Monday, June 14, 2021

Happy Hour Monday; Taylor-Shafer Audition for AM Drive on KCBS But Just Part of Many Under Consideration; Pissed Off KTVUers

*Don't be swayed by hearing Jim Taylor on KCBS this morning (Monday) with co-anchor, Margi Shafer. Both Taylor and Shafer were the first of rotating people who are filling in for retired Stan Bunger. In fact, Taylor, the ex-CBS Radio news anchor is scheduled to fill in the entire week. No FULLTIME anchor ihas been chosen.

My KCBS source tells me the permanent candicAM DRIVE anchor(s) will be chosen from a "Jeopardy-like" process. KCBS is trying out a whole bunch of candidates and the winner will be picked after all the tryouts take place. The chosen one will probably not begin their duties until after Labor Day. Just a guess on my part. Besides, Taylor is well into his late 60's which is part of the reason why Bunger retired (he's 65).

All that said, I like Tylor. I like Shafer too. I assume Margi would be the co-anchor no matter what, with either Taylor or Dan Mitchinson as a strong candidate in the running. Mitchinson is also excellent, has a superb interviewing technique and a sense of humor. He has worked with Shafer before. They both work well.

We'll see.

*Speechless at KTVU: thr troops at FOX2 are ROYALLY PISSED OFF because of the POWER OUTAGE that kept KTVU OFF THE AIR for several hours on Monday Morning. While acknowledging it's hard to find blame when you're dealing with an act of God, the general feeling at 2 Jack London Square was, "where's our backup generator?!" --MY Q: where was ND, Amber Eikel? Maybe preparing for her haircut appt? Or maybe it was just lunch.


  1. - All the compliments I've been hearing about Mitchinson convinces me that Dan should be the future Man for KCBS' main morning drive.
    - The Firm is all too happy to ignore both the concerns of their KTVU employees and that of their KTVU viewers, covering every Bay county, but especially Alameda and Contra Costa (even with Danville, Alamo, Blackhawk, Clayton, et al strongly aligned with their network).

  2. Was the KTVU power issue with studio power or transmitter power? Regardless I doubt I'll check with them for any breaking news on any calamity that breaks out. If they can't stay on the air why bother with them?

  3. Rich ... a serious question ... Does it really make any difference who does the news on radio in the morning ? As long as the person reads smoothly, doesn't stutter, is understandable and doesn't seem to be bored with the job. This is a faceless persona with a pleasant voice, doesn't extend political views to the audience and comes across as a sincere middle-of-the-road type. Do you really want any more than that ?

  4. Unfortunately, the sports guy is playing prior sports events again. Thought that went away. Really annoying. And why do they need sports so often. That goes for weather too.

  5. How long did KCBS know that Stan 'da
    Man' Bunger was leaving???

    When Brian Williams exited NBC Nightly, they had Lester 'The Molester' lined up, ready to go.

    When Carson left the Tonight Show, Leno was already picked.

    When Letterman left the Late Show, Colbert was set.

    When Letterman left Late Night, Conan O'Brien was set.

    WTH, KCBS!!!!!!
