Thursday Schmooze

THE BIGGEST anti-Julie (Haener) venom at KTVU: her take-for-granted gig. The senior staff especially don't like the fact they work their ass off for her and she just comes and goes--literally. And that rubs people the wrong way.

Haener is now shoiwing up for work (Sunday-Thursday) without an absence for over a week. Her persona has changed quite a bit and now that the ratings at KTVU have begun to tank, she's more than ever, vulnerable.

Maybe it's time for a lovey-dovey with Marky Mark (Ibanez).

*Ibanez was so wanting to be with family when he "retired" in March, that he quietly campaigned for a job at KPIX. In fact, Ibanez was set to meet with the GM, at the time, Kevin Walsh, for a lunch where the particulars were to be discussed.

It never transpired.

Walsh was forced out at PIX earlier in the year (personnel issues involving the fired ND, Mark Neerman)) and the would-be Ibanez pairing with Vern Glenn ( a sort of 1 and 1A joint job set-up) was quashed.

KPIX (CBS) doesn't have a need for Marky anymore, the biggest reason is the lack of money and pure no interest in 67 year-old Ibanez.

*Hey Scott Warren, are you already on the hot seat at 855 Battery after only six months?

By the way, PIX, be advised Mr. Glenn is said to be a little ticked over his multiple new gigs at no extra pay. Vern is no man wonder but he also doesn't like getting taken advantage of, so I'm hearing.

*Joe Fonzi is the most loyal Foxie/KTVU pupil but there's a cost for The Firm: Fonzi is rarely on the screen and only shows up at the sports desk when he has to. You get what you pay for.

*Andria Borba, the unusual, quirky reporter at PIX, is on an extended vacation, which I'm sure is why she's been off the air for over three weeks and has zero to do with her lack of moolah from CBS-SF.

*The Marin frat boy and KNBR shill, Brain Murphy, (Smurph and Smack), has a book party last (Wed.) night in the city. NO members of the Giants org. were there because they were concerned about the dearth of non-white guys at the party. I'm being a bit tongue and cheeky but believe me, that was the reason (among many).

*If the ratings at Fox2 continue to tank in the late fall--when NFL football and the Fox network shows begin--then yes, finally, ND Amber Eikel can begin apartment hunting in Toledo.

*Jessica Aguirre has told her closest friends that she's about had it with fellow NBC Bay Area co-anchor, Raj Mathai's and his "ladies-man" ways and means. Raj thinks his social life is just fine and dandy even if his wife and Countess Aguirre think otherwise.

*Fresh outta retirement but seen almost every day around the city and Marin: the former Circle7 ace anchor, Don Sanchez, who looks about 50 even though he's south of 77.

*Carolyn Tyler --also retired from KGOCircle7--took me to lunch a few years back and told me that respect and admiration for the sisters was well-known --she also insinuated that I was prime for disappointment. I beg to differ, Carolyn, and was that the reason why you and Ming Sze tried to bury me? Humn.

*Big-time phony: Greg Papa.


  1. Borba is getting a new "wide load" sign for her butt. She's so big in the caboose she needs two chairs when sitting down -- one for her and the other for her butt...Murph should just go away. His act wouldn't last in other, sane, markets. But in San Francisco...And Gregory Papa is about as sincere as a swarmy tile salesperson.

    1. You mean when Borba is told to haul ass, it takes two trips?

    2. If only Borba could donate some of that junk in her trunk to the LT, whose backside is flat as a board.

    3. Serious question: I know obesity isn’t a protected class under the law, but are tv stations hesitant to dismiss people like Anne Makovec or Andrea Borba for fear of reprisal? Let’s be honest, it’s a visual medium and when you look at KPIX recent hires such as Starrantino and Jessica Burch, it’s clear they understand that.

  2. Pappa: “Jet Sweep up the A Gap, 5 deep, weak side, downhill!”
    Does it sound like gibberish? YES ! YES ! YES !! Pappa will use 17 words when 7 will do just fine. While Pappa was superb doing Warriors games on the radio, his football calls left him like the Traiders left Oakland.

  3. Hey Rich,

    Have you ever considered doing a community tv show. Here’s a link to Berkeley’s channel 28.

    I’m sure everyone here would watch. Just make sure your ready for all the negative comments of the basement critics.

    1. Might be easier to do something on YouTube.

  4. It about time Vern used the race card.

    1. I fully expect that to happen. To be frank, I’m actually surprised it hasn’t already happened especially when you consider Adam “the giggling hyena” Copeland is already using the race card when he makes bizarre statements such as he “fits the description” when he lies about getting hassled by police at Oracle.
      Yeah. Sure. Ok.

    2. That will be when he hires Angela Alioto to scream the N Word for him.

  5. Who really wants a 67 yr old as their top sports anchor? But the sports anchors in the Bay Area are pretty bad. Joe Fonzi sightings? After the 49ers games on Sundays with Bubba Paris or Donte Hittner in studio to break down the game and tell us all "what went wrong with Try Lance this week". They'll send Jason Applebaum to Levi's or whatever city the Niners are on the road. Book it!

    1. If KRON were smart they'd 86 their 3 lackluster sports people and throw in on hiring Ibanez. All you'd need is Marky Mark and a producer and they'd kick the A** of what they have now which is amateur hour. In fairness, the new management at KRON probably didn't hire any of the current sports staff who all look like they were interns yesterday. Yes, I'd watch the 67 year old Ibanez over that crap any day of the week. He knows his stuff and surely knows bay area sports.

  6. Brian Murphy is a shill! Buster Posey doesn't care about him writing the introduction to a $36 picture book. Thanks for the memories Buster! I don't need a book from a UCLA clown going all fan boy about you when he's not even a real sportscaster or writer. Giants brass avoiding your book signing Smurph should be a clear sign how little Larry Baer and the gang think of you. I heard Carmen Kiew was at your book sigining though... telling anyone who'd listen the Giants still have a chance and can win the World Series. LOL = )

    1. Did Carmen's daddy buy 50 copies?

    2. Let’s just hope Carmen Kiew doesn’t make her homemade nachos again when Giants scratch and claw their way back to the World Series, after being 16 games out with one game to play.

      We certainly wouldn’t want her to be out commission and off the air as she spends hours on the toilet with explosive diarrhea as she proudly admitted happened the last time she tried making her “fancy” nachos.

  7. Hold on just a second. Stop the presses! Murphy “wrote” a book? No way. It has to be a photo album, to which he contributed captions. I am shocked, SHOCKED, he let the photos get a word in edgewise. Bet his Book party was a Sausage Festé of mellow Marin white yuppies.

    1. It is a shame his partner is unable to read it

    2. Don’t forget about that fat ass photographer. Murf thinks top notch.

    3. Brian Murphy, a 53 year old sycophantic Buster Posey jock-sniffer.
      I agree with what Will the Thrill said earlier, not only does Posey not give two shits that this dork wrote the intro, but I’d venture to say Posey’s probably borderline creeped out with Mr. Fanboy’s decades long obsession with him.

      Bro, let that shit go. Posey’s not going to leave his wife for you. Move on with your life.

  8. “told me that respect and admiration for the sisters was well-known --she also insinuated that I was prime for disappointment.”

    Don’t understand what you are trying to say here but world sure love to. Carolyn Tyler is one entitled, underperforming, over-inflated Diva.

  9. If NBC would stop hiring young female interns then Raj's problem would be solved.

    1. Mathai is a walking talking sexual harrassment suit waiting to happen. Why is he fooling around with Janelle Wang though? Rumored: Another sighting in downtown San Jose in the corner of a hotel bar. Raj's wife is not smiling!

    2. I thought Raj was only interested in the under 25 crowd not over 40 like Wang?

    3. What would happen if playboys Papa and Mathai ever decided to hit the town together and pick up some ladies?

    4. Will the Thrill, you mean Raj hasn’t already been sued for sexual harassment??? I’m not even sure how that’s possible considering he fancies himself as somewhere between a Don Juan and the world’s most eligible ‘bachelor.’

    5. Tennis shoes with a suit. Nooooo

    6. I’m sorry but I call bullshit on this whole Raj Mathai thing. There’s no way he’s STILL doing the same flirting and cheating shit he did back in early 2000’s when he was a sports reporter for NBC Bay Area.
      How pathetic though if he’s still trying to hang on to his ‘glory days’ now that he’s almost 55 years old with a damn family.

    7. We does the stupid dirty tennis shoes with a suit thing because someone told him that’s what the ladies like.

  10. Haener survived a full week of work? I call B.S. What's next? Newsome's inlaws donating to Florida governor DeSantis campaign? When pigs fly! I'm getting ready for the Giants kamikaze run at the pennant! Carmen says "It's On"!

    1. Hope The Firm sent you some gourmet chocolates and a nice bouquet for doing what no one there could do, getting Haener to show up for work.

  11. I’ve noticed in their commercials and promos that ktvu is increasingly referring to themselves as “FOX2” and much less as “KTVU.”

    Further evidence that the Foxification continues as the ktvu as we once knew it goes the way of the dinosaur.

    1. They've been calling themselves FOX 2 for about four years now. Just like KNTV calls themselves "NBC 11" and KPIX calls themselves "CBS 5." Has nothing to do with "Foxification," whatever that is. Has to do with the fact that these pathetic little skeleton-crew TV stations want to puff out their chest and seem bigger than they are, and they're doing that at least partially by piggy-backing on their network's names.

    2. Whatever they call themselves, it sure beats what we call ‘em: the excrement of the 4th Estate

  12. Is everything ok with Copeland? He only giggled 3,700 times during their last show, instead of his usual 5,000. Not sure if he's trying to be taken more seriously or if he's down in the dumps.

    1. I think your counting machine broke

    2. I’m afraid it stopped working somewhere around 3,700 giggles. It was overloaded, couldn’t keep up and went kaput.

  13. > Andria Borba, the unusual, quirky reporter at PIX

    I love her. She isn't your cookie-cutter TV reporter. Thank heavens.

    1. Yeah you're right. She ate all of the cookies. And then some.

  14. Carmen Kiew and the rest of the Summer Sundaze clowns: Nepotism at it's finest.

    1. Thank Carmen's daddy who pays for her rent, food, bills, etc. while she tries to play sports broadcaster. It's good to be the King and have money! Carmen and the gang at NBC Sports Bay Area should all dress like clowns because they are just a bad joke.

    2. If it wasn’t for Eric Cartman Kiew, I’d be picking on Cole Slaw Kuiper. At least mini Kuip knows he’s living on borrowed fame (including from his physician spouse) and doesn’t take himself seriously. Compared to Kiew who believes she’s hot stuff.

    3. Did Kruk and Miller not have any children who needed employment?

    4. Krukow has adult children who actually support themselves and live normal, responsible lives like real adults do. They don’t leech off their father and shamelessy ride his coat tails like entitled babies such as Carmen Kiew.

  15. Why are there so many photos of Haener with lap dog Ibanez panting by her side? He either has his arm around her, or on her in some fashion. Is he just a fan boy, or is he staking a claim on the Instagrandma? Where there’s Smoke, there’s FIRE

    1. They're just friends... allegedly. More than one person including Rich has said so on here. Their "friendship" is just weird.

    2. and now you know why colleagues often referred to him as “The Hands”

    3. Julie is a happily married wife and mother of two. I doubt she’d throw it all away for a tryst in the Vinyl Room with the 5’2” midget man.

  16. The great Don Sanchez moved to Florida near family but travels back to the Bay to catch up

  17. Looked Rigo Chacon after yesterdays post. His son is high school teacher on East Side of San Jose. Good for him getting a real job!


  18. What did Carolyn try to do to you to bring you down?

  19. Raj Mathai thinks he a ladies man? This makes me want to puke. NBC Bay Area should be reminded how Frank Somerville torpedoed his career by getting involved with an intern. Mathai & Wang? Barf. Ladies man my ass. Management should go with Asistio, Aguirre, & Wang. I change channels when Mathai is at the anchor desk. He is 100% cluster fuck, slightly better than Yamamoto & Mibach. All three are piss poor anchors.

  20. Joe Fonzi takes himself way too seriously. He thinks he's broadcasting news and not sports. Needs to lighten up.

  21. Mathai and the rest of the male Dumb ass population of the world. You don't stick your dick in your wallet morons! The smart men get it and also don't get married.

  22. Raj Mathai is NBC version of Reggie Aqui think is he so cool and bad, total jerk

  23. This 9/1/22 Thursday blog-post was just a day too early regarding J. Haener's attendance. I went to tune in for the 10 p.m. broadcast and H. Holmes was with M. Mibach instead of Julie H. I'm guessing the absence is related to a CalPoly vs Fresno State football game yesterday. I believe this is son-JakeH's last year on the team and we can see if the attendance-issue changes once college football season is over. Hopefully, any disgruntled KTVU staff can hold out for one last (college football) season;)

    1. If Haener really worked a week straight (which I highly doubt) that means she’s due for another four month vacation.

  24. Nice to see Don Sanchez. A wonderful abc7 news anchor back in the day when he did the news with Cheryl Jennings...
