Thursday, August 18, 2022

Freaked Out Folks at KCBS; But Cuts Were Coming and Everyone Knew; Audacy Purge Hits Bay Area

People at KCBS aren't all shocked at the Audacy cuts--this has been an ongoing missive and was partly responsible for the current crap that is KCBS.

It's the EXCUSE that spies have told me ND, Jennifer Seelig is telling everyone why the all-news dreck has become so woeful but that's BS and Seelig knows it. The LOUSY staff and AWFUL reporters and anchors was foisted upon the Bay Area long before the current Audacy CUTS that are not only hitting KCBS but Audacy stations across the US.

The result will be a staff redution and hiring of scale-wages part time sports mutts like Joe "Oatmeal-mouth" Hughes and BORING Ted Ramey. You get what you pay for. In addition, the weak anchors KCBS trotts out will have the sound of a cow factory and grace about as pleasant as a Turlock 7-11.

*Yes, Kim Wonderley, the traffic veteran anchor who reports the morning highway fender-benders was none-too-pleased that hubby, Kevin Radich, was among the initial cuts, figuring her and him were protected by an unofficial bond but money (or lack thereof) rules everything. Especially at Audacy.

*Rebecca Corral was given the heave-ho and her status (of an extended family leave) was tossed aside by Audacy HR, what a nice bunch of folks.

*Everyone at KCBS is freaked out as they should be. Radio is a cruel business.

*So far, I'm not hearing of any cuts at 95.7 FM, "The Game" but it's all fluid and anything could go down at any time. We'll see.

*Especially nervous dept.: Jim Taylor, Jeffrey Schwaub, and Megan Goldsby.


  1. Rebecca Corral has been out for months. The family leave thing has to give eventually. If she can't address the issue, whatever it might be, they have to cut ties.

  2. Victor Zaragoza the traffic guy was doing the sports segment early this morning.

  3. I had respect Kim, but married to Kevin "The Rat", loses all of that.

    1. What a name:"The Rat." Like he was some super sports radio personality. Anyone can rip and read. Kimmie shouldn't be sad. He can still use her health benefits. She'll just have to do more testimonial commercials for free product. Maybe Kevin can find new life as a contractor reporting traffic in Austin, Texas via the Internet. "And here's Kevin the Armadillo reporting on traffic." Sounds silly, just like his handle.

    2. Anon @4:09 pm:

      Or maybe The Rat can report on Australian rugby as Kevin The Koala.

  4. Jim can go. He christened his inaugural co-anchor gig with a No# 2 on air and had to leave the studio. We can’t have that.

    Peter Felch
    Still at KCBS

    1. #2 on air? What does that even mean?

    2. Felch your not funny. Give it a rest.

  5. Rich, FMLA is 12 weeks, Rebecca Corral's "party" is over.

  6. I'm wondering how long it will be before commercial TV and radio news either goes away completely, or is manned, as public access stations are, by volunteers intent on preserving the legacy. It's coming. I say five years minimum, ten max.

    1. I agree as far as commercial radio is concerned. To me KCBS is only really useful when there is an earthquake or other local or national disaster. Otherwise it’s just yawn city repeating the same stories every hour. Not to mention AM sound quality has always been awful. I guess one needs one of those C-Crane radios they’re always hawking over at KGO 810 for true quality. lol

      There are just so many options to get news these days that even televised news media is often late on breaking news often found first on Twitter. Also people these days have the attention span of a nana goat. And satellite radio is a great option for the average motorist who can afoot. More variety while you’re stuck in traffic. So it doesn’t bode well for the future of terrestrial radio.

      But keep that transistor ready for when that earthquake hits. Social media won’t be able to preoccupy us then cuz they’ll be down as well. But maybe Erik Thomas will be in the KCBS bunker with news and information we can trust. lol

    2. Eric Thomas will be tongue tied, and Lisa Chan will be trapped in the rubble of one of the Marin condos she has on the MLS, so we're doomed!

  7. KCBS would be better off running Little Orphan Annie reruns from the 1930s and having contests for Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Rings.

  8. Of ALL the Audacy Stations in the Bay Area, ONLY KCBS was hit????

  9. For Once I hope this is B.S. Rich

  10. Is Lisa Chan next? Please say YES.

  11. So that explains the loud "Wow!" I heard yesterday as I walked by the KCBS building.

  12. Julie's. Not. On. Again.

    She should just resign.

    1. I have no idea why they haven’t fired her. Give her the boot and give the job to someone who actually wants it. She’s lame.

  13. We all laughed when the nutcase down the street got laid off. Then we laughed when his neighbor was laid off. But when I got laid off…
    Remember, you’re just another brick in the wall.

  14. Kevin is a nice guy. Not the best news to hear when you’re on vacation.

  15. Kevin was the better "sports" voice of the group. And, he goes??

  16. As regards to Rebecca Corral, I’m relieved she is permanently gone. When Rebecca Corral would read her segments, she would constantly emphasize her view on her political slant. As time went on, she would address it more frequently. Look, just read the news script, and don’t make it your political platform. It became gut-wrenching listening to her.

  17. Any thoughts on Joe Starkey finally retiring? He said he didn’t want to be the guy who overstayed his welcome. Seems like he hung on about 25 years too long, in my opinion.

  18. It just seems that "those in charge" at KCBS in particular should realize that there IS still an appetite for all-news RADIO (vs streaming options) - and take more opportunities to improve their product and maximize their income from willing advertisers....there are NO OTHER local, all-news AM radio stations in this area. Build it and they will come!!!

  19. Rich, are all the missed cues at KCBS really the fault of the anchors, or have you heard if there is an underlying technical/IT issue that causing the outages/mis-cues?

  20. This is hardly a surprise. Audacy forced KCBS to make cuts in April if 2020 after Covid shut down everything for a couple of months.
    Audacy is showing itself to be nearly as bad a media company as the hopelessly clueless Cumulus, which owns KGO and KNBR. Both mega networks are run by corporate tools who know ZERO about broadcasting..

  21. Speaking of Starkey, his call of
    “ The Play” is one of the most confusing, bizarre play by play accounts of a big play ever heard:
    “They’re in trouble, they have to….here’s another one! The ball is…oh, the band is on the field! He’s gonna score!” What just happened Joe?

  22. Could 95.7 be changing formats very soon? Maybe Audacy should bring back the old KPIX Radio format! Remember the old slogan “95.7 KPIX…The Bay Area’s FM News And Talk Station” 🤔

  23. You are correct. An incomprehensible call that never mentions the word “lateral.”

  24. I had the car radio on last Saturday morning around 7am and tuned into KNBR. I was stunned to hear some idiotic screamer hosting a ‘show.’ It sounded like someone auditioning for a dead end weekend radio job in Turlock. It turned out to be the ‘Paulie Mac Podcast.’ Who is responsible for putting an astonishingly awful program on the
    KNBR in San Francisco,the nation’s 6th largest metro area.

  25. A pair of mouth breathers named Curly and Moe
