Monday, July 19, 2021

NBC Bay Area's Lucrative Olympics' Programming Bonanza; Lester Holt's SF Ride; Bell Poised to Take Over AM Drive (Maybe) on KCBS; PM Break

NBC plans 7000 hours of Olympics and local O and O will CASH IN; how much? Try $5M and that's only anestimate; even with COVID dominating the Tokyo Games, the Games will draw plenty of viewers--Americans especially, love their Olympics.

I'll go a step furher: if anything, viewership will be even more than usual because many will watch out of curiosity to see if these Tokyo games will be hit by the virus' latst effects. It's a frightening scenario but one that will SPIKE ratings. Industry people tell me that NBC will collect a windfall either way; and NBC Bay Area will be a part of that.

*Lester Holt plans to visit SF in the fall with a MASSIVE crew with hin and enough camera equipment to fill SF Bay. Raj Mathai and Jess Aguirre will be informing you more in a few weeks.

*Jeff Bell looks like the favotite (with Holly Quan) to co-anchor the AM drive news on Kay -Cee-be-Ess--my the news desk.

question: why is Patti Reising so pissed off?

*KRON wihout Pero: like water without lead.

*KTVU is so messed up lately there's genuine cause for concern. The janitor in the building has about as much stature to fill in at 10 about as much as some of the schmucks KTVU has been parading on the news desk.

*COULD YOU TELL, I COULDN'T: Joe Ritzo's play-by-play on the Giants' KNBR weekend. Or was that Randy Winn? No knock. Both are good, just weird similar voices.


  1. VLDC on suicide watch?


  2. Who watches the Olympics these days? I don't know one single person that even has a passing interest in them.

    1. @9:41 PM

      Do you mean Peter Finch?

    2. I used to watch them religiously until about 15 years ago. I've maybe watched two or three hours total since then. I figure most of the medal winners cheat, so I'm not as impressed with their performances.

  3. I think Liz St. John should have been given the opportunity at KCBS. What do you think of her?

    1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSJuly 19, 2021 at 9:41 PM

      Lez St John doesn’t have the drawers to cut it. I, Peter Felch, on the other hand, am ready and able to assume command of the morning on KCBS.

  4. Bob Fitzgerald, Kate Scott, AND Jim Kozomore doing Olympics. Enough said.

    1. I already had no interest in watching the Olympics but those three make me want to run for the hills!

  5. - LOL, 9:10
    - Did anyone ask Jeff Bell if he ever wanted to move from afternoon to morning? Yep, the Rodney treatment for Dan Mitchinson. Smh
    - Because Reising is better than Quan. That's why Reising should be disgusted. Unfortunately, the reasons go beyond quality.
    - Ritzo over Flemming? How many on the RL blog would go for that? Let me guess, though. Flemming is on an Olympics assignment.

  6. "*KTVU is so messed up lately there's genuine cause for concern. The janitor in the building has about as much stature to fill in at 10 about as much as some of the schmucks KTVU has been parading on the news desk."

    It's not just the newsroom. Lately they've been promoing the wrong episodes of TV shows every night, getting times for certain shows wrong. I think if you put a thousand monkeys at a thousand TV stations, they could do a better job than the KTVU crew.

  7. Off Subject:

    I normally don't watch TV in the morning however today I did to watch the Blue Origin flight. When all the stations switched back to local broadcasting I checked out KTVU, KNTV, KRON, KPIX and KGO and all I can say is what a mess we have in local TV news.

  8. Patti Reising may be, uh, irritated because, after these many decades of broadcasting, she still sounds like there is a clothes-pin pinching her nose when she speaks.....
