Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Mibach-Mikaelian Hardly a Detente But KTVU Newscast Decidedly Better in Morning; Senior Early Favorite to Replace Frank Somerville; Eikel Tension Remains; Tipping Point Maintains at Fox2

HERE'S IRONY: The REAL feud and DISGUST from KTVU's Mike Mibach toward fellow anchor, Gasia Mikaelian--and it's genuine--has unintentionally delivered a much more professional newscast on Fox2.

Mibach and Mikaelian don't really talk much, either on the set (not even idle chit-chat) or off the air. He has abated from screaming in his car about Gasia's showboating. And she has toned down her circus act, from the obnoxious hair-dangling and absurd gooey talk. The end result to viewers is a much more straight-forward and therefore, polished newscast. It isn't nirvana but it's a far more cohesive news presentation without the Foxian crap.

The Gaas is known to and has shown in the past.

Don't let this momentary detente fool you. Mibach wants no part of the morning at KTVU. He only went back because KTVU has personnel shortages, especially at the onset of the holidays. As one of my Fox2 spies tells me, he "desperately wants the evening job"--the spot at 6 and 10/11 replacing Frank Somerville--and Miback thinks he's a front-runner. He isn't. I would bet on Andre Senior as the leader in the clubhouse to take over for Somerville.

Senior has advantages, like being a minority and looks far more prime time than Mibach. He also has a good repport with Julie Haener, which doesn't hurt. Unless KTVU suits look outside the market to fill in Somerville's spot, Senior has the edge. But things could change. They always do.

Mibach has emerged as the dominant anchor in the "MO2" platform. He could fake it and try to work out his own issues with Gasia but I'm not sure Mibach's ego could accomplish the feat. Especially when you factor in Gasia's DISGUST that her partner actually screams in his car in the KTVU parking lot after their shift ends. But he does and he did. It not only was witnessed by several station staffers but Mibach himself ACKNOWLEDGED it recently when he confirmed it to a co-worker at KTVU.

These developments MASK the REAL, fractured, sea of tension at KTVU between the rank and file (most staff, including lower-level peeps) and embattled ND (News director), Amber Eikel. A tipping point at KTVU is still evident. Clearly, Aikel and her allies at KTVU (not many) are HATED. Eikel runs the newsroom like Nurse Ratched runs the insane asylum. There is DEEP RESENTMENT. Any day now, an EXPLOSION of emotions could threaten the operation.

A guy at KTVU who buys donuts and coffee for the staff stopped buying the donuts. The person stops by a cheap deli near the station and threw a bag of stale cheetos on the table in the coffee room. It's getting real bad.


  1. The Gaas is not used to being stood up to. And the more professional broadcast is likely making her miserable for her own reasons unrelated to the mess caused by The Firm. When The Gaas can't be the personality she wants to be, everybody at KTVU notices, even as it is for the better of everyone.
    And since Haener continues to use her own social media pages, she has made her respect for Andre Senior clear. A Haener-Senior 10:00 Newscast is more and more likely.

    1. GOOD, but I'm not holding my breath for them to do the right thing. They seem incapable of it.

  2. it's a shame to have to read about these individuals from station to station here in the bay area. Their making good money and should be greatful for what they have. Ego and privilege have ruined some of them. If their that unhappy with their situation, honor the remaining balance of the contract and then move on. Nobody is forcing these anchors to stay

  3. I like Andre Senior. I just wish he wouldn't wear suits that are two sizes too small.

    1. Yeah, I don't get that either. That's his only problem. Mibach's problem is he couldn't smile or be charming if you pointed a gun at his head.

    2. > I would bet on Andre Senior as the leader
      > in the clubhouse to take over for Somerville.

      I wouldn't, simply because it makes too much sense. They never do what's right at that station. They'll probably promote Evan Sernoffsky.

    3. He's cool, but on some nights he has that guilty look like he plugged up the fox2 toilet in the mens room.
      Who done it ???
      Was it the fox-2 donuts? Or some Jack London Square eatery that makes your stomach gurgle then poof!
      10 'o clock news has no 10 'o clock janitors...lol

    4. I’ve also noticed that MM looks like he’s in a permanent state of constipation. Between that and another ktvu on air personality who had a month-long battle with gas and flatulence on live tv, I’m really beginning to wonder what’s in the water over there.

  4. I'm sorry but no-one is going to make Andre Senior appointment viewing. I would rather watch Brian Copeland read excerpts from some random pork filled Democrat spending bill out of the House.

    People will find new favorites, new eye candy.

    1. Who would you pick?

    2. My pick would be Senior. He's professional and personable. His only downside is he hasn't been in the Bay Area that long, so doesn't have the credibility that a long-time Bay area reporter would have. That won't matter after another couple of years here. He also doesn't drive you nuts with long, preachy comments after news stories.

  5. I agree Rich. Andre Senior looks more “primetime” ready than Mike Mibach. Frank Malicoat would be an ok decision but if you put Malicoat on in the weekday mornings replacing either Mibach or Dave Clark that would be even better...

  6. Mibach is a utility player who only has gotten a taste of the big time because of Frank’s shenanigans. I agree that Senior seems more ‘prime time’ and more of a fit for the job, if it really is between Mibach and Senior. Senior is polished, professional, has an unblemished reputation (as far as I could tell), and doesn’t look wiped out the way Mibach does in the evenings.
    Fwiw, I think Alex Savidge and Christina Rendon buried at 4 and 7 is a waste.

  7. This morning on MO2, Mibach looked thoroughly bored or disgusted as the Gaas rambled on about Thanksgiving dinner side dishes, when she tossed it back to Mibach, he said, 'uh, what was the question." Seems like he was already envisioning himself sitting in his vehicle screaming after his shift. Some days you can see the tension more than others.

    1. I don't understand the acrimony here. This is exactly the sort of thing a morning anchor is *supposed* to do. Mibach seems to think he's Lester Holy and he's on the national news. He's not; he's a morning show co-anchor on a twitty-show for housewives and people working from home. And most of the stories they do are softball interviews, "human interest" horseshit and rehashes of last night's headlines. I think M-squared is just frustrated he's not on the Beeb and he's taking out his shortcomings on Gasia.

  8. Now if they'd only been smart enough to add Kyla Grogan at 10pm with Andre in bumbling Bill Martin's slot KTVU would have a chance to kick ass again. But no. That's why my money is on them bringing in a random person from elsewhere no one knows to replace Frank. This station always gets it wrong.

    1. I would tend to agree, and for the same reasons. Amber Asshole wouldn't know talent if it bit her in the ass.

  9. On the KGO 4:00 today the Empress Ming has to learn what "sentient" means, and how to pronounce it.

  10. Mibach is a not ready for prime time anchor. His strained facial expressions make me think he has hemorrhoids.

    Senior is professional and he has a real presence on the air. With a raise, he can get better fitting suits, too.

  11. C'mon Rich, Cheetos never go stale. The ones in King Tut's tomb were still edible.

  12. I think Gasia is pretty damn hot. And, yes, send Senior to macys to find a suit that fits.

  13. Why I have not and will not ever watch gaslighting by TV news and their social justice reporter. KGO-7 TV gaslighting. This was not looting the last few days (both links are same--One to youtube other to kgo-7-tv:



    1. Wow! That first link and story...How is it called journalism when your reporter is the “social justice” correspondent?? I reckon that’s activism, not journalism.

  14. think it is preferable mibach goes apeshit screaming in his car rather than walk back with a gu....uh....weapon.....people can only take so much annoyance concerning minutia +

    1. “Apeshit” … lol!
      I must admit that thought of Mr. Mibach screaming at the top of his lungs and banging on the steering wheel like a lunatic, all with the windows rolled up is a pretty damn funny one.

  15. Why does The Firm keep putting Frank 'I can barely read the teleprompter' Mallicoat in the prime time slot? It's embarrassing and difficult to watch. He makes no fewer than three dozen gaffes per newscast, including mis-reads, mis-pronunciation of common words, and pausing at strange times while not stopping in between sentences. He's simply not cut out for live television. He needs to stick with PRE-RECORDED lightweight, feel-good stories such as little johnny who mows lawns to save money for a new skateboard, or the little old lady who finally learned how to use a computer after 78 years.

  16. I saw MM at church on Sunday… Idk where he grew up, but he fits the mold of typical, spoiled, white Marinite very well.
