Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Haener and KTVU Warts; Andre Senior Covid Positive; Mike Mibach is a Dud; So Too Ryan Yamamoto and Pathetic KPIX; Nextstar/KRON Takes Over CW Network; Greg Papa-John Lund Misery on KNBR; Can "Copes" Laugh Even More?; No Kevin Wonderley on KCBS Sports; Wednesday Wash


Julie Haener has been mailing it in for years with a mediocre, at best, delivery and very little news accumen. I don't wish her any personal misery (nor do any of you) but let's face it: she's set herself up with the type of behavior (on-line and off-line) she's displayed. What, I'm supposed to tone down the rhetoric that she herself has made an easy target? Gimme a break. And Countess Haener, just either read the teleprompter and do your job or don't and enjoy your life in that desolute urban hotspot, Danville.

*Can KTVU embarrass itself further? Of course it can and most assuredly will.

*How Amber Eikel keeps her gig as ND, when the staff has NO CONFIDENCE and major resignation in her rule is beyond me but maybe, indeed, Amber knows where all the bodies are buried at The Firm's Bay Area home.

*To the KTVU rank and rile and those that work behind the scenes: yes, I got your back and I don't need you to have mine but as you all know, The Firm can be mighty dangerous.

*Morning drama: Andre Senior tested positive for Covid, and thus, has been isolating himself at home the past three weeks and away from the KTVU news desk and morning show.Senior is not alone.

*Meanwhile, KTVU bosses have such a fragile workplace, it's a wonder they're able to put together a newscast --again, last week there was very little people around to do a cast for the 7PM show on KTVUPlus, the extended show that is basically a re-airing of the 6PM cast. Somebody got an earful but whatever, does it even matter anymore? No.

*Eikel might get heat now that the ratings are going south.

*Oh, and by the way, this just in: Mike Mibach is an abject FAILURE. He doesn't help Haener and Haener isn't helping him. Now or ever. And most importantly, KTVU's diminishing viewers have turned him off--they DO NOT LIKE HIM.

*At KPIX, resignation is rampant: the folks are resigned that any real improvement is only talked about, not actually executed. The grim staff has its entire roster still there with doofus mush, Ryan Yamamoto and his inept news anchorship and the new PIX regime that continues to let this mutt read and yet, nobody understands the Bay Area has TUNED HIM OUT. PIX and GM, Scott Warren apparently didn't get the memo.

*Maybe there's a reason why Lisa White was an assistant ND for over twenty years.

*Nextstar (which owns KRON) has taken over the CW Network and all the rumors has it making KRON the West Coast launching ground for a whole bunch of new programs and innovations--I can't wait.

*Greg Papa on KNBR thinks that constantly talking about his travel itinerary is riveting radio--but at least it beats having to endure his asshole partner, John Lund who insists on yapping about penis jokes and giggling long and hard---"like you said, Greggie."

*New drinking game: how many giggles/chortles will Adam Copeland do in a four-hour show with his radio daddy, Tom Tolbert? He hyena-laughed over 10! in just over a minute the other day.

*Two KNBR producers went during their lunch break to talk to the boss about working more hours for less pay and having to do a lot of labor and that, heaven forbid, could they get a modest raise? The boss literally LAUGHED and said nothing and the two guys left his office and that was that.

*Papa is an arrogant, jerky, impolite fellow with all the grace of a #2 in the bathroom at the Shell station before you get on the Bay Bridge to Oakland.

*HEY, did you hear? Kevin Wonderley, Kim's husband, was off the KCBS grid describing the sports--he took some time off and Kim too. And no mention of "Chester" the dog! I'm just not good now.


  1. So is KRON going to snag the CW affiliation from KBCW and KBCW will be the new KCAL of the north? I doubt it since KPIX has a very weak news team. Let’s just air CBS News Bay Area reruns.

    KTVU Plus taking the MyNetwork affiliation from KRON?

    Ooh this will be interesting.

    1. Having a "Network Affiliation" with CW or MyNetwork seems about as valuable as being connected with some of those Roku channels like Pluto or Tubi.

  2. Covid my ass. About time Andre got off his ass and showed up. Copeland can hold his lantern for him at Pitta’s house.

  3. Rich, I for one appreciate the insights and scoops you share that us 'regular' viewers wouldn't otherwise know. There's no need for you to justify your reporting on the ongoing Julie Haener situation. She's one of the biggest names in local broadcast media and you'd be doing us a disservice if you didn't shed light on what's happening with her. You said it best, while many opinions here are strong, no one here wishes any ill-will upon her, at least I haven't seen any that suggest that. But yeah, for those of us who do work in the industry (or used to), we have opinions on these people you write about.

  4. I think Eikel keeps her job simply because if they fired her they would have to *replace* her and I’ll bet it’s hard to find competent people anywhere in this field today. Anyone with ambition goes into digital news and marketing and that shit, leaving the dregs for TV. The pay is low, the morale is low and people are fleeing faster than cross-dressing millionaires on the deck of the Titanic. All the people you regularly own about may indeed suck, but their replacements would probably be no better. *That’s* how she keeps her job.

  5. Copeland is softer than shit. There, I said it.

  6. Julie, Heather, Darya and some notable "others" their age still think they are "Awesome Party Girls"...and they portray that fake lifestyle on IG,FB and TicTok.
    "Lookie at ME...I still got it."
    It's gross...grow up ladies...act your age.

    1. Darya is on social media? Last I checked she wasn't.

    2. How about you check out Courtney Friel, Marla Tellez, Amy Rohrbach, Dr. Jen Ashton, or Amanda Salas on IG.

  7. "COPES" is an idiot even worse than his "no talent" dad. Jack of many trades and master of none was his Dad. The son apparently seeks to master laughing ala Beavis in Beavis and Butthead.

  8. How does John Lund have a job in a radio? He talks about immature frat boy topics... penis jokes, getting drunk and bragging about places where he "allegedly travels" to. Loser! Too bad the PD will protect him. Papa isn't much better and has been mailing it in for years. He wouldn't be the Niners play by play announcer if he wasn't buddies with Bob Sergeant.

    1. John Lunds son,who would have thought he had a grown son starting college, but he does indeed.
      John will tell new stories not only him getting wasted every weekend,but now can regal his 47 listeners with his sons adventures as well

  9. Just curious how long is family leave? In the case of Rebecca Corral of KCBS she has been off the air for some time now. I do hope her situation gets better soon. Sure do miss her voice on the radio.

    1. I thought she quit. (Or was axed.)

  10. The fact so many ktvu employees share inside information with you speaks to the level of discontent and demoralization there, but it also speaks to the level of trust they have in you to tell their story. Keep up the great work.

  11. > very little news accumen

    What sort of news acumen is an anchor supposed to have? They read other people's writing. They read other people's research. The desk, producers and writers tell them what to say and they mouth it. They have no more news "acumen" than puppets, because that's literally what they are. They're the face of the news organization. That doesn't mean they're the brains.

  12. "rumors has it making KRON the West Coast launching ground for a whole bunch of new programs and innovations..."

    Yeah, seven weather hits per hour instead of six.

  13. Bout time Haener's mediocrity was pointed out. She has a NEVER been at or near the top of her profession, either at KTVU or in the bay area as a whole. Mibach is obviously the wrong choice, but short of bringing in someone from the outside, who would be the right choice? I can't think of one local anchor that moves the needle (and that includes those in the mouse hole)...

  14. Without Ryan Yamamoto, Bay Area news viewers would lose one of their top sources for cuddly animal stories and similar like last evening, a gripping, incisive story involving Kettle Korn. The horror.

    1. Yamamoto is much watch at 11PM if you are trying to fall asleep.

    2. You do know they don't pick their own stories, right? They just read them.

  15. Papa and Lund, 2 a-holes...

  16. I've heard of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) (see: Rothmann, Thurston, Craft, Chimp) but I never thought I'd see KTVU Derangement Syndrome. Every single day for weeks, KDS.

  17. "Nextstar (which owns KRON) has taken over the CW Network and all the rumors has it making KRON the West Coast launching ground for a whole bunch of new programs and innovations--I can't wait."

    Will Folsom's fake titties start going on display again?

  18. CW4??? What about KBCW,44???? Channel 44 going to be a Grit outlet??

  19. So if KGO morning crew is missing an anchor for 3 weeks, did they get monkeypox?? Andre is back today, he looks thinner with no energy to deliver news.

  20. Soon the college football season will begin. How will KNBR monetize the college football season? They won’t. Instead they will fill air with insipid commentary by youth Hyena “Copes” and his program on - get this - “Fantasy Football” !! A game played by sub-adult frat-boys who are still oogling girls through their beer goggles. Pokemon Light for those guys still living in Mom’s basement. (“Meatloaf! Ma !! We want Meatloaf!!”) KNBR should rightly be known as K R A P. Fantasy football - how pathetic is that???

  21. Is it just me or is Anne Makovec's voice getting deeper and deeper and wheezier and wheezier? She sounds like Hal Holbrook in All The President's Men.

    1. Some media consultant likely recommended for her to do her "NPR" voice.

  22. Yamamoto is about as strong as weak tea. He's got to go. When is testing positive going to not be news? Can't we just say he's sick? And if he's vaxxed, why is he out for three weeks? Only in the Bay Area is anything with Covid such a big deal and frankly a waste of time. It's only because the Comical's "reporters" spend more time trolling social media looking for stories than actually working the phones finding something more serious to report. No wonder that waste of bytes and paper is losing money. But where would the TV stations and the lone all-news "station" get their stories? Gee, they'd actually have to use their brains and work. Imagine that. I take that back. They'd call UCSF Medical Center's PR department to get more unnecessary stories about Covid-19. Fear sells.

  23. Papa bragging about the size of his "third leg" on last's Monday's show was a new low. He actually made Lund look classy in comparison.

  24. If KRON becomes the CW will this cause a problem with their 8pm, 9pm and 10pm or will they just tape delay it til after 11pm? We will see...

  25. Do keep in mind CBS still owns 12% of the CW and CBS 5 (KPIX) may decide to keep the CW and still have (Nexstar) KRON TV as My Network...

  26. Word is there have been layoffs at KCBS.

  27. There is a reason Papa is paying lots of alimony. What self-respecting woman would deal with his bullshit?

  28. As regards to KNBR, Copes ( Dude!) the laughing talking faster than an auctioneer on Red Bull, gets me dizzy along with the morning two on KNBR who sound the same and consistently talk over each other. WTF is going on with the Program Director! Do they think the “ younger demographics” actually like this dizzy-ass show!?

  29. Copeland is in there because the ratings w Krueger and Brooks SUCKED and they were making too much $$. ‘Copes’ comes cheap and like Carlos Ramirez and former Giants’ reporter, Amy G of NBC sports Bay Area, they are minor league talent who come cheap.
