Saturday, August 14, 2021

Exclusive: Dennis O'Donnell Now Officially MIA at KPIX; Missing at 49ers Game and PIX Newscasts; Update 1: KPIX Source: 'We're Concerned'

DENNIS O'DONNELL is now MIA, officially. And nobody, even his co-workers at KPIX knows where he his and his status.

O'Donnell, the veteran CBS-SF (PIX) sports director and weeknight anchor was scheduled to work tonight's (Saturday) 49ers-KC Chiefs NFL pre-season game at Levi's Stadium, a very pivitol and ratings-nirvana telecast on its Saturday news domain. In fact,Channel 5 not only led with the game in its opening 5 PM newscast, but had Alan Martin and Vern Glenn report on-scene and live from Santa Clara. For ten minutes to open the newscast and talk throughout the show.

O'Donnell was NO WHERE to be seen.

Furthermore, O'Donnell failed to inform anyone at CBS (KPIX) of his status and situation. A PIX source: "It has to be health-related" --Only no one is talking and nobody at KPIX has heard from him (DOD) therefore, it's now reached a very worrisome status. "He hasn't reached out, that's what people are concerned about," said the source. In addition, O'Donnell didn't anchor the weeknight sports segment at KPIX. A new sports anchor was hired and filled in.


UPDATE: 6: 51 PT:

Source at KPIX on Dennis O'Donnell: "we'd just like to hear from him, that he's OK. We've not heard anything so yes, it's concerning."


  1. Wonder did he happen to see VDLC in the streets and they had a heated conversation??

  2. Any other type of work, you disappear without communicating it and you're fired. Instantly.

  3. So, KPIX staff or management can't just call him??

  4. Nobody in the O'Donnell inner circle inside and outside of PIX won't even speak? I hope CBS HQ is watching PIX's bumbling middle management, and eventually saying, "Enough with the contract complications! Let's simplify all the problems at PIX and move forward with this!" Of course, we shall not hold our breath.

  5. That sounds dubious. They KNOW; someone knows something who is in a position of power. They just don't want to disclose, out of concerns for "privacy" or some such nonsense. Dennis is likely dealing with a major medical issue OR a substance-abuse issue. It's one or the other. My money is on the former I think he may have Parkinson's or MS. I hope not, but the physical evidence suggests that possibility. Until we hear something definitive from the O'Donnell camp, speculation like mine will continue unabated.

    1. Privacy rights, especially if medical matters are involved are not "some such nonsense"

    2. Yes, it's nonsense. O'Donnell is a public figure. He waived his privacy. We have a right to know. Same goes double whenever there's a suspicious celebrity obit and we're never told the cause of death. (Usually because it's a suicide or an Oxy overdose). So many of those lately--Trevor Moore was the latest. Supposedly, he died from an "accident". Accidental overdose is more likely.

  6. Does he have CIVID?

  7. COVID. Sorry, hadn't had my coffee yet.

    1. There's been talk here of his odd speech mannerisms and funny movements on camera. I don't watch sports so I can't comment how widespread this is, but someone speculated it *might* be MS. Sounds at least plausible to me, and that's horrible news if it's true, and I hope it isn't. Wishing him the best...

  8. If no one, including his bosses at KPIX, can reach him, perhaps they should file a missing person report with the police department. At the very least go to his home and do a welfare check.

    1. Thank you , 11:24 for the right approach .

  9. @Malcolm Z.

    Someone's health/medical issues are none of the public's business no matter how much you bang your fist on the table. You've clearly never been involved in a corporate environment or had to deal with HR.


  11. When someone on the internet claims that an individual's right to privacy is waived just because they are a local sportscaster . . . SMH.

  12. Maybe Dennis, an avid angler, went on an extended fishing trip and didn't tell KPIX top brass.

  13. I miss Dennis hope he is doing fine. I was pleased to see him on Ken’s retirement segment last week. I wish if he retired he should be given the same retirement honors that he deserves. I loved To hear what everyone had to say about Ken Bastida. Segments from Manny Ramos. Dana King and so many others including Dennis. I missed Roberta

  14. Above comments are gratifying, because I want to feel united with those who are wondering about and missing Dennis O'Donnell. Bless Vern Glenn, but I can't watch him; he's too noisy and doesn't know how to talk about baseball, also conducts poor interviews. (I know, just my opinion.) I've changed channels simply because can't watch channel 5 sports.
    Ed Bell

  15. I hope Dennis O’Donnell is ok - I understand that per HIPA some things cannot be discussed but I hope he is okay loved watching his sports commentary - missing Dennis

  16. I have been wondering for months as to what happened to Dennis O'Donnell, who I consider as being a great sports anchor. I pray that he is well and in good health.

  17. What’s interesting is that his name comes up on the graphics. It’s a blue bar and it says Dennis O’Donnell next with Sports Wrap. This in March of 2022.

  18. So seven months later and still no word on what happened to Dennis O'Donnell? It would be nice if someone could share and not necessarily specifically what happened to him? Is he ill? Is someone close to him ill?
