Friday, August 5, 2022

How 'Bout Some Good Friday Media Minutia and Quick Hits; Bay Area Morning Radio Vomit Central: Warning, Could Cause Uneasiness --Discretion Advised

THE SLOP we call radio --especially in the MORNING, what a complete waste of time and energy.

KGO, the albatross at 810 AM, with the woman who can't interview a canary and talks about her kids every other minute...and now fully aided and abetted by the newswoman who used to be good and now over-talks the host, which might be a blessing in disguise. My God, Jim Dunbar would be flipping over in his grave...

KNBR and the Irish frat boy brigage--Murph and his white-priviledged life and his incessent need to hear about his own kids and little-league baseball; do most of us like myself not give a shit about Murph's UCLA news--what a plethora of crap and disgust--at least it drowns out his MORON sidekick who is a FAKE Dead Head and thinks he has a great voice--Ouy Vey...

Then there's the CRAPPY, alleged all-news/all commercial fraud that is KCBS--taken over by the unaccountable diva that dissed her news job so she could become the NOW CEO because all she does is hire more women and shitty anchors like Bret Burkhart (KGO retread), Eric Thomas (KGO-TV retread), Alisa Clancy (Taking the Bay Area hostage on the overnight), Lisa Chan (the real-estate woman on Sunday who makes appts with clients to show the house; news anchoring? what's that?) --a TOTAL ABOMINATION--but WAIT!, there's more.

KQED, the local NPR quagmire that thinks wind chimes and flute-playing constitues good radio. My God, what a travesty; I miss Michael Krasny more than ever; perhaps he could come out of retirement.

Bay Area RADIO used to be a hot zone for great artists--Dunbar, Wygant, Gene Nelson, Sherwood, Dave Morey and Al Jazzbeaux Collins, Owen Spann and the old Ronn Owens and Steven Kapen--now we have MORONS like the guy with the fake New Jersey accent and awful voice --what a complete DISASTER.


*I remember a time when the Chronicle was the greatest high-school newspaper ever.

*Ray Ratto: cheeseburgers R US.

*SF Gate: put a restaurant review next to a story about the new SF garbage cans --and place those below the story about the 49ers player who lives in a tree house with his dog, Poopsie in a blue house in Santa Clara and there's your SF Gate.

*Media people on Facebook who post pictures of their vacations, dinner food, dogs and cats and overall shit like their mom's caserole--who gives a shit? 'Nuff said.

*Roberta Gonzales makes Darya Folsom look like Barbara Walters.

*Heather Holmes is about as newsy as Alex Jones at a Tulsa Arby's.

*Bay Area Radio: worth repeating: YOU ALL SUCK.

*Raj Mathai: Raj got married because he could start dating again.

*If Ama Daetz checked the wires as much as she twirled her hair, she'd be Diane Sawyer.

*Damon Bruce: Larry Krueger had a first-base encounter with your girlfriend a few years back at that chowder house in Half Moon Bay and Larry thought she was no better than a 6th-round draft pick out of New Jersey State.

*John Daly: you're about as much a producer as I am a hot piece of ass for Halle Berry.

*John Rothmann broke his own KGO record by giving out the phone number 10 times in less than a minute--Harold Stassen, Richard Nixon and Dwight D Eisenhour all were very impressed.

*Rothmann's idea of pop culture: Lee Hammer bedtime stories.

*Jan Wahl had an epiphany: Jewish men do tend to commit suicide after dating her. Or worse, listen to her when she does John Rothmann's show on KGO.

*MASS VOMIT DEPT: prisoners on Death Row have to listen to Jan's Judy Garland's impression on a Rothmann "best-of" show.

*Steve Moskowitz had a HUGE ORGY with a bunch of tax chicks in their underwear who made guys excited by screaming out, "hey, see my ERC g-spot?!"

*Julie Haener: Heather Holmes in a San Leandro miniskirt.

*Mark Ibanez: speaking of married guys who started dating again.

PAUSE: you really think you'd read this shit in the Chronicle? Precisely.

*If I FAILED as much as the KPIX News Dept, I'd be laying on a beach in Pensacola shouting, "Bloggers have lives too."

*Reggie Aqui: Darwin was wrong.

*Guys, quick idea on how to get back at your ex-wives/ex-GF; "honey, I swear I got my monkey pox vaccine shot."

*John Lund and Greg Papa: bitches and snitches.


  1. It's Good Friday???

  2. “Jan Wahl had an epiphany: Jewish men do tend to commit suicide after dating me.”

    I thought you only evaluated people professional and didn’t insult them, Rich.

  3. Rich, you have a way with words. Keep em coming.

  4. Bay Area RADIO used to be a hot zone for great artists--Dunbar, Wygant, Gene Nelson, Sherwood, Dave Morey and Al Jazzbeaux Collins, Owen Spann and the old Ronn Owens and Steven Kapen. Those were the days Rich...

  5. Gene Nelson . . . haven't heard that name in a long long while. What's he up to these days?

  6. Raj must have needed a full time cook and housecleaner.

  7. I like Nikki's KGO AM show myself. Agree, interaction w/news lady Kim seems a little awkward. Hopefully that'll clear up w/time. & yes, if we ever needed KQED's M Krasny before, we need him more now! Remember that great four hour sequence we listeners had? Krasny, followed by Talk of the Nation? I doubt anything like that will ever be allowed on the so-called public air-waves again. Inconvenient truths now banned.

  8. Speaking of Julie Haener’s wardrobe, she needs to stop dressing like a teeny-bopper. I can’t tell if she’s competing with Roberta Gonzalez for the worst wardrobe award, or if she just has such bad taste.
    She thinks she’s some kind of fashion model but really she just looks ridiculous.

    1. She wears the same silly outfits on her social media pics at home too. I don't know about "teeny-bopper" though. It's more like stop dressing like a dainty woman was supposed to look in 1982--silky bows and puffy sleeves and super-busy patterns. Linda Ellerbee rebelled against being forced to look like this when she was on the news—and that was back in the late 70s-early 80s.

    2. 2:12pm, I stand corrected. Clearly I’m still traumatized by an off-the-wall outfit she recently wore that had a very teenage girl look to it. What you described is spot-on. Apparently she believes that her outfits make her look like a serious news anchor…I guess? Maybe? They look stupid.
      It’s such a shame that after decades of service, she’s destroying her reputation and legacy with her erratic schedule, ongoing mental health issues, strange behavior, and checking out of her ktvu job while actively pretending to be an Instagram model or influencer.

    3. By teeny-bopper do you mean all the pics she posts of herself in thong bikinis while she sips $40 drinks at $2,000 per night luxury resorts?

    4. Does she post her thong bikini pics on her OnlyFans page? I wanna see!

  9. Can't KTVU ever get their mics to work right? Every day they cut out or break up in the middle of a story. This seems to me like pretty simple technology that every other station has zero difficulties with. What gives with them?!?

  10. Perhaps KGO radio deserves to die.
    They have gone from a useful schedule of shows....such as Dr. Dean Edell for health education and Michael Finny, to evil products designed to fleece seniors, such as Balance of Nature and the flim-flan 3 Dimensional Wealth radio show with yabbering Doug Andrew.
    When you dispense so much crooked and financially damaging information to susceptable seniors, the Bay Area would be better off with just dead air.

  11. Speaking of great radio, Jack Carney was a DJ on KSFO in the good old days. He also ran a small bar in a hotel on the West side of Van Ness. It was a great place to take a cheap date - with your drinks you were given hot dogs which you could roast over their fireplace. Some nights they had a DJ playing dance music. It was great - everything within reach - drinks - dinner - and a room. A Three-for...

  12. John Rothmann is already starting with the brown nosing with his sound alike little brother clark reed.. just like when he was over the top,fawning with kim mccalister...John thinks hes the Walter Cronkite of Kgo

    1. Astounding. It’s astounding. I want to know what YOU think! Let me be crystal clear. Don’t confuse people with the facts. Don’t miss Jan Wahl on the progrum tonight. There’s no place I’d raaaather be.

    2. It’s as if it’s always been disingenuous! *shock*

    3. I expect it's not as easy being a talk show host as you might imagine 2:28 PM. Requires hours and hours of reading news reports and research just to prepare. Then dealing in a polite manner with the few obstinate and inconsiderate callers and their attempts to divert from the topic at hand. In all that JR does a pretty good job. A little disingenuous, ok I'll give you that. But even the great former host Gene Burns would take positions he didn't seem to actually believe, done to make the program interesting. A little duplicity is probably a necessary thing for a successful talk show host.

    4. Gene never took positions he didn’t actually believe, you’re thinking of Ronn Owens. Gene was the same person on and off the air, ask anyone who worked with him. Ronn just wanted to “get a good hour out of it” and earn his ratings bonus. Just keep the old sounding callers off the air and pretend to know your daughters’ teeny bopper music.

  13. Everything is spot on except Ama Daetz. This is gonna hurt you Rich but, she’s much better than Betty.

  14. 4 HATS RICH !! Well done! You hit on several bullet points - and bullseye every time !!
    SF STATE has a TV/Radio program/major. I believe the local stations need to start using this AAA team of future broadcasters, not the old retreads who are now mailing it in. Does anyone care about Jan Wahl’s opinion on a movie? Does anyone with more than 3 marbles listen to MErff n Mac?
    Like you, I genuinely miss Dr Michael Krasny - he educated us and gave us insights into subjects we might not otherwise have known. Mina Kim does a fine job, but Dr Krasny is sorely missed.
    Perhaps some of those students at SF STATE can listen to old Forum shows to learn pacing, the art of questioning, the skill of listening. 3 attributes the Klowns at KNBR will never grasp.

  15. best morning team ever = Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan

    1. Armstrong and Getty also up there but yeah, they’re great

      Peter Felch

  16. This is a candidate for Post-of-the-Year, Rich!

  17. Point of Order !!
    Do the schlock jocks at KNBR get extra pay for phony laughs at their own jokes? Or are these Yeechsters just filling dead air?

    1. Or those Stoopid parody songs they come up? "I met him on the field down at Ol' Levi's. Where he sacked the QB... We asked him his name & in a raspy voice he said Bosa.... B...O...S...A" Lame! Heck... Parody Larry comes up with better songs then those two clowns.

    2. Sara & Vinnie on ALICE suck too. Does anyone even listen to FM Morning Commute Drive-Time shows anymore? Let's have ,"not funny" Scott Capuro on again for the thousandth time. Why does the station keep them anyway? Vinnie should have never been allowed to come back after his battle with being a raging alcoholic. If no one listens, do you two even have a morning show?

  18. I checked out Ama Daetz a n instragram. She hardly, like almost never posts. I like her even more now. Not like some local news divas that want to be social media divas.

    1. You mean she’s not starved for attention and obsessed with her social media like all the ‘ladies’ at ktvu?

  19. Hi Rich, I work at ktvu and I love your blog, it’s must-read reading for me and many others at work. You probably already know but your Julie Haener has been the talk of the station the past few days. All my behind the scenes comrades have been talking about it and the on-air talent I’ve worked around this week have all talked about. EVERYONE said what you wrote and the comments are 100% accurate. A few anchors and reporters made the usual complaints about misogyny but none disagreed with anything that they read. Kudos and keep up the great work.

    1. 8:11..maybe your product is so "lousy", because you spend all your time gossiping, instead of working.

  20. Rich

    Roberta and Ray Ratto are going to pin you!!

  21. And - this Saturday morning - Melissa Culross and Eric Thomas must be THRILLED to be working the morning shifts - in addition to their very early drive-time week-day shifts. Sheesh - even THEY deserve a break!

  22. It’s difficult listening to local radio anymore. It’s a sad mix of annoying,, incessant commercials interspersed with mostly noise and nonsense. Radio used to be a respectable profession that entertained but also informed and sometimes even educated. Now it’s a ghastly caricature of what it once was. It’s become the amateur hour, with untrained and sometimes embarrassingly bad announcers and hosts. Underpaid minor league talent with immature voices who sound as if they just came in off the street. Most of the programming seems to appeal to about a 13 year old mentality. Vapid and nonsensical. Sadly, Today’s mainstream media has become junk food for the mind..

    1. They no longer have the revenue to pay for high caliber talent. They also lack the requisite experienced program directors who would slowly develop and nurture a bench of fill-in and part-time talent.

  23. Sometimes I really Miss Gary Radnich- never took the job to serious -

  24. They’ve created their own demise. When President Clinton signed the bill deregulating the media, allowing these soulless giant companies such as Cumulus and I-heart, they were allowed to come into cities to buy as many as 4-5 radio stations per market, that marked the beginning of a disastrous period which has only worsened. The process had started a decade earlier, as small and medium market stations were decimated and local programming was replaced, mostly by syndicated, embarrassingly imbecilic
    programs such as Limbaugh and Hannity. Small towns rarely even have reporters covering local news anymore. Most were fired to
    save money. The ad dollars are still there, and while Internet outlets have taken some of that away, these huge companies use that as an excuse to cut costs, fire creditable, experienced broadcasters, dumb down the product and hire ‘eager beaver’ kids who need more seasoning in small markets. Imagine if professional sports adopted this philosophy. Revenue would dry up because fans would refuse to pay good $$$ for an interior product. Look at the Oakland A’s as any example of that. Worst attendance in baseball. No, radio has created this mess because our government made one of the stupidest moves ever. With very little local news being highlighted on local radio stations in small towns and mid level cities, is it any wonder that so many rural Americans are woefully misinformed? Now they’re getting most of their information from
    ‘entertainment’ outlets such as FOX, and Newsmaxx, which has ZERO credibility. No wonder 40 percent of America still believes the absurd contention that Trump was robbed.

  25. I don't listen to know at all anymore. Never listened to medoro. Wish she left with chump franklin. Thompson? No. He is on kfI in la. When he comes on I turn him off. I love Tim conway, but I can t listen to thompson. I got sick, sick, sick of the screeching coming out of pat thurston. I stopped listening. As for rothman. I use to love him. But, he is an insufferable, name dropping bore. Too full of himself. I'm waiting for his sons to do advertising on kgo like Rothmans wife. Nepotism much.? Ps Roberta g on ktvu? So ooo embarrassing. Can't watch her
