Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What the Hell is the SF Chronicle Thinking?


Run an all-out Hearst initiative to fire and/or offer buyouts to writers and reporters that still have a good following and make it mandatory to buy the paper.

I get that Hearst is LOSING globs of money at the CHRONICLE; has been for years --newspapers continue to die off and the Chron is one of those et the Chron, like others turn a remarkable profit with their digital product. SFGATE basically drives the paper now and even though SFGATE is largely click-bait-r internet goo, it has a unique element: it makes money. Lots. But as far as information, entertainment, writing? Please.

Unlike, say, the NY TIMES, which itself, has a robust on-line difital product and allows non-paid peekers a glimpse of their writers, like MAUREEN DOWD, for example, the Chronicle (Hearst) maintains a policy of, No Buy a Subscription? No reading of Scott Ostler and Bruce Jenkins. There's others but you get the point.

It's OK for Hearst to insist on paid subscriptions (boy does that hit home) but what good does it when prospective customers can't wet their appetite with a sniff of the product? The Times has a good business model but the Chronicle is still brain dead.


  1. I wonder how the decision to end the Sfgate comment section has affected their clicks and revenue generation

  2. It's amazing there haven't been more layoffs at the Chronicle. It is a living-dead product, with few ads and dwindling subscribers.

  3. Good solid content will always find solid paying customers. Clearly NOBODY is interested in paying for crap.

    I pay for the good stuff.

  4. The lack of response to this post, sadly, shows the level of interest and passion in the paper. It is slowly dying.

  5. With the exception of John Shea, the entire sports staff at the Chronicle is comical to say the least
