Monday, April 4, 2022

But They're Building a Better Bay Area

ABC7 (KGO-TV) Sunday morning anchor, Liz Kreutz, openned the newscast with a tease on the carnage that took place in Sacramento, but first, "here's Lisa with the weather."


  1. ...and KRON was gun-control central last night. Like the old days when they had a 1.4 earthquake in Chowchilla and had people calling in for hours saying if they felt it. Like Berkeley Cat Lady Grannie Mason, "My cat moved, it was horrible, the poor thing will need therapy now."

    1. Jenny R in PenngroveApril 4, 2022 at 1:52 PM

      I appreciate the work Lez Krautz does to present the weather. Go Lez!

  2. Must have changed her schedule at Nordstrom?

  3. I like Liz, but boy that was dumb. As Micky Dolenz used to say, "Isn't that dumb?"

    1. I just don't understand some of you. Liz Kreutz (and most other talking heads anchoring the local newscasts) doesn't write most of the copy, decide which camera to look into, or pace the program. That's why these programs have writers, directors and executive producers, respectively. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, most of the dreck Rich and the Amen Chorus keeps trying to pin on the pretty face reading the teleprompter actually comes from E.P. decisions and direction. In a minority of cases, with senior people like Dan Ashley, they undoubtedly have input into how their newscast handles breaking news situations, but even with those senior anchors, they don't want to be bothered with all the day-to-day, run-of-the-mill petty decisions, which again get handled by the show's EP or director. TV News 101, folks.

  4. Perhaps Rich, you should not be so quick to say disparaging things about "small market" newscasters in comparison to the "Bay Areas" sophisticated market. I much prefer the news from the smaller markets when traveling as they don't seem to act like they are "all that".... also they seem to me to be less biased and judgmental in their delivery.

  5. "Building a Better Bay Area" is the biggest bullshit on local television. I'm surprised they don't have the "Mom's for Housing" squatters from Oakland hosting segments on the show.

    Democrats gonna Democrat.

  6. What is this Building a Better Bay Area crap? There's nothing wrong with the Bay Area. But there is something wrong with the news stations of the Bay Area. Fix that first, but they won't because that cost money.
