Friday, October 22, 2021

Another Embarrassing (Again) KCBS Morning


KCBS had another AWFUL (again) Friday morning--7: 08 AM after the CBS hourly news, both news anchors, Holly Quan and Dan Mitchinson tossed to Kim Wonderley (no Kim, dead air), followed by a report from Santa Rosa reporter Mike Dewaldmore dead air because there was NO Dewald.

Earlier, KCBS behind-the-scenes staff played the WRONG sounders, sports instead of traffic. Ouch.

Mistakes happen only this is almost an everyday occurence on KCBS and it's beyond embarrassing. Who runs this crap? Who's in charge? Anybody home? Apparently Jennifer Seelig has free reign because Seelig (News Director) gets MUCHO PASSES for this ongoing broadcast malpractice from a once legacy all-news station.

And the sports anchor, some schmuck named Joe Hughes? This guy is truly a mutt. Gravel voice, unfunny and utterly BORING.


  1. I have said it before...KCBS is an absolute embarrassment. How can a world class city like SF have such a terrible, awful, amateurish News Broadcast? This is shit you hear from High School radio stations. I HOPE someone at the corporate level takes notice that the station flying the corporate call letters is an absolute shit show. Holly Quan? Rebecca Corral? Do I continue?

    1. "World class city"? class joke maybe.

    2. True world class cities don't have to go around saying they're world class cities.

  2. My question what the hell is the bay area going to do when we have a major disaster, "earthquake, flooding, mass shooting etc." AM radio may be our only place to find news. Talk about a "disaster" KCBS sucks!!!

    1. We'll turn to Chip Franklin broadcasting live from San Diego for local updates.

  3. Oh, get over yourselves!! You can do one of two things: go on the air yourselves and do better, or - listen to another local all-news station. Oh wait....

  4. Name is KCBS, so CBS corporate in NY has no say? I know some company called Audacity runs them in SF but why isn't CBS corporate doing anything? Or does cbs corporate have nothing to do with radio? I notice the technical screw ups all the time when in my car.

    1. Hey 10:22, "CBS corporate" sold not just radio station KCBS, but all the CBS owned-and-operated radio stations to the company named Entercom three years ago. Entercom renamed themselves Audacy (not "Audacity") earlier this year. Audacy now owns KCBS, along with KGMZ, KOIT, KALC, KMVQ and KITS in San Francisco, and a slew of other CBS legacy stations like 1010WINS, WCBS, WCBS-FM, WNEW, WFAN in New York City, WBBM in Chicago, and KNX and KCBS-FM in Los Angeles. So no, "CBS corporate" has no say whatsoever in the operation of these stations anymore. Get your facts right.

    2. CBS sold off their radio stations YEARS ago. No, they have no say.

  5. Are you sure you weren't listening to Nikki Medoro on KGO?

  6. They do two things when I tune in.
    ...screw up 2 minutes of news.
    ...then play 10 minutes of
    Don't need this anymore.
    Switch to music
    Like KOIT or something else.

  7. Unfortunately, a few years ago, the then Big Brother couple running Black Rock disposed of all radio stations under the CBS umbrella because it "didn't fit their future plans". One half ended up ousted because of harassment, and sadly, the other half continues to reap rewards because her Big Brother reality show continues to score high summer ratings.
    KCBS Radio-wise, it is up to every listener and all local Bay Area emergency services to pressure Audacity to crack down on Seelig and any other members of KCBS management and start producing better news broadcasts. As for asking CBS HQ in NY to bring back radio for public news service purposes, good luck with that.

    1. That is why the "future" is CBSN, where you can stream the news 24/7.

  8. Too bad all the Bay Area legacy brands are being destroyed. And so many of them by women (Adrouney, Seelig, Watkowski, Cooper), too.

  9. Kgmz was having some audio issues during the warrior game last night too..not to mention knbr's crap ongoing audio issues, which is exacerbated by people like john lund and tom tolbert who often mumble and dont speak directly into their microphones

  10. I'm done with KCBS and traditional radio. Satellite is the only way to go. That's a bad plan because it's not locally-focused, but you can look at the Chronicle (what?) online for local news. What did I just say? Maybe listening to KCBS has messed up my brain.

  11. Probably will be switching to Christmas music soon.
    Problem solved.

  12. Like the current administration tells us "lower your expectations".

  13. I continue to be impressed with your ability to monitor these stations, Rich. After 50 years of listening to Bay Area radio, the only station I can stand is KCSM. I had to buy Sirius for my car. I do enjoy your comments so that I can "listen" vicariously.

  14. There are high school students with more abilities than Joe Hughes. He shouldn't be on the air at all!

  15. yeah, that mumbling and constant little sounds going directly in your headphones they tumble over each other on all those shows.they don't talk ,they just mumble agreements constantly. we get it, you agree with the guy,dont need to hear it like that ticker tape yeah yea yeah. you aint the Beatles.

  16. I think Ted Ramey should be the full time morning sports anchor.
    I don't listen to the sports reports on Wednesday thur Friday because of Joe Hughes.

    1. Thats what his girl friend says too

  17. I haven't listened to KCBS lately and kept thinking that you were being too rough on them. I listened yesterday morning on my way to SFO and you have been spot on. It was horrible. Dead air, awkward reporting, no continuity.
