Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Broadcast Malpractice

THE 4 GIANTS' Broadcasters; Krukow, Kuiper, Miller and Flemming: convicted! You wear a SUIT and TIE! to the game, no matter what. And you wear the suit, even on radio, it's the right thing to do. If you don't? Take a hike. Painful, harsc? Sorry, I'm a traditionalist.

*JOHN LUND: a complete utter DISGRACE of a broadcast, a PATHETIC person who has ZERO intellect, zero SUBSTANCE, ZERO humor and even if he's GREG PAPA's pool boy, a total EMBARRASSMENT to Bay Area radio listeners. Should be deported to Costa Rica immediately. Convicted!

*CHRIS MERRILL: a FAILURE on ALL FRONTS. This bastard of fill-in at KGO RADIO has all the serenity and credibility of a San Bruno Shell station. Convicted!

*LIAM MAYCLEM, aka: "foodie chap: --a disgrace and complete PHONY, a sellout to all professional broadcasters; PIX and CBS/SF should be EMBARRASED to put this egotistical JERK on the air. What a TOTAL ABOMINATION, what an OUTRAGE! Convicted!

*BOB FITZGERALD: you must have pictures. You are an INSULT to Bay Area PBP broadcasters. BILL KING would laugh at you and tell you to your face, what a TOTAL SCHMUCK you are --your OBNOXIOUS giglle and ARROGANCE is indicative of short man's disease, wait a minute, Rudy! Convicted..

*CLAUDINE WONG: you know, Countess Wong, I don't care if you don't smile or seem indifferent or out of place, you're just not very good and a daily insult to the old days KTVU mystique.

*RONNNNNN OWENS: Oh please, just take a cruise and SAIL ON, Mr. Lowenstein, you $ELLOUT

*BRET BURKHART: a diseased yak has more intellect than you, other than that, you're just fine. Convicted!

*LIZ KREUTZ: the only place on Earth you'd be hired is DISNEY, talk about a perfect combo. It's a small world after all which helps explain why this Sears cosmetics clerk has a gig at Circle7, KGO-TV. Oy vay.

*AARON PERO: one more rotton egg that Sacramento gave us: this schmucko who loves to RAIL and SCREAM and YELL at woman, KRON reporters. Send him to Akron.

*TOM VACAR: you're lucky KTVU and FOX are afraid of lawers, you sad sack.

*LISA ARGEN: yeah right, you're Roseanna Arquette like I'm George Clooney.

*STAN BUNGER: You know, the French love Jerry Lewis too and so I hear you're off to France after retirement at KCBS and talk about symmetry.

*REGGIE AQUI: Just go away, you egotistical putz.

*DAMON BRUCE: god, what a pompous ASS you've become, daddy and all.

*RAY RATTO: see above.

TIM KAWAKAMI: Block this, schmucK: you have more EGO than a John Holmes ATHLETIC supporter.

*MARK THOMPSON: if that voice was heard in Moscow, Vlad PUTIN would excavate you. CONVICTED!

*THE KNBR MORNING SHOW: slightly less interesting than the 2021 OSCARS.

*PAPA and LUND: slightly more interesting than the Emeryville Denny's after a couple hookers used the bathroom after a bean burrito fiesta dinner at 3 in the morning.

**TOM TOLBERT: you have insight like I have Justin Timberlake sex appeal. Bet on that.

*LARRY KRUEGER; your laugh is slightly less annoying than Rod Brooks speech bizarro.

*JERIMIAH CROWE: if only you know what the producers think of you.

*KNBR PRODUCERS: you could always drive for Uber; wait a minute!

*MARK WILLARD: Jessica Kleinschmidt's not interested but AMY G is all ears.


  1. Im literally eating a Moons over My Hammy at the Emeryville Dennys right now and its ruined! Thanks Rich

  2. I remember working with Little Aaron Pero when he was a tiny news intern at KXTV in Sacramento. He was a goofball, but I could tell there was a hidden mean streak inside him. He would lob insults here and there, but he was such a little lad I could never envision what a tyrant he would become once he had a taste of POWER in San Francisco. The tiny terror is now a monster, not the little news intern I once knew.

  3. How the hell has Fitzgerald lasted this long? Heard he got the Olympic basketball gig as well. He's a condescending POS who knows everything, and spends every telecast trying to prove it. Bad situation for Azubuike - but he hasn't shown much and is easily replaceable. Wish the radio telecast (minus Tolbert) could sync with the TV broadcast with no delays. Much better!

  4. Kuiper treats his Giants broadcast job like a joke. Looks sleepy, disheveled, is unprepared and seems to treat Giants like one big trough for his family (Cole Kuiper now - OMG!). At least Krukow does his homework. Krukow is better when paired with anyone but Kuiper. Kuiper is going to milk Giants until all his kids are in their 40's and set for life it looks. Too bad for Giants Fans who deserve alot better than this Self Aggrandized Schmuck.

  5. I think the comment section from your previous piece shows that you're about the only person who cares if the Giants broadcasters wear suits or not

  6. No one's gonna f[ck with Tom Vacar. No one. Everyone knows this. If anything, he will leave on his own schedule, and no one else's.

  7. We'll agree to disagree on suit significance. Times have changed.
    As for "Tort" Tom, I love that Mr. Vacar is standing up to the ever worsening FOX network (the guy whose name rhymes with a certain word that John Oliver uses just encouraged his viewers to abuse anybody who has their children wearing masks indoors and outdoors, and to sic police on them; oy vey!).
    I'm okay with all other criticisms in this post.

  8. "Jhig Abu"?? You wouldn't dare go to the Emeryville Dennys and order your meal under that name.

    1. Good ‘Ole DarkieApril 27, 2021 at 3:49 PM

      I like me Greg Papa. But do t care none for Lund. Also I always get me the moons over Miami!

  9. Another negative post, including posts that seem redundant, surprised you left out Niki. I listen to her show off and on, not much else on at that hour of the day, and I agree, she has not improved, her voice grates on me, and she definitely talks too much about herself. I don't think Mark Thompson is that bad, he is no Gene Burns, but who is. His voice is fine and he has several people on regularly that gives good interview on different subjects, the media, politics etc. Perhaps you should leave Ronn out, don't we all know you don't like him.

  10. Ebony in Lower BottomsApril 27, 2021 at 3:47 PM

    I order under my name and variations of it all the time at that Dennys. Dont talk to me about a better country fried steak, cause there aint one round here!

  11. john miller lost a lot of weight, don't know if he was on a diet, or weight loss surgery he slimed down, but stil has a hat on all the time to cover his bald head..

  12. For me, Claudine Wong registers merely as being kinda cute, not bad, or arrogant.

  13. I think the broadcasters should wear a uniform like the coaches (managers) do. It would be just as idiotic. Middle aged and older fat out of shape men in baseball uniforms (with numbers) is the most ridiculous thing. Absolutely stupid so why not dress the broadcasters in one. Supposedly they are part of the team.

  14. Can you also throw Chip Franklin in this mix. Nothing but vaccine talk everyday. Life is moving forward Chip. Change the subject

    1. Why does chip get a pass from a beat down? Lives in San Diego lies about everything that comes out of his mouth. Doesn’t know the City or it’s people complete fraud selling termite treatments . If Rich gives him a pass he has zero credibility.

  15. Jessica Kleinschmidt. A lil girl playing big girl in the big city. Follower her on Twitter, she is a joke, fighting with people she doesn't agree with. Grow up.

  16. Bill King was the greatest and good luck finding a photo of him in a suit and tie.
