Tuesday, April 12, 2022

KRON Could Reinvent Itself: Add More News; Become a 2022 "Bay TV"

KRON is selling a brand these days and it's half-way decent: news, lots of news. And that's good, albeit not the most comfortable look at times but, hey, even I'm supportive.

With Nextstar (owner) about to lose two more of its non-news daily entertainent programs, KRON will have to fill the morning and midday with something: how about, GM, Jim Rose? More news with several caveats. You don't have to spend a lot of money (which is corporate nirvana) to broadcast LIVE what's already there: a news set plus producers in the studio, reporters in the field, anchors already in place off the set.

It's a gimme.

In essence, KRON can utilize its considerable advantage to do something all the other local network stations can't do: and that is to do more news. Become like a "NY1", but Bay Area/SF version. You have the internal and external infrastructure in place. The lights are on, literally, and everybody's home. Even KRON can't muck this up.

Be creative. Max out your niche. As a local broadcast wonk told me, "do a segment on the restaurants. Have an anchor do a talk-back with an in-studio guest." That not only is a filler, but a good one. And there could be quite a bit more. Say, someone from the SF Zoo wants to talk about the new animals; a political guest speaking, say, at the Commonwealth Club? Even the sales department could get revved up and sell the segment.

We haven't even mentioned should a breaking news event/incident take place, there's already a few reporters in the field. KRON could really be the real "Bay Area News station."

A new "Bay TV", circa 2022, imagine that.


  1. "With Nextstar (owner) about to lose two more of its non-news daily entertainent programs, KRON will have to fill the morning and midday with something: how about, GM, Jim Rose?"

    What are you suggesting he do, play the spoons?

  2. It makes too much sense. Because of that, it won't happen. Sorry to be a Gloomy Gus, but unless there's some dough injected into this idea, it won't happen.

  3. All of these (good) ideas require desk crew, news vans, video editors, and anchors who know more about their jobs than what hairspray works the best. So it won't happen. The business adage you have to spend money to make money has never fallen on the ears of anyone in the news industry. Safer to re-rack last hour's news.

  4. Sounds like a winner! I'd watch.

    1. I like KRON. They are my go-to news station. I like ALL
      their on-air talent (even Darya), with the exception of Camila Barco. She is the worst LIVE reporter by far in the Bay Area. Stumbling verbally during LIVE reports is not the exception, but the rule. Latest gaffe - on Sunday morning at the scene of the Home Depot fire, she said she did not think the store would be open for business that day. Really? That store was a shell and not be open for business EVER. She is a rank amateur.

    2. > the exception of Camila Barco.

      I just looked at her picture...She looks like a college student. Which is probably what KRON is hiring these days.

    3. @7:24 You get what you paid for. MMJ's are the future but they can only hire right out of college students or market #150+ that want to work in a "big market". And this why that Barco person is horrible during live. And no veteran or even medium market reporter is going to want to do MMJ for the crap pay that KRON is giving. The other stations that try MMJ? If they don't see how shitty it looks at KRON then they shouldn't be management to begin with. MMJ works great in low markets because they just don't have the money but they are in an area that you can live off of working at the local Chili's as their 2nd job. The amount of money needed to live here in the Bay Area? The only way they're gonna survive is live at home with their parents and that's why you see these new reporters who grew up in the Bay Area. They ain't paying rent, let alone a house payment with the shitty pay they give to MMJ. But it's a great train wreck to watch that's coming from management that don't care.

  5. Rich just curious...Which non news daily entertainment programs Nexstar owner is losing?

    1. I was about to ask the same thing. It's not like Infomercials are non-news daily entertainment.

  6. ugh! just what we need, more meaningless junk disguised as news. no thanks.

  7. You want them do HA HA HA what? Reinvent HA HA HA them-HA HA HA-selves? Is it going to cost HA HA HA anything more than $100 in their total budget? HA HA HA HA. I used to watch Bay TV when it first started back in the mid-90s and the reason why they were able to do that channel was because of the money that KRON, when it was an NBC station, had. They had a lot of great original programming: Cooking, Interview Talk, Morning Gab (I forgot the guy's name, but he was in Mrs Doubtfire)and they would rehash shows from KRON like Bay Area Backroads and Henry Tennenbaum. The KRON now is a far far far cry from those days and that money is not there. Whoever their owner is right now, is NOT going to throw money their way. That's a huge problem with KRON right now, they have no TV programming like the good old days of NBC. I say either turn the station into a 24-hour operation like CNN but strictly local news, emphasis on the word, LOCAL! Do the stuff that you don't normally see on the other 4 stations; Major concentration on high school sports and not just the usual Football & Basketball stuff, but how about the other sports that we normally don't see. I know it probably cost money to do those productions, but why not try low-cost by having the students who have production classes (and there's a few out there that do, especially in Oakland, Concord, Palo Alto, San Jose, etc) submit their stuff. Or better yet, use the students of those schools be the crew at their schools since they already prop a camera anyways. All they have to do is put one of their news vans to send the signal back to the station. Nexstar can give a contribution to the school or district and the best part? They get huge tax right off. Win Win for all! That right there is about as local as you can get. Plus, it will probably be a breath of fresh air compared to the propaganda news crap that we keep hearing all the people here whine about. OR? Sell the station to NBC for cheap and cut your losses. Be different. What do they have to lose? It's not like they can be 10th place with only 9 teams in the area. No?

    1. 6:49, Here’s why it won’t work:
      1. Do the stuff that you don't normally see on the other 4 stations; Major concentration on high school sports and not just the usual Football & Basketball stuff.
      -Because no one will watch. Are people in Campbell or Los Gatos going to watch a feature about sports/kids from Moraga, San Mateo, or Novato? Will the Black kids in the “flatlands” of Oakland going to get the same coverage/attention?

      2.Why not try low-cost by having the students who have production classes (and there's a few out there that do, especially in Oakland, Concord, Palo Alto, San Jose, etc) submit their stuff.
      --All “shops”/stations are union. It’s why KRON’s backpack journalist thing isn’t in other shops. Also, there could be liability issues. What if the Kirstens or Noahs are injured while shooting a story away from their Camplolindo High School campus? What if J’Juan or LaKeisha are mugged/have their gear ‘jacked while doing a story a few blocks away from McClymonds High? Will KRON be liable?

      Sorry, brah—your vision ain’t happening.

  8. Great ideas. I wish it would happen but they can’t even get the KRON app to work properly. Last night once again I tried to use it to watch their “live news” at 11pm via ROKU and all I got was infomercials. Ugh

  9. They could start by getting rid of that bobble head woman who does so many of their commercials. I swear, it looks like her head is going to fall off the way she violently shakes it up and down to, I suppose, appear to lend credence to what the other person is saying. I notice that they don't show her ludicrous reaction while the other person is talking as much anymore.

    As soon as she's on, it's goodbye KRON as fast as I can get to the remote.
