Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Embarrassing Jon Miller Wears Giants Cap on Broadcasts; KNBR and "The Game" Have Awful July Ratings; Somerville and Ibanez No Longer KTVU Buds; Trixie In For Fight at Circle7, Pero Inspired; KRON Harvey Rocks; Medoro KGO AM Show on Life Support; Tuesday Run Down

I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY I found it appalling that Jon Miller has been broadcasting Giants' games on TV (NBC Sports Bay Area) wearing a Giant's cap. But I will. And not a few games but many.

I CALLED A prominent sports broadcasting person in the Bay Area and asked if this were cool. The person said flat out, "it's not professional." And mind you, this was someone who has a close connection to many SF sports teams. "It's all on 'Larry Baer," the person added. Indeed, Baer, could tell Miller to take the cap off, but he won't. And Miller obviously doesn't really give a damn anymore at this stage of his career. It's pretty sad and patheitc if you ask me. Just imagine if Lon Simmons or Hank Greenwald were to don a Giants cap while broadcasting, imagine, the key word, because it would have NEVER taken place. NEVER.

Miller should be ashamed.

*THE RATINGS for SF July Radio are out and BOTH KNBR and 95.7 FM "The Game" should feel EMBARRASSED. KNBR, which broadcasts the FIRST-PLACE GIANTS, the greatest baseball team on the planet, FELL, from a 6.3 to a 5.1 in June! How can that happen? IT DID! And "The Game", which is on a life alert, is now rock bottom; it fell to an alltime WORST 0.6 (from 0.5); clearly, The Game has NO GAME.

These 12plus number are the so-called "beauty contest" ratings and the AD BUYERS don't buy based on these numbers butb they do reflect TRENDS. SF Sports-Talk radio is a pack of dreck. it's a REJECTION, forcefully, by a Bay Area audience that cannot stand its AWFUL sports-talk radio product. There's plenty of reasons, first, there is NO sports-talk on the radio. It's a bunch of butt-heads who talk a lot about beer, bets and boobs. Sports talk? Nah. And even more ominous: how can KNBR lose over a POINT of ratings with the Giants as their core MLB client! The GIANTS?

YOU'LL RECALL I mentioned back not so long ago, the NFL (and 49ers here) is king. KNBR talks more about the 49ers (and NFL in general) on their talk shows than they do the Giants. Maybe this is a trend worth noting. Maybe the Giants attendance probelms (way down) is more of an issue than I thought. Collectively, MLB's ratings and attendance are again, DOWN. Baseball has a problem, and it's not anything new. Time to go back to the drawing board.

*Dave Flemming does a regular shot on "The Game", yes, that Dave Flemming, the guy that had to leave the KNBR airwaves back in June during that LONG game in Anaheim so he could go broadcast an ESPN game.

*Frank Somerville has a sort of new problem: his once loyal buddy, sports anchor, Mark Ibanez, is no longer a Somerville ally. In recent years, Ibanez has TURNED AWAY from Frank namely because Markie didn't love the way Frank rolled. And this was BEFORE Frank's AWFUL on-air escapade back in May. Between Mark and Julie Haener, Somerville isn't exactly LOVED at KTVU.

*Haener has one foot out the door. She has been treading light at KTVU lately, clearly ANNOYED and FLUSTERED over Somerville's act and only staying at the KTVU pad so she can maintain her SOCIAL STATUS in Bay Area locales like Danville and Pacific Heights. Yeah, Jules is just along for the ride.

*KGO Radio's Nikki Medoro's AM TRAIN WRECK is now on LIFE SUPPORT. The numbers are so BAD, KGO doesn't even bother to run promos anymore. The show has never shown any growth and is only surviving because KGO doesn't have an alternative in place. Ouch.

*It could be worse for the Nikkister: she could be Mark Thompson, also knoiwn as a DISASTER ZONE.

*The Chronicle, inexplicably, sent Ann Killion to Tokyo to cover the Olympics and EVERYONE in this town is SHAKING THEIR HEAD on that call. And you wonder why the Chron is BLEEDING RED INK.

*Nobody wathced the Olympics, this just in.

*Miller had the Giants cap on and he shouldn't have stopped there: he could have put on a Will Clark jersey and swung a big bat too.

*Heather Holmes shocked the KTVU early evening staff the other night: Holmes was spotted in the break room eating half a piece of melba toast.

*IF YOU BELIEVE the word of John, the senior waiter at TADICH, Gabe Kapler was in the private back booth a few weeks back with a toothy blond and she was NOT even wearing a Giants cap. Jon Miller is very concerned.

*KQED has the HIGHEST PAID managers in the PBS world: their senior bosses Allmake well over $200K a year. Get out the coffee mugs!

*Yeah,so KPIX hired a new sports anchor so few people cared, he went up to the news boss and that guy said, "who are you?" Sort of.


*An Aaron Pero by-product at Circle7: staffers trying to rev up the anti-Trixie (Tracey Watkowski, ND) venom. They hope the embattled news boss is shown the door because the TOXIC vibe at KGO couldn't get any worse. As I've alluded numerous times. Trixie MUST have pictures of ABC execs.


  1. - Jon Miller looks like he lost a lot of weight and lost a Deadhead bet. He has been mailing it in for years. Kissing up to Lockstep.
    - Cloud Clowns and Audacy just don't care for listeners.
    - The Bay also likes stability, which is opposite of Flemming.
    - Okay, Ibanez no longer respects Somerville. What about Vacar?
    - The San Ramon Valley has been very kind to Haener.
    - Never heard a single minute of Medoro.
    - Haven't heard a single minute of Thompson since his KRON years.
    - May have been Tokyo's request to have one Chron writer there.
    - Can count on one hand the number of Facebook posts I made about the Olympics.
    - Miller now looks like Angels manager Joe Maddon's big brother.
    - Skirt is almost up to Holmes' chest.
    - Is Kapler single or committing adultery? Not that I care. Whee.
    - Don't bother complaining to the KQED CEO about the double standard that Bay viewers and listeners clearly see. He won't respond.
    - This RL post is the first I heard of a 4th PIX sportscaster.
    - Love the flowery outfit! Glad the skills match.
    - Please keep us posted on the anti-Trixie efforts. Ming is still around, so that's one piece that shows the bigger challenge the people on the good side of Circle7 are facing.

  2. I do love Jon Miller's t-shirt with its octo theme, and I know what KGO radio needs...ie: something interesting and not predictable.

    1. Wigger at Casini RanchAugust 10, 2021 at 4:49 PM

      Christine doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. Miller’s octo theme shirts are fantastic! Get over it Craft!

    2. IS your reading comprehension impaired. I dig octopi shirts..Try reading again, this time, slowly.

    3. Sorry Christine. That's Rich's resident troll with the black racist names that always seems to slip by Rich. I enjoyed your observation.

    4. I feels like Christine is defensive. She’s knows she’s wrong and Miller’s shirts are fabulous.

    5. John Gullbunny in the BayviewAugust 10, 2021 at 7:13 PM

      Cristine needs to smoke a blunt!

    6. I once heard Ted Robinson calling a International Octopus race and he was superb as always….so versatile. Tale it easy Craft,

    7. I agree with Christine. Miller’s shirts are ugly. Sticks to your guns Ms Craft! - Puto in Palo Alto

    8. You may not like the way Miller dresses Christine, but it’s a hell of a lot better than Gabe Kaplar!

    9. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSAugust 10, 2021 at 8:30 PM

      Christine, don’t listen to what these people are saying. You are revered in this house. Santa Claus, Christine Craft, and Allen Ludden: The Holy Trinity.

      Hot Monkey Love

    10. are you all as dumb as catshit? I love octopus shirts...try reading.

    11. Now Christine says she likes the shirts after everyone told her how wrong she was. Too little too late Craft!

    12. Captain Sumtin WongAugust 11, 2021 at 4:15 PM

      Just apologize and move on Christine.

    13. Christine, you flip flop more than Gavin Newsom swiping through Tinder!

    14. To Peter Fletch and his ‘Sons’…dont you think thats a little much to compare Miss Craft to The Holy Trinity? I for one am offend.
      Rev. Fred Norris

    15. Chin Ito from Foster CityAugust 11, 2021 at 5:46 PM

      Just because Ms Craft doesn’t like Miller’s shirt, she should not insult others or use swear words.

  3. The problem with baseball is simple.... it's to DAMN expensive to go to. These players are being paid king's ransom and the cost is being passed on to the fans. The owners are doing it to themselves. Parking, tickets, food and beer cost WAY to much. I like many others who read this blog love sports in general, but I REFUSE to pay a cent to be apart of it.

    1. $13 for a beer. I don't think so!

    2. Yes, the expense is one significant aspect. As you said the salaries of these players continue to get increasingly absurd every year, passing it along to the customers with their twelve dollar beers. Additionally, and I say this as a life long baseball fan, the game is boring to many, it has gotten longer and there is less action - between most all pitchers throwing in the mid to high 90's, the three true outcomes of walk, strike out or homer, and the implementation of the shift on nearly all left handed batters - there is a lot of empty space with no base runners and zero action. Stolen bases, hit and run, suicide squeeze - all but gone. Many people, especially the younger audience, don't want to watch a three and a half hour game with batters continually making u turns back to the dugout after striking out. MLB has some real issues, not just with their core audience continually aging but also the hyper-athletic youngsters coming up are all gravitating to football or basketball, both quicker moving, faster paced games. In this day an age of instant everything, these kids don't want to spend three or four years in the minors playing for the Montgomery Biscuits...MLB is going to have to reinvent itself or it'll continue to become more and more irrelevant.

    3. Baseball's attendance has been severly impacted by COVID. Giants fans had the option of holding their season seats and deferring using them until next season. I don't know the numbers, but I'd have to guess maybe 25-30% of the ticketholders took a pass on this season. Sure, many of those people have since come to games (once fans were let in), but they're being selective on games. Net-net, withoug a base of 28,000 tickets sold for everygame, the Giants may not sell out a single game this season. Next season will be the real telltale.

    4. In today's world, man biting wiener is a foreign concept, while nachos are a digestive system's worst nightmare. Add the expensive cost, and the heartburn or reflux is complete. Baseball does need to rethink a big chunk of its services.

    5. @4:30- Another issue some Giants fans had was with Charles Johnson. He owns a small percentage of the team, but he is known to donate to some of Donald Trump's groups, and that didn't go over well with some fans back in the offseason. Some were thinking about boycotting the team. I'm not sure if that still is the case now for some people, but a lot of people had a hard time with that when the news first came out. He's donating to groups like QAnon. Yes, he said he didn't knowingly do it, but c'mon.

      I do hope the Giants at some point can remove him from the ownership group, or in maybe MLB can step in and have him removed, kind of like how the NBA had to step in and have Donald Sterling removed as the Clippers owner after his racist comments.

      I know and heard that Charles Johnson brings in a lot of money, but at the same time, it's not a good look for the Giants as a franchise, especially in a region like the Bay Area that's more enlightened and things like that don't play as well in this part of the country.

      I know Charles Johnson doesn't represent the views of the Giants as a franchise, but still. He needs to be removed.

    6. @Otis III : Charles Johnson was also donating to Lauren Boebert, a freshman congressman from Colorado who is very "pro gun," and not in a good way. Boebert is also suspected to have provided tours of the Capitol the day before the insurrection. I have been very reluctant to even think about going to a Giants game now that I know this. And that Johnson said he was going to ask for refunds and apparently did not is a bad look for the Giants and Johnson.

    7. 4:30 PM has it right. It's COVID, not Charles Johnson. Most people would say, "Charles Who?"

  4. I watched every minute of swimming at the Olympics, as well as other sports here and there. So it's not exactly "nobody".

  5. What is the evidence that Jon Miller is "mailing it in"? I see that comment thrown around, but what is it based on? It's easy to accuse someone who's nearing retirement of that, and I'm not saying it is or isn't true, but back it up with some evidence.

    1. For real. Jon Miller is the man and is still pretty sharp. I don't understand people's criticisms of him.

      Can he be a little long winded at times? Yeah, sure, but sometimes you have to set up a story before you get to the original point that was made before the story.

    2. i don't understand Rich's obsession with Jon. I think it's cool that he dresses like a fan. I've always thought sportscasters in suits are silly. He's not a homer, for God's sake...he's a PROFESSIONAL. Does his job. So do the rest of the Giants broadcast team. Also, I keep reading about how Rich says the Giants booth will be overhauled in '22. Exactly what is that based on? And more importantly, why would the Giants do that?

    3. @Dave- I totally agree. There is no reason for the Giants to overhaul their broadcast team. Dave Flemming is solid and is becoming one of the top play-by-play announcers in sports with his work on ESPN as well. We're fortunate that he still wants to continue his work with the Giants, when he probably could do ESPN full-time if that ever was on the table.

      I think it's only fair for the Giants to let Kruk, Kuip, and Jon Miller broadcast for as long as they can and for as long as they want to. They're all still sharp and haven't showed signs of slowing down.

      I think the Giants will continue to have Shawn Estes, Randy Winn, Javier Lopez, and maybe Hunter Pence, call Giants road games on the East Coast and Midwest, providing color commentary. I do kind of wish they could bring Ted Robinson back to call games, but Rich did bring up a good point in that it could cost a lot to bring him in just to call games part time and maybe he might not agree to that, as he has kind of a Greg Papa type work schedule and is probably busy.

      But yes, overall, I think the Giants are still in good hands with their broadcast team.... Even if they did overhaul, I'm not sure it would be popular. Remember when the Giants brought in Joe Angel and Tim McCarver to call Giants games back in the early 2000's? Most Giants fans hated them, and they both just weren't a good fit. I think the Giants try to bring in people who they think the fanbase would agree with and people who are good broadcasters overall.

    4. Lockstep Larry has made it clear this season that the broadcasters are taking too much time off from the booth. In other words, they are abusing the sick pay part of their contract. In Miller's case, that is to Lockstep "mailing it in". Larry just won't say that in public for image sake.

    5. I don't get Rich's obsession with this either. So Jon Miller wears a Giants cap. Isn't he employed by the Giants? Don't we all know that? As for the announcers, we have had plenty of substitutes this year, which has made one thing clear: Jon, Dave, Kruk and Kuip are still the best. As Otis said, they should announce for as long as they want.

  6. "*KRON's MORNING STAR getting LA LOVE? Reyna Harvey and I DO PERSONALLY ENDORSE Ms. Harvey"

    Say it ain't so! KRON mornings are much better when she's paired with James. Overall set mood is lighter and upbeat with Reyna.

  7. Attention all broadcasters, and you know who you are. Henceforth, uttering "what not" on the air is verboten. That is all.

  8. Jon Miller is still doing a good job. Kudos to him.

  9. Larry Baer owes Rich some cash for the use of The 415 - an area out in left center field at Oracle where drunken millennials hang out waiting for the camera's to role. I would say 500K might suffice.

  10. If the Giants broadcasters bother you so much, DON'T watch them!

  11. I think Miller still does a great job for Giants games. I certainly enjoy Miller with Estes or Lopez far more than Kruk and Kuip. However, that's subjective. Either way, I don't care if he's wearing a cap for the team he calls games for.

    I do have a question though. Can anyone explain how you fall from 0.5 to 0.6? Or is that just another one of Rich's many typos?

  12. Hey Nikki & Mark, Rich, like everyone else is entitled to their own opinion; but the facts on the ground are this: I'm still listening. And I expect a lot of others are too. No worries, eh? :)

    1. I listen to Mark, he is not my favorite of past and current KGO hosts, but his show is listenable, unlike the right wing host that are on other stations at that hour. Mark does a potpourri of subjects, some more interesting than others, it is either Mark or KCBS all news. Driving back from LA recently I the Black Information radio (not sure right name) the host was interesting and energetic, I think his last name was Morrison. I think in this area it is 910 AM, wondering why Rich has not written more about it? I agree with Rich on Nikki, I switch back and forth between her and Armstrong and Getty, if I'm awake at that hour, since I can't really stomach either of them for too long.

  13. My uncle is the same age as Jon (bald like him as well) and recently had skin cancer surgery on his head. Perhaps Jon is dealing with a medical issue of some kind. It would make sense.

  14. Kind of weird how both KNBR's and 95'7's ratings were down a couple of months ago. Part of it could be because of the pandemic as has been the case with a lot of things not going as well as normal because of the pandemic.

    Yeah, you can blame the lineups on both stations, but as many of you on here may know, I'm a fan and listener of 95.7. I think their current weekday lineup isn't bad even though I think the lineup they had last year before the weekday lineup change back in October, was a little stronger.

    KNBR needs work. I tried listening to some of KNBR's weekday shows, and it's hard. They just don't have the same energy that the 95.7 weekday shows have, and as we all know, the length of the commercials have killed KNBR for a number of years now.

    1. All 95.7 talks about is warriors b-ball, going woke didn’t help either. That’s when I tuned out

    2. @Johnny Mac- Going woke, as far as what?.... Who would you want/rather have on the station?

      Yeah, they do talk a lot of Warriors basketball, but they are the Warriors flagship station. The NBA is starting to become a sport that's talked about pretty much the whole calendar year with the regular season and the drama that surrounds that, then the playoffs, then once the season is done and a new champion is crowned, you then have the draft, free agency and the speculation surrounding that, and then summer league. Then before you know it, a new season will start a 2-3 months after that. The NBA the past 5-10 years has really done a great job of staying in the conversation in sports through most of the year, just like the NFL.

  15. I know this will never happen, but it's kind of too bad both stations can't consider possibly a mashup or maybe trading hosts on one station, and moving them to the other station. Yes, that's kind of happened before where hosts switched stations.

    For instance, adding Kate and putting her back on Murph and Mac. She just left the morning show on 95.7 to continue her play-by-play duties, but maybe she could come back to KNBR and work with Murph and Mac part-time on weeks she doesn't have games she's going to be working?

    Another idea is maybe putting Krueger on Damon's show and having Ratto back on with Tolbert. Ratto and Tolbert had a good rapport before they replaced Ratto with John Lund when Lund came to KNBR. Krueger and Damon could be a good pairing for a weekday show. They worked Niners pregame on KNBR I think for a couple of years back in 2012, 2013. They're both not the hosts they were when they both at one time hosted Sportsphone, but they both still have that sports passion, and I think would be an overall good show.

    I honestly think both stations would be better if you switch some of the hosts and put them on the other station.

    1. Otis III,
      I love you're broadcasting expertise with your post.
      You do not have a clue on how all of this works.
      Whatever your lane is, stay in it.

    2. sir, just about eveyone working on the fm station already worked at the am station..they have been shuttling people back and forth between the two stations for years..all these people have already worked together,there is never anyone new in the sf radio market, its the same old tired retreads and has been for years

    3. @10:35- Thanks for the compliment, even though what you said at the end threw me off. LOL.

      Honestly, a lot of times I'm just speculating and throwing ideas around. I'm no program director, but yes, I understand this doesn't work like that.

    4. His lane is an ally in the Tenderloin the guy has been posting nonsense for years

    5. @8/10 7:07 PM & 8/10 10:35 PM
      As with the rest of your ilk, the slang appropriation is pathetic. Invent your own language instead of lifting someone else's.

    6. @2:32- I work in Civic Center so I know about the Tenderloin.

      I like to share my ideas and opinions, and Rich gives us the forum to do that on here which is appreciated. If you have a different opinion, fine, but I don't think what I said was really that outlandish.

  16. Sorry for saying this but, I'm not going to lie, Heather Holmes low key is kind of hot!

  17. *Yeah,so KPIX hired a new sports anchor so few people cared, he went up to the news boss and that guy said, "who are you?" Sort of.

    Yes, I saw the new guy on Monday night 11pm talking about Oracle Field. Hey new guy, it's Oracle Park!

    1. I did not know KPIX hired a new sports guy...what is his name? I thought KPIX is short on anchors and reporters

    2. Pac Bell, AT&T, Oracle...excuse the new guy for not knowing the official name. It's always changing.

  18. Reyna Harvey is cute too.... Do her and Heather Holmes have a boyfriend? They probably do

    1. HH is on IG, she has a teen daughter and no husband. She seems happy and runs and works out.

    2. @6:04- Oh ok, thanks for the heads up

  19. Franks delivery is off. I don't want to be cruel and say pickled brain, but it almost seems like he suffered a minor stroke or some other health issue.

  20. KGO is up slightly Monday-Friday across the board.

  21. The one guy who doesnt care about ratings is joe cordell. As long as they think there are plenty of, sorry to borrow this from someone "suckers and losers" middle age divorced men going through bitter custody/divorces or the braindead lady who raves about viagra on steroids..these are the demographics who listen to radio in their minds

  22. Rich, Jon looks like he lost a ton of weight and that is a good thing. He is no spring chicken (I think he is in his early 70s) but losing all that weight is a smart move on his part.

  23. Looks like the new sports guy at KPIX Charlie Walters is somehow connected to Kylen Mills from KRON TV...

  24. Did Kate Scott already bail on the morning roast? What, she was there a few months?

    1. Kate was on the Morning Roast show for 10 months.... Kate left the show because she is going to be doing more play-by-play coming up with college football season around the corner, and she said she has even gotten offers from FOX and NBC to call games in the future. I think for her it's something she can't pass up at this point in time. She definitely got more notoriety when she filled in for Tim Roye to call a Warrior game on the radio back in March.

      Kate said it wasn't fair to Bonta and Butcher Boy to basically not be on the show for days or weeks at a time (she had already missed a few weeks to call games for the Olympics), only to come back do the show, and to leave again for another day or two to call another game.

      It was good that she was up front and honest with Bonta and Butcher Boy. It's too bad she had to leave the show as I felt they were starting to build something with this show, but you can tell that doing play-by-play is more of what she wants to do right now, and how she really has a future in that and how influential she is to females who want to step into doing play-by-play.

      She also in a way, didn't want to mess with the vibe that Bonta and Butcher Boy have going right now. Say what you want about them, but they are a good pairing and have that sports passion. I still kind of wish they were on 10-2, but it's a good show to have on in the 6-10 AM hrs as well.... Kate was good on the show, but it often times felt like they had to go left of center on some topics or talk about women's stuff and how Bonta is a girl Dad because he has a daughter, to have Kate feel more included and not be as lost in the technicalities that Bonta and Butcher Boy talk about, instead of just staying on topic and talking Niners, Giants, Warriors, or other sports topics of the day. Kate was good, but Bonta and Butcher Boy can do a show without her.

      Kate will still remain on 95.7, however. Not sure what capacity at this point, but I think she would be a good fill-in occasionally or if she does radio hits where she's interviewed on any of the weekday shows before a game she's about to do play-by-play for.

      But yes, I don't think she bailed, even if it might look/seem that way. She just felt it wasn't fair to leave Bonta and Butcher Boy hanging to call games instead.

    2. Thanks for filling us in, Otis.

    3. @11:00- You're welcome, thank you!.... I'm not sure if there will be an official press release on this or if Rich will do an article on this later, but I was just going by what Kate mentioned the other day when she hopped on the show towards the end of the show.

    4. Kate sucks. There are better women broadcasters out there like Melanie Newman. I give Kate credit though for using her lesbian card to get these gigs.

    5. @3:22- Kate is ok, even though at times she still sounds raw. At times it sounds like she's forcing the enthusiasm of a play with her voice when calling the action. Kate has already called some big time games, but I do think there are some things she can still work on. Yes, play-by-play is very hard, but I think if Kate tweaks a few things, I think she would be alright.

      As far as her using the lesbian card, I'm not sure if she does that. Rich has mentioned it in the past, but I would hope that would not be the case.

    6. Wow, I hadn't heard that Kate is gone. She grew on me. But I agree that Bonta and Butcher Boy have a rapport.

    7. @7:12- I guess there hasn't been official word on it yet, but she popped on the morning show towards the end of the show on Monday to break the news herself. It did seem awkward that she popped on the show late because she's been out calling games for the Olympics, but it turns out she came on to break the news that she was leaving the show. She brought treats and everything. LOL. I guess it was like a mini going away party for her regarding her leaving the show.

      Yeah, Kate was doing well. Kind of too bad she had to leave, but yes, Bonta and Butcher Boy do have a good thing going right now, and they're starting to blow up even more now that their show is now being simulcast on Youtube as well.

      Kate will still be on the station, but we'll see what role they put her in. I think she probably would be good on the weekends or maybe in a fill in role if someone else is out or going to be out.

    8. Grew on you? Like athletes foot?

  25. Kate Scott was terrible a friggn update reader who never ran her own show WHO CARES

  26. 95.7 The Lame has done everything they can to earn their pathetic ratings, and they deserve it! Hoping to check this station one day and here it go back to music. Total waste of air time

  27. papa lund just constant uh huh umm yhmmm ,right, yeah, um hum ,for 4 hours.

    1. haha. Actually it's more Greg Papa talks for like 5 straight minutes at a time without taking a breath and Lund pretty much agrees with everything he says. This show was better when they both were on 95.7, as I feel the format for the shows on 95.7 might be more structured as opposed to KNBR where it feels like it's more long form, at least nowadays. KNBR was better back in the day. I honestly feel things changed for KNBR when Damon Bruce left. Yeah, they eventually stashed him away on 1050, but he really was a big part of that station starting from his Sportsphone days.

      In a way, I can see why Greg Papa wanted to pair up with Lund again. I thought he had a good show with Bonta and I felt they had better dialogue even when they disagreed on topics. The past few years, even on TV, it appears Greg Papa would rather work with people who agree with him on everything. Look at Giants TV pre and postgame, and even Warriors TV pre and postgame when he was doing that. As far as his radio show, he rarely yells at or disagrees with John Lund.

    2. WTF are you babbling about? Damon leaving Knbr hasn't harmed their ratings on ebit. The Game sucks plain and simple

      And NO SH*T Papa has an ego

      clueless utterly fn clueless

  28. I have now been paying more attention when Jon Miller is broadcasting the games on both radio and TV. I'd say it takes better hearing than mine to be able to detect whether or not Miller is wearing a Giants' cap while calling the game. Frankly, he sounds like he did a decade ago, apart from then "adios pelota" was more reserved for a homerun hit by a Latino player. Now you might hear that when Posey or Crawford hit one out.

  29. Was that thee " Christine Craft " that chimed in a few posts ago !?!

  30. It was always fun when Robin would toss it back to Reyna, you could tell those two really liked each other.
