Sunday, April 11, 2021

A 415 Media Sunday Spiel; State of Mind; State of Being and Vital Request

NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK OF ME...Good, bad, indifferent, you are HERE for a reason; because NO ONE, NOBODY does what I do. NOBODY.

You can laugh, you can cry, you can shake your head and think I'm a complete idiot; hell, even I think I'm an idiot on occasion. But that's another story.

Bottom line is, you still come here every day and you look for information you're NOT going to get anywhere else. You enjoy reading the items and stories no one, NO ONE, ever dares write about and explore. The CHRONICLE gave up on reporting about Bay Area MEDIA years ago. They only talk about TV/Radio when there's stories to report that I BROKE HERE FIRST. Which is why you're here, again.

Generally, I bring you fresh and enlightening content and do so consistently every day. I'll grant you that I don't always have new and exciting items but in order to do so, I need TIPS and IDEAS--from YOU. It's totally incumbent that you help me out. HERB CAEN was GREAT, of course he was, but n order to entertain you, inform you, he needed TIPS, from YOU. Yeah, ITEMS, items, irems, great stuff, but no tips, NO items. Herb knew it and so did his staff of 7-8 helpers, god bless you still, CAROLE VERNIER.

20,000 of you, on average, including a few bots and coke machines, come here every day, every hour on the hour. I know, for the most part, I have INFORMED YOU, entertained you, brought you in and out of my life. It's not always warm and fuzzy and sometimes it can be downright crazy and bizarre; you have great patience and mental fortitude to put up with my occasional disjointed offerings but you understand it's part of the show. I don't have a slew of editors and monitors to clean up the crap. I've been dealing with a new writing format that Google has foisted on me, so yeah, misspellings galore on occasion. Sorry. Spellcheck wasn't invited to my party, courtesy Google, but I'm trying my best. Hopefully, given time, I'll find a solution.

I TAKE SHOTS, of course I DO. People take shots at me, why shouldn't I take shots at them but there's a HUGE difference. I very rarely take PERSONAL shots. I try my best to judge people based on their work and nothing else. There's exceptions which I have made very clear. Yes, a few people and companies, I go after and in some cases, it's personal. But at least I don't HIDE behind a keybaord and take shots --MY NAME is always there, on record, always. There are people in this area, men, women, who consistently tear eme apart and do so ANONYMOUSLY. They are COWARDS. You know that --but that's life in the Internet world.

SPEAKING of the internet, most of what you read is free. I understand asking for CONTRIBUTIONS is a tough sell, especially in a PANDEMIC. I didn't go about this venture looking to make money but I also didn't plan on it costing me money to write and inform you and entertain you losing money; money that I DON'T have. THIS all requires quite a bit of TIME and ENERGY. And while I LOVE writing all this and being there for you, in order to do so, I NEED YOUR HELP and SUPPORT. Without YOU ALL supporters, there is NO 415 MEDIA. Ok, so it's another pledge break but unlike others, I REALLY do need the money to make sure you're entertained and informed. If only a semi-fraction of you contributed, then the blog would be regularly SUSTAINABLE and I wouldn't have to ask you all for donations. Unlike, say, RSN, or KQED, I continue to make 415 MEDIA FREE, for the vast majority of you all; I know times are tough and there tough for me too.

PLEASE, MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to 415 MEDIA--any amount helps but the more, the merrier. Some of you have CONTRIBUTED multiple times. Beyond the scope of generous. Some of you that HATE me; even you have stepped to the plate, repeatedly and THANKS. Again, without you, there is NO BLOG. Simple enough.

415 MEDIA, (me actually) RELIES on YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS. I will not (NEVER) put this blog behind a PAY WALL because I want to keep it free for I know many of you simply can't afford to donate; I know times are tough--their tough for me too. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP.

**I NEED YOU to go to the "PAY PAL DONATE" icon (on the right side of the blog) and CLICK on it and make a DONATION now, TODAY. It's fast, easy and takes less than a minute. It's also 100% SAFE and SECURE. If you want to make a donation, anonymously, you may do so. I will personally call/e-mail THANKING YOU for your donation. You DO NOT have to have a Pay Pal account to CONTRIBUTE.

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