Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Happy Hanukkah, Mom and All

MY MOTHER, may she rest in peace, made awesome potato pancakes (latkes) on Hanukkah.

My mother had a ritual--her only such--on the holiday.

She'd wake up Hanukkah, the first day, and make me a delicious batch of latkes. They were perfect. Crispy, flaky, with just the right amount of texture--chock full of potatoes and onions. Oh god, what a fantastic meal. And just the perfect scoop of applesauce and sour cream on the side. They were so good.

Today, I tried some. I was the recipient of a Hanukkah batch of latkes. They were really good but not anywhere near as good as mom's. It made for a joyous day even if mom wasn't here.

Happy Hanukkah.

I miss you, mom.


  1. Happy Hanukkah Rich...Your love for your mom is beyond touching, always gets to me 💔

  2. happy chanukah Rich. My mom's latke's were the best. Hungarian. The real deal. And some kipple for later.

  3. Happy Hanukkah, Rich. I share your love for latkes!
