Friday, December 24, 2021

Pondering on Christmas Eve


Our institutions of news are rapidly closing down and appear to be out. Nationally and locally. The sad thing and more ominous: we seem not to care anymore. We're in a rush to escape and not consider the changes taking place right before our very eyes and ears. Do we care anymore? I do. I'm a little more cynical and jaded. I wish the passion that used to permeate our neck of the woods were still evident but I'm naive, I know. As much as I concede the power and forces are much more evident, it's sort of a lost cause. I know, it's Christmas Eve and I'm being far too heavy on this day but I care. I wish I were not so alone.


  1. > We're in a rush to escape and not consider the
    > changes taking place right before our very eyes
    > and ears.

    Exactly right, and that is why our democracy will fall some time in the next four to ten years; screaming lunatics with thousands and millions of followers have replaced news, information, fact-checking, and rational discussion—on BOTH sides (or perhaps more accurately, ALL sides).

    1. But mostly the wacko right. And you know it, Anonymous--whether you want to admit it or not.

    2. Pretty much. What passes for news today is mostly partisan propaganda with a few legit journalists sprinkled in among the ranters. Long gone are the days of reporting the news and letting the viewers decide for themselves. Now, it is nothing but contrived narratives enforcing their position dependent upon their side of the aisle. Both parties are guilty of promoting this. No concern for facts. No worry about vetting sources. No need to scrutinize accuracy of reporting. It is pretty sad what passes as "journalism" these days.

      On a brighter note. Merry Christmas Rich and all readers. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  2. Will someone at KPIX please remind Vern Glenn that he is NOT Gary Radnich? It's sad to see a grown man put on such an embarrassing shtick while clearly attempting to assume the personality and persona of his former KRON colleague.

  3. Oh, Bull Shit. We're fine. Too many paranoid people.
