Sunday, October 24, 2021

While Bay Area -Northern California Under Water, KTVU Runs Road Service Infomercial For Over an Hour; Fox2 Asleep at the Wheel

THE BAY AREA is under water; all you have to do is look outside. Marin and Sonoma County are experiencing major flooding. It's one helluva storm.

Evacuation orders are in effect in San Mateo County.

Yet, and this is truly remarkable, even by FOX standards, KTVU is running an INFOMERCIAL! Better yet, a Triple A Roadside emergency service! You can't make this up, and worse yet, the infomercial has been running well over an hour as the Category4 AR (atmosheric river) STORM intensifies. Yeah, it's an emergency all right and the roads are FLOODED. KTVU NEEDS HELP!

KTVU should be ASHAMED. Even good old common sence is OUT THE DOOR. Where's the OUTRAGE? Where's Bill Martin, weather guru? Where's Eikel (Amber) the alleged News Director? Is anybody at the assignment desk looking outside the window?

This is so tragic. Were it not so serious, it would be downright laughable. As it is, KTVU (Fox) is showing the effects of a news operation now officially in the crapper. Credibility is GONNO. Trust has evaporated and the Bay Area is now officially aware if they weren't already.

KTVU could say it had to carry a Fox NFC Football game, only Fox is not carrying the early game in the Bay Area. Even KPIX and KGO (ABC7) have contractual obligations to carry an auto race (KGO) and KPIX (NFL) yet even those two ran radar loops and broke in for a few updates. KTVU did neither.


At 1 PM Bay Area time, KTVU swithed to the Raiders-Philly game.


  1. KTVU is running the Road Service Infomercial so they can pay Frank Somerville off!

  2. Still don't understand why Raider games are still being shown here in the Bay Area. Yes, there are still Raider fans here in the Bay Area, but it's still kind of strange. They're technically out of market now.

    Kind of funny how when the Raiders were in Oakland, for some Sundays, we couldn't see their home games because they were blacked out locally. Now they're in Vegas, their Vegas home games are being shown here in the Bay Area. Weird.

    1. Not weird at all. They wanted you to buy a ticket and go to the game when they were here. Now they don't.

    2. @3:49- I was talking about the TV thing. I was saying how it's weird that for years people here in the Bay Area couldn't see Raider home games in Oakland on TV. Now they're in Vegas, people in the Bay Area can watching their home games on TV now. LOL.

    3. Hey Otis, 3:49's point is that, as long as they were within the market, the games were blacked out if they weren't sold out. The games (and not just the Raiders) don't air if there are unsold seats in the home stadium, since that's direct lost revenue to the team. Sell out the stadium and the games will air.

    4. The NFL dropped blackouts a few years ago.

  3. KTVU is in shambles right now. It feels like they haven't recovered from the Frank Somerville situation

  4. Actually, before the car race KGO was on it. Lisa Argent provided a lot of detail and the field reporters covered local areas.

  5. Ktvu is phoning it in. No one there cares. No one there is engaged. They do the absolute bare minimum to earn their paycheck and then hightail it out of there. The weather ‘coverage’ on Mon2 was abysmal this morning. they had one reporter covering the storm and on two different occasions she gave a weather forecast that conflicted with what Rosemary was saying. It’s clear there’s zero communication between anyone there. They don’t even know how to coordinate a newscast or give consistent information.

  6. It wouldn’t surprise me if by 10:15am this morning there were absolutely no news personnel left in the building. And can you blame them? I don’t know anyone who would want to be in that building more one second more than they have to.

  7. My girl Kyla Grogan is covering it on her twitter account, that's why I follow her. She should have her own station KYLA ha! But seriously, HOW are they not covering this storm? Damn shame where things are at I always loved KTVU over the years. I still love some of their people but overall it's just getting really bad.

    1. I love Kyla too! She's the best, too good for KTVU. Someone else should snap her up. Drew Tumafish is a joke.

  8. There was a time, not long ago, when ktvu would’ve had multiple reporters in the field covering a storm of this magnitude and would’ve probably extended their morning coverage. This is what happens when you have incompetent, unqualified and disliked ‘management’ running a news operation that has turned into a house of HR horrors.

    1. "This is what happens when you have incompetent, unqualified and disliked ‘management’ running a news operation that has turned into a house of HR horrors."

      While all that's true, the lack of coverage has nothing to do with Amber Uncle's incompetence. Fox is clearly wringing all they can out of their resources. That means playing the same easy-to-get stories (press releases, softball interviews, anchor tracks) over and over for two days straight, topping each story off with "We're learning more today about..." even though when the story starts, they clearly haven't learned anything new and are literally repeating everything they said yesterday. And sometimes the day before. That's how they spread a couple hours' news over three days. And with their resources as thin as they are while Fox counts their money, this is what you get, no matter who the ND is.

  9. Rich, I don't no why you're just hating on KTVU. NONE of the local news is on live covering this, not even KRON. They are all running previously scheduled broadcasting, mostly sports. I find it unbelievable that NONE of our local news is covering one of the worst storms we've had in a long time. Shame on all our stations for being asleep at the wheel when local information is what we all need the most.

    1. This isn't the time for 'whataboutisms.' KTVU likes to fancy itself as a 'news leader,' yet they hit a new low during this weekend's storm as their fall from grace continues to accelerate at an astronomical pace.

      As others have pointed out in these comments, a real news leader would've had comprehensive coverage of this weekend's level 5 atmospheric river, the first such storm to hit the Bay Area since 2010. All-hands would've been on deck covering this storm from different angles and from different parts of the Bay Area. Instead all we got were a lone junior reporter who gave nothing more than an abbreviated weather forecast, KTVU's most unqualified 'meteorologist' who was dressed like she was going to a summertime barbeque, and Frank Mallicoat who had his usual six dozen gaffes including referring to San Anselmo as 'San As-mellow.'

      I hope other stations take the time to study the abomination that KTVU has become and take steps to never follow in their path.

    2. So please tell me what Rosemary should’ve been wearing today. Would you’ve preferred snow pants, a parka, and ear muffs? Give her a break, my job is hard enough as an aging woman on tv with the eyes of the Bay Area on her, the last thing she needs is judgment and scrutiny from keyboard cowboys. Plus do you think she really cares what you think? She’s a real gem and I hope she never leaves ktvu.

  10. You expect Amber to be a real news director?!?

  11. I tuned into KCBS 740 and all I hear are commercials !!
    Everything must be A-ok !
    Now they are playing a Mancini-sleepworld traffic report.
    Nobody is sponsoring emergency reports ....I guess

  12. RE: football - I worked in TV until 2010, and rules may have changed, but when I worked in TV the local football games were blacked out unless they were sold out. KPIX carried the Raiders, and KTVU carried the 49ers. The 49ers were almost always sold out, but the Raiders were not. And neither station could run another NFL game against the team playing at home - regardless if they were being aired or not. So if the Raiders weren't sold out, KPIX couldn't air them, and if KTVU had the double header week (only 1 station had 2 games each week, and it would switch back & forth), they couldn't air any game at the same time the Raiders were playing - even though they weren't on the air. I think some of those rules have changed since 2010.

    1. @Caroline- Thanks for letting us know the inner workings of that! It did used to be interesting how back in those days, whenever the Niners or Raiders played on FOX or CBS, a game would not be shown on the other channel in that time slot, unless the Niners or Raiders were playing at the same time, which back in those days, was rare unless the Niners were at home, and the Raiders were in San Diego or Denver, or the Raiders were at home, and the Niners were in Seattle or Arizona, or both teams played in the East Coast at the same time in the 10 AM PT time slot.

  13. What else would you expect from a half-assed news operation where an inept news director ‘leads’ a demoralized and disengaged workforce?

  14. Jeez, it's just rain.

    1. @6:18- Not like this though. This was our first rain of this season and we ended up getting the type of storm that we normally get around here in late winter, early spring, not in October, and even by then, it's not this bad. Plus, this storm was historic.

      Hopefully this rain will stop the drought conversations for a while. Yeah, the rain was needed but it's unfortunate all the devastation it caused in one weekend.

    2. Yes, we all know that.

    3. Otis III, Otis III, Otis III, most people do not care what you say or think about an industry/business (radio & TV) that you have no clue on how it works. You just like to see your self-pontificating missives in Rich's blog.

    4. @11:54- That may be your opinion, but honestly I don't self pontificate at all. I honestly don't see that in what I post, and if I come across that way to you or anyone else that feels that way, I don't know what to tell you.

      Why is what I post bothering you?

  15. Thank God I don't work there under this current management style.

  16. Fox, CNN, MSNBC they're all like that. Somoene could drop a nuke on Beverly Hills 90219 and they would all have their talking heads on yammering away.

  17. KTVU and all of its digital substations were off the air for a few minutes this evening. It's not the first time that's happened in recent months. It must be a problem with the entire station's management.

  18. Shortly before 5 PM today, KTVU Live Streaming was running a replay of the Morning Newscast. News leader? Hardly.

  19. Brent Cannon to replace Frank Somerville???

  20. As of 9:30pm the storm is still coming down HARD so I tuned into KCBS and they are replaying this morning’s Face the Nation…ugh…the Santa Cruz mountains are under evacuation orders so I tuned into KSCO and what’s on? The 100th replay of MZ’s horrendous “Saturday Special” show. What a dope!

  21. Was watching KRON 4 this evening and it has been years I watch the station, what happened to the two previous Morning News weather anchor, A Hong and some anchor whom they going into a feud.

  22. Yeah but Rosemary posted another selfie, so all is good in the world of weather.
