Thursday, June 10, 2021

Giants' PBP Broadcaster Miller Says Kuiper "On Assignment" is Ridiculous and Just Plain Wrong


The GIANTS' broadcast was concluding and PBP man, Jon Miller, was closing the broadcast when he said, "Duane Kuiper is 'on-assignment." WHAT!!? Are you serious? But yes, he said it.

I thought I was alone with my disgust but when I heard from many of you out there, Giants' fans and non-fans alike, who were OUTRAGED and ANGRY, I began to feel your wrath.

It's now fully public. Mr. Duane Kuiper announced to the world that he was diagnosed with a medical condition and that he was going to undergo "chemotherapy" and further, that the medical situation would require him to miss some Giants games.

Hardly "on assignment"

The fact that Miller would utter that BS on the air is just that, BS. It's not only an INSULT to Giants' fans but an outright LIE to everyone listening. It's not funny anymore. People already know what's taking place and what's going on, so to try to be cute and funny is not appropriate here, it's more an insult and it sounds simply disingenuous. To Mr. Kuiper himself.

A simple, "Duane Kuiper is off today" would suffice. It's honest and it's cool. The other BS isn't. Plain and simple.

Whoever made the call on this garbage needs to be talked to. I'm not the only one who feels this way but I'm the only one who's going to say so publically.


  1. Typical Lockstep Larry Orders. Sigh.

  2. prostate cancer is no joke. I hope he caught it early.

  3. You can disagree with it, and you can think it's not cute or appropriate, but it is not a lie. Virtually no one listening thinks Mr. Kuiper is on some other assignment. There is no attempt to deceive anyone about what's going on.

    I doubt seriously that Mr. Kuiper is offended by this. In fact, while only he and perhaps a few others know, I suspect he would rather his absence be treated as a normal event. He does not seem to want his illness to be foremost in everyone's mind when his name is brought up, and this is not atypical for someone dealing with a major health issue. So I'd argue that this may be in fact how Mr. Kuiper prefers this to be handled, and is fully respecting his wishes. Unless you or someone else knows otherwise, no one needs to be bashed for the "on assignment" thing in this context.

    1. Greg B: you say that "no one needs to be bashed" for referring to Kuiper as being absent because he's "on assignment", under the circumstances. I'd agree, except that Lieberman needs to bash somebody every time he logs on or he has nothing to write about -- if he can't say something derogatory about someone, he can't think of anything to say at all.

    2. Mr. Kuiper is a public figure whose job depends on his audience. He issued a statement dancing around one "c" word and using another"c" word, chemotherapy. He doesn't have to disclose his medical peril, but being coy about it doesn't earn him any credibility points.

    3. You have to be pretty damn dense not to instantly get the meaning of "chemotherapy." It's just a less-squeamishness-inducing way of saying the same thing. And since viewers/listeners come and go all through each broadcast, if they were more direct, they'd have to keep re-explaining what was going on with Kuiper, game after game, which would be a real buzz-kill on the games and the ads (which is the real purpose of the broadcasts). So this is as candid as you're likely to hear on the air.

      Kudos to 6:49 for calling out exactly what's going on with Rich. He has morphed into a bitter old guy. nothing ever pleases him anymore.

  4. I went to Hayward High School with Jon Miller....he is the best.

    1. I went to high school with Tom Hanks...I win.

  5. Frank Somerville is "on assignment" too ... just so you know.

  6. Which is worse ... On Assignment or Building A Better Bay Area?

  7. It must be dick cancer , or these sports guys wouldn't be cringing and obfuscating. There are many types of prostate cancers. Some you can live with until you die, others are aggressive and can kill you in short order. All of them affect your ability to pee while standing, as well as get a stiffie. Explains everything about the "assignment".

  8. That's nice (the new page header). Just had to adjust the size a tad.... Definitely looks more modern and eye-catching.

  9. Larry Baer was on Murph and Mac and spoke of Duane Kuiper's statement which Baer says "speaks for itself so there won't be any of that on assignment stuff" I guess Jon didn't get the memo.Miller was in the same radio announcing class at CSM taught by Gene Nelson when he worked at KSFO. Miller Is a very nice and funny fellow

  10. its about as bad as john rothman berating his listeners when they don't light up every line on the board when he brings up his extremly boring middle east peace plans..i won't to know how you feel!!!

  11. Typical bullshit from the San Francisco Giants, purveyors of manipulating/hiding the truth. I thought it was funny that Kuiper's statement didn't include the "c" word. He's not going under chemo to treat toe fungus. Now the Fat Man is saying that "he's on assignment." Just say it, man. He's going to get our well-deserved and well-meaning sympathy, but to hide it and be in denial really hurts the credibility and perpetuates many negative thoughts. The Giants think they know how to control the message, but the truth, not revisionist history, always works best.

    1. @8:01 - "Fat Man"? Have you seen him lately? Methinks you are making comment about something you don't really have much knowledge of and just like to bash anything Giants.

  12. RL's persistent complaint about this is especially unhinged. The "On Assignment" sobriquet is simply short hand for the broadcaster not being present that day. Why this is so annoying to RL is mystifying.

    1. I agree. What’s the big deal. Lots of people take a day off of work. Perhaps they have it in their contract. Also, RL needs to stop obsessing about what these ken wear to work.

    2. What kind of man cares about what another man wears to work.

  13. ...and Kuiper is likely NOT WEARING A COAT & TIE while on this assignment, that's what really frosts Rich

  14. Pathetic, they can't even show Kuiper any respect while everyone has already heard about his condition...Another reason to hate wife-beater Larry and the the far-right wing guy still one of the main owners of the team?

  15. I remember when my father had cancer and per his wishes we just tried keep everything normal. We weren't ignoring the cancer, but it helped everyone in the family - especially my father - to keep all the old family and patterns. I think if you asked Duane, he probably appreciated what John said.

  16. I can't wait until the A's go on assignment... to Las Vegas. You keep ignoring the biggest sports story in the Bay Area so you can whine about the Giants announcers and San Francisco. Grow a pair and start calling out the A's and the city of Oakland. They are going to go from having three sports teams to none. Or do you care more about someone "being on assignment."

    1. Oakland's days as a Major League city are sadly coming to an end. Hate to see it.

    2. 11:46 AM - Does that give you pleasure that Oakland might lose the A's? Keep hating.

    3. I don't know why you say "call out the A's". The A's are showing they want to stay, it's up to City of O and actually it WAS up to the City of Oakland to get their act together to get the stadium rolling. The A's tried at the Alameda Coliseum site, but that failed because the City of Oak and Alameda Co couldn't play nice together. Then there was that debacle with the surrounding property owners that all $$$$ in their eyes thinking the A's were rich like Disney. But like what 5:13 said, the days are sadly coming to an end. Even if Oak city council votes yes in July for the Howard Terminal site gets approved, where's that money going to come from? Are the A's going to fund the new park 100%? Oakland has no money to spending for a new park and even if they did have the money which would have to come from other city programs, oh surely the anti-sports-pro-feed-everyone people is going to come out in droves threatening to recall Schaff and other council members. It's an effort a little too late that the city of Oakland should've jumped on years ago.

  17. Im pretty sure those guys see the on assignment thing as a joke anyway.
