Thursday, June 16, 2022

Dream On (I Did and Do); Dana King Would Move the Needle at KPIX

YEAH, I PUSHED HARD for a Dana King RETURN to KPIX a few years back. I knew from the beginning that it was a longshot but I still pursued.

It made too much sense. It would have been a stroke of genius to pull off and I'm not saying this as an ego-infused advocate, I'm saying it because it would have been so cool on both sides--Dana herself and PIX. Talk about moving the needle.

Dana King would have been all aboard. Sure, she's an aspiring artist (sculpture) and she ventured into politics but she was also pragmatic. You can make a lot of impact in the community when you're anchoring the nighly news on a major network's O/O (owned-operated) station, (CBS). I believe Dana knows this then and now and I also believe that someone with a smidgen of creative growth at PIX knows this. Even today, Dana is quite engaging, news savvy and possesses a great deal of TV News journalic accumen.

A Dana King reunion at PIX will never happen-- that would require a whole bunch of inside and outside baseball manuvering. Ego, financials, logistics, and plain reality are in the way.

Too bad. Because Dana King still has it, across the board. And PIX doesn't have the gravitas to pull it off. They much prefer 25-30 age blonds who may have military service on their resume.


  1. Ana Chávez was replaced with Dana King. That’s like Joe DiMaggio being replaced by Mickey Mantle. 2 anchors that moved the needle.

  2. Dana King would come back as at least a Colonel

  3. Dana King — the best smile in Bay Area TV history.
