Friday, March 4, 2022

"Tolbert and Copes" Dull Pulse on KNBR; SF Chronicle Crappy Columnists; Peter Schofield to KCBS: Take a Hike; KTVU Uses Cumulus Approach; Rothmann's Birthday Ugh on KGO; Friday Happy Hour

Happy Hour short and simple.

It's only a week but I can't get into the new "Tolbert and 'Copes" on KNBR. (Tom Tolbert and Adam Copelandd) (2-6 PM)-- tt's low-energy. It's unintentionally vanilla. It's well, BORING. Like I said, it's been a week but some dire straits aplenty for the twosome...

Tom Tolbert seems bored himself. Maybe he's tired of being saddled with his third new partner(s) in three years. First with John Lund, Larry Krueger, Rod Brooks, now with Copeland.

Tolbert has a new beer buddy who seems too mellow for PM drive and so far, no sage for Tolberts' various pickings. And that's an ominous sign. Copeland seems to be wary of talking about his own subjects while allowing Tolbert the floor, only Tolbert seems to be overly benign himself --I don't know if he's tired but it sure seems it.

Copeland, who has a nasty laugh (way too over-the-top) is justifiably trying to get comfortable but so far, there's a bad vibe. Wait, there's no vibe/ For a guy who supposedly says a lot, Copie says little. The two keep waiting for each other but there's a little dead air. Both literally and figuratively. Not a good omen.

Again, it's only a week, but you can see a trend. Dull and dreary.

*The Chronicle, even lampooned as it was and is, had a great stable of writers -columnists. Today? Gosh, how zero can you get? Plenty. There's no decent writers. The new by-lines. Not even one noted columnist. Mike Bauer left the food sectionb and now the new Ms. Soliel Ho is just flat out boring. Is there a city-side columnist? No and Heather Knight is a bust. Joe Garofoli is just OK on politics --here's hoping Mick LaSalle doesn't leave his movie-review gig or else...

*By the way, sign of the times: when's the last time you saw someone/anyone reading a newspaper? An actually printed one? Never mind.

*Peter Schofield was probably the least-noticed traffic anchor on KCBS but he was one of the very BEST. Schofield left all-news 740 AM to enter into a new law clerk gig in San Mateo but he very well could have/should have stayed and he would have had KCBS' suits offer him a permanent midday time slot. They didn't. They assumed he (Schofield) would not be ungrateful about working long, non-primetime shifts. They assumed he would be happy as Kim Wonderley's #1, hand-picked fill-in. Instead, Schofield told KCBS to take a hike and now has a stress-free, stable, non-burdensome gig that pays better and adds mega benefits. Loss for KCBS, Bay Area, gain for Schofield and family.

*Jim Taylor, the KCBS reporter (and former CBS News anchor) BOMBED so much on the anchor desk, now he and his insufferable ego has infiltrated the streets with obnoxious MOS interviews. Taylor thinks he's some low-rent Mal Sharpe. He's more pure annoyance.

*John Rothmann had a birthday the other day on KGO Radio. I know it and so does KGo's ten listeners as he mentioned it about a hundred-thousand times. Four-one-Five, EIGHT -ZERO- eight zero, 810. *Rothmann thinks he's John Batchelor but he's really a poor substitute for Ed Baxter who used to toil for KGO and now wastes time on Bloomberg radio because they thought he was noble and felt sorry for him.

*KTVU now utilizing the Cumulus card: we shall phuck up a legacy station and hire mutts who don't know anything and fill an anchor seat. Vanilla, yes and cheap? Hardcore. It's not a wonderful life at KTVU and sooner or later, a REVOLT takes place. The inmates are running the asylum.


  1. Yes Rich, you are right.

    Ed Baxter, Gregg Jarrett, and some other local broadcasters are on that Bloomberg business station I have been listening to lately. I have heard Jarrett a lot on there but not much Baxter. Actually, I liked both of those guys and did not know where they wound up. I really like listening to that station when I am driving. No weather reports but they do have traffic every ten minutes of so during drive time. Plus, NO Kars for Kids, no free commercial spots, no Balance of Nature, No MyPillow. No con job ads at all.

    But the station has a very, very limited audience. Can barely get them here in San Jose when I scan the dial and had to put them on pre-set when I was in the City recently so I can pick them up better. Can't see them making much money around here and they probably won't last long but I do like them a lot better than most others now.

  2. I missed Ed Baxter and thought he retired. Just found his bio at the new station. Did not know he was so respected...

    Ed Baxter is a member of the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame. He spent most of his career as Anchor/Host of the morning and afternoon news programs on KGO, San Francisco.

    He achieved over 30 years of number one ratings. Along the way he substituted for Paul Harvey on his News and Comment program which at the time was the world’s number one rated radio program. Baxter was his main substitute from 1993-2000. He has won over 50 national, regional and local awards for all facets of news. This includes winning the Edward R. Murrow award for best newscast in the country.

    Baxter has experience doing technology and consumer news on radio and TV as well as early career jobs in news, talk, and disc jockey in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and Atlanta. He and his family reside in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    1. Ed Baxter was part of KGO radio when it was Top of the heap. Did Baxter replace Jim Dunbar on KGO ?

  3. KCBS 1:03 PM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 3:03 PM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 5:03 PM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 8:03 PM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 9:03 PM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 1:03 AM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 5:03 AM This is ------ I'm in for ------!
    KCBS 8:03 AM This is ------ I'm in for ------!

    Fill in the blanks for the Bay Area Musical Chair Station. Oh did I mention the 50 commercials an hour.

  4. I know you said Tom drives the bus Rich, but it's time to get a new driver. Look at how many partners he's had. Your telling me that it's all of them that are the problem. At times he seems to just be going through the motions. It's time for a change.
    And while I'm on my soap box, how about replacing Paulie Mac with Larry? Larry runs circles around him. IT ALL HAD TO BE SAID RICH. THANKS!!!

    1. It’s morning radio. Paulie is funny and dynamic. Larry is a sports in nerd. Good thing you don’t program radio stations. Although you could probably work at the game.

    2. true, LarryK would make my head spoin with stats at 7 am. Who wants that. He has no real sense of humor. In the AM give me the basic sports news, and make me smile Later in the day break down the games with stats and experts.

  5. Rich, wouldn't you at least agree it's better than TKB? Low bar, but still.

    Copeland, Dieter, Crowley is a new wave I'll take over Brooks, Willard, Fitz, anyway. Only bad trade so far is Waterboy for Krueger.

  6. I think Rothman tied his record by mentioning his birthday as many times as he mentioned his colonoscopy...

    1. On pins and needles for the day john does a double "interview" with his dear "friends" steve Moskowitz and kevin from anchor funding,a San Diego based company,which I still cant figure out why that's so important for people to know

    2. Because Chip brought the account from KOGO to KGO. Chip never left San Diego and Rothmann doesn’t know him.

  7. Copeland seems more like a morning guy - he would have been a good pairing with Murph. I caught about 5 minutes on Friday and to his credit, Tom seemed more engaged.

  8. Batchelor is a psychotic warmonger.

    1. Bachelor is disgusting. I can't change the channel fast enough.
