Saturday, July 30, 2022

Saturday Coffee; Legacy SF Stations Universally Crummy; John Lund KNBR Interns Factoid; FP Santangelo Speaking of Crummy; KQED GM Big Bucks; Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang Symmetry; Sal Castaneda Fun Facts; Heather Holmes Jogging Alert


All the more cruel: the worst of the worst stations now used to be legacy outlets: KTVU, KGO and KCBS Radio. OH how the once-mighty have fallen.

KGO Radio DIED a long time ago; KCBS is hanging on a thread --doesn't matter about their top ratings; they are virtually a monopoly; if they had a smidgen of competition, they'd be dead meat themselves; KTVU is a JOKE and has been for years now.

*John Lund of KNBR, it would be a less troublesome task if you yourself sent me hate comments as opposed to asking an intern to do such chores, got it, dude?

*FP Santangelo could be an enlightening post-game host after Giants games but Frank Paul likes to hear himself talk and blurts out cliche after cliche; it's both nauseating and mass-uber irritating. Furthermore, FP doesn't say anything even remotely interesting. It's a hodgepodge of homerism at its worst. Too bad KNBR was desperate enough to hire this A-grade fool who was FIRED and told to take a hike in DC--they knew well.

*Beyond the news desk and inside a downtown San Jose bar: I'm sure it was just a coincidence that NBC Bay Area anchors, Raj Mathai and Janelle Wang were seen inside a hotel bar in the back giggling and engaging in mass laughter and verbal sparring. The adult beverage was some decent Cabernet--which always goes well when you're discussing the war in Ukraine? Right? Giggle, giggle.

*KQED's bigwig manager makes a shade north of a MILLION bucks which has the natives grumbling at SF's PBS central and fellow media peeps saying out loud they should have become managers. I didn't know KQED would become the BART of public television stations (pay wise).

*The lottery winner won $1.1 BILLION (minus taxes) --enough to purchase 2 Springsteen tix in the Bay Area.

*Hey, enough of the Sal Castaneda bashing--sure, he looks kind of weird in those ridiculous KTVU ads but hey, Sal has to feed the family.

*Heather Holmes loves running in the Bay Area parks on Saturday which means lots of selfies and Instagram alerts.

*As long as Larry Baer rules the Giants, Ted Robinson will not have a broadcast gig there; Ted doesn't need the money and besides, Larry has grudges that make mafia guys look like Peter Pan.

*I read somewhere that SF Uber is dire need of drivers and I thought why don't they just go hang out at KNBR.

*The KGO Radio stiff who writes a lot of letters about a certain someone --your ID is known and MO is as obvious as a shark on blood. Be aware, boo.


  1. I used to enjoy Sal but at some point he became a bit too corny and far too corny for my taste. To each their own though. No need to take it personal Rich.

    1. Sal was never the same once he lost Big Rick as his partner.

  2. Leave Sal alone. He has never recovered from Costco canceling their combo pizza.

    1. I'm still mad Costco got rid of the Polish dog.

  3. John Lund sucks and will eventually lose his job. Papa can host a one man show. Like a tree falling in a forest, isn't John irrelevant when no one is listening or cares what he has to say. The PD CAN ONLY PROTECT HIM FOR SO LONG UNTIL CUMULUS SAYS FIRE THAT GUY'S ASS!

    1. Way back in the day PAPA hosted a show 1pm to 3pm ? on 1050 as was pretty good. Dont see the trend of 2 more hosts on the show makes for bad radio.

  4. Lund is a f—— clown. His mastubatory musings are infantile, insulting and insipid. I wouldn’t let any kids listen to this garbage.

  5. Heather needs to take a page out of Julie's book and post bikini photos.

    1. Yeah Rosemary posts bikini pics too. When she was dressed up like Wonder Woman for Halloween! GAWD! I think Pam Cook dressed up like Cheetara would be hilarious.

    2. Julie who? I know ktvu used to have an anchor named Julie Haener but apparently she doesn’t work there anymore considering she hasn’t done a newscast in over seven months.

    3. Heather runs a lot. She talks about it on her various pages. Good on her, she is the best looking female anchor in the Bay Area.

  6. Heather needs to ditch KTVU...and go to OnlyFans site.
    There....I said it!

    1. I would buy the lifetime subscription.

  7. Every KNBR host lacks the intelligence to cover actual sports. Have you noticed they pontificate about food, beer, Jimmy G, Deebo, possible trades by the Giants, and their children’s habits? In the bay area we have lots of sports worth hearing about: Cal Rugby, SailGP, the Sharks, Quakes, NHRA drag racing, US National Track and Field championships (OR), Fishing Reports, CAL-Stanford-SJSU football, SJ Giants, Rivercats.,
    What do we get? Jet Sweep baloney and how the SF Giants can’t field. Nothing about the A’s trying to bail on a loyal fan base. Every last one of the morons at KNBR are better suited to commenting on a cattle auction

    1. Smurph has more than once alienated Sharks fans by expressing his contempt for hockey. At least Paulie Mac will talk Sharks once in a while, and Drew Remenda is/was a frequent guest on Tolbert's show.

  8. John Lund came to KNBR with Paps from ‘the Game.’ Another brilliant move by the inept Lee Hammer, the local Cumulus hatchet man who
    gleefully does whatever the suits back at Cumulus corporate headquarters tell him to do. He also slavishly does whatever he’s asked to by the Giants. When the contemptible Larry Baer and Hammer get together, Hammer dutifully follows marching orders from the Giants’ poobah like the spineless weasel that he is. Baer insists thst KNBR hosts play up Giants community projects and never say a bad word about the Giants.
    “ Do it because that’s what Larry wants!” he tells KNBR’s hosts.

  9. FP Santangelo is a minor league player if I have ever seen one. I remember him at 2nd base for the A's in the playoffs against the Yankees and he let a double play ball go right through his legs. Choked when it counted most.

  10. FP keeps hitting. On the young girls.

  11. speaking of Uber drivers.. Covay "left" 95.7 and was out of the market all together. No more radio gigs to be had. Next on his list.. car salesman!!! And he set his sights high! Ranger Rover baby. lolz I need to stop by and see if I can get a Covay loyal listener discount. I joke, sure. At least it's a legit job. Give Ryan props for that. Upward and onward!

    1. ...and he'll never be heard on the radio again. Unless he calls into a show. The self proclaimed Guru should be next to go. That guy use to call Pete Franklin's show back in the day. Only the sophomoric 95.7 would put he on-air.

  12. Listening to sports talk radio is a waste of time. 95 percent of it is taken up by lots of vapid “noise and Nonsense” from the hosts, interrupted by scads of annoying commercials such as Kars for Kids and Steve Moskowitz. BTW, why doesn’t Moskowitz just buy a radio station and have a 24/7 infomercial running so we don’t have to listen to him drone on. Sports talk radio Junk food for the mind. Mostly stupid fans making absurd comments or hosts making juvenile jokes. Very little real discussion of sports other than mostly silly takes the Giants, Warriors and 49ers.
    And on KNBR, there is rarely a critical remark made about the Giants and 49ers, because KNBR doesn’t want to offend it’s two biggest clients. Why would anyone waste a minute listening to the boobs on KNBR. “ The Game” is only slightly better, but the signal is so weak you can’t even hear Irvin many parts of the Bay Area. There are college radio stations that have better signals!

    1. Funny you should mention that about buying a station.. what would happen to kgo advertising if steve moskovitz was a maga/trumper and he finally had it one day with Rothmann doing his usual requiem for a Republican routine..

  13. Janelle talking to Raj about how to fend of Asistio from taking her job?

    1. Audrey Asistio is a great anchor and reporter. She is also easy on the eyes.

      Raj is a distant second anchor when compared to Terry McSweeney.

      I prefer women as anchors - Jessica Aguirre, Audrey Asistio and Janelle Wang.

  14. Janelle Wang can do better. MUCH better. And an article that mentions Sal Castaneda without the word creepy included just reads incomplete...

  15. Off Subject:
    Nice turn-out for San Francisco Giants #22 Will Clark yesterday.

  16. Larry Baer has a grudge against Ted Robinson? Strictly from the standpoint of a viewer/listener, Ted seems like the most inoffensive guy you'd ever meet.

  17. Janelle & Raj... sitting in a bar. K...I...S...S...I...N...G ?

  18. "Hey, enough of the Sal Castaneda bashing" For real? The guys a Super Hack! WTF? Might as well hire a Deer and put it in Sal's chair.

  19. re: Sal Castaneda. Why do you have no problem sharing your negative opinions of anyone and everyone associated with Bay Area media - often ad nauseum - yet get offended and sensitive when various viewers share their own opinions about Sal Castaneda? It's not as though these commenters were attacking YOU, though for some reason you were triggered by them, even though your entire blog is essentially you sharing your own negative opinions! You can't have it both ways. If you dish it out, you have to accept the fact that others will share their own views.

    (And for the record, I don't watch KTVU much so I'm not as qualified as others to opine on Sal, but fwiw I definitely can understand the whole creepy vibe that many others mention.)

  20. When Heather runs I hope she looks out for the cracks in the pavement...Wouldn't want to lose her...jf

  21. She sure keeps herself in good shape.
