Monday, January 18, 2021

Chronicle Slashing Gigs; KRON at 3 PM News a Farce; KNBR Shill Time Crock; 'Building a Better Bay' Gets Janitors Laughs at Circle7; Monday Memo

 BIG NAMES GONNO... Willie Brown isn't the only big name Chronicle columnist on the way out; editors, writers, reporters, even other potential stars will be vacating 5th and Mission because times are a cuttin'...

*Yeah KRON, 3 PM News but NOBODY is watching even by your measly standards.

*KNBR is so shameless they are putting on more betting shills and disguising them as guests; they should TELL YOU folks the sports' betters are PAYING the radio station but they don't. 

*I DON'T MIND the fact KGO

s John Rothmann says a lot, "I worked for Richard Nixon"--if Rothmann eever were to say he worked for George Washington, then I'd have a problem.

*YES, the proliferation of "The President of the United Stated", too much, too much. We know he's the 'president of the US" --Don't keep telling us, "of the United States." 

*Everybody and their uncle are off today and I doubt seriously, they're celebrating MLK Jr's birthday, hat is, people in the news biz.

*ONCE AGAIN, There is NO weather and NO traffic which makes the 400,000 traffic and weather reports so fundamentally worthless even if they're sponsored. Tell the client you'll find them time in another part of the hour. Easy. Set and match.

*KQED's latest morale issue would be more meatier but like everything else in the Covid era, there's a front burner and a back burner. KQED bosses know that and rather than take care of their personnel problem now, they've decided to delay and delay. Amateur hour lives on at the home of auctions and pledge breaks.

*If the world were to end soon, would KRON say, "hold on", we need to go to the weather board.

*Followed by KRON, the clubhouse leader in weather reports, KTVU and zanier-by-the-day, Bill Martin.

*"Building a Better Bay Area"? Hey Disney, not only is your SF O and O staff making fun of that hollow BS branding, the janitors have gigglefests in the vending machine alley.

*Pat Thurston had a guest on from Washington DC who said the Capitol area resembled the Green Zone in Baghdad --that line was summarily ripped off by everyone on Earth.

Nikki Medoro needs more than mere tweaking; she needs an actual producer who can book her more guests and she needs a producer to tell wimpy newsguy, Bret Burkhart to SHUT UP. The only thing more nauseating than Medoro's voice is Burkhart's uber-irritating drawl, how this schmuck has a gig, I'll never know.


  1. The only thing Medoro needs is to STFU and GTFO.

  2. The Chronicle could save some money by getting rid of that useless Sunday restaurant reviewer Ho.

  3. yeah, those sports bettor guys on the Tolbert show are a bit much. The college guy is fine, good tips. But the Chad dude, irritating! A voice of an annoying preppie. And no info, just laughing at himself and promoting website. Crap radio. He's a dope. But must be paying a few shekels to get on.

  4. KNBR weekend mornings are a wreck. Vegas gambling goombas, annuity salesmen, horseracing, Big 10 basketball and Paulie Mac's podcast. None of it fits together and all of it is unlistenable.

  5. Rich has KRON nailed down on their crap. Here's my contribution to the thread about KRON.

    KRON: "We'll keep you updated on the meteor that's about to impact Earth, but first a report from Walnut Creek then we'll check our weather boards." "It's a beautiful day out here, great for viewing the rock about to hit us. The temps will be... )%#$)%$ NO CARRIER"

  6. The entire SFGate staff now consists of Amy Graff, Katie Dowd, and Eric Ting. Those three together, working 24/7, along with Bay City New Service, produce 94.7% of all local content.
    The rest of the 'offical news' is produced by the Washington Post, New York Times, and the Atlantic.
    ALL local "comments" have been removed meaning there is no longer any meaning or discussion of what is on SFGate.
    Then people wonder why people of all persuasions no longer believe the news and instead flock to crazy internet sites.

    "Journalists? We ain't got no journalists! We don't need no journalists! I don't have to show you any stinking journalists!"

  7. So sick of KGO's, "Building a Better Bay Area" line being repeated half a dozen times in each newscast. Reminds me of the overused and annoying, "The Best Place on Earth" KPIX tag line from maybe 20 years ago.

    The Chronicle should keep Willie's column and get rid of Ann Killion. She spends more time preaching woke politics than writing about sports these days.

    I subscribe to the digital edition of the Chronicle and constantly wonder whether it's worth it. Stories stay on its digital front page for days, if not weeks, with only a small handful of updates each day.

  8. 30 year radio veteran here. That’s not the role of a talk radio producer. On-air staff report to their PD or ND. Producers can influence and pitch, but they don’t dictate anything to their ego-driven personalities. A producer works in a support role developing topics, doing research, screening calls, booking guests, and executing the broadcast. If you had a show, do you really think you’d allow your producer to dictate what you say? At the end of the day it’s the host’s show and they call the shots until management makes a change.

  9. "KNBR is so shameless they are putting on more betting shills and disguising them as guests; they should TELL YOU folks the sports' betters are PAYING the radio station but they don't."

    Not to mention these guys are frauds, shame on KNBR...

  10. John rothman has been obsessed with nixon all of his life.he is also obsessed with Donald Trump to where he claims he is going to teach a course about him

  11. - I'm surprised RL didn't mention PD Jerkymiah (flashed back to a non-PC comic strip from the 1970s to parody the Knibber PD's actual first name; dude is a bit too lucky)
    - I guess KRON has cut back on dysfunctional smiles.

  12. *"Building a Better Bay Area"? Hey Disney, not only is your SF O and O staff making fun of that hollow BS branding, the janitors have gigglefests in the vending machine alley.

    That's why I don't watch KGO7 News anymore..

  13. Serious, Rich? It's 80 degrees in SF in January and there's "no weather?"

  14. Unfortunate that the Chronicle is becoming the KGO of the newspaper business. No frills, bare bones, skeleton staff.

  15. Sacramento Bee is shutting down the presses... and vacating the building. Printing is done in Fremont for the immediate future. The end?

  16. Anybody else getting blocked from reading SF Gate until they "whitelist" the site? The Chron has hired Admiral web services to find more eyeballs by forcing readers to accept ads and tracking--pretty desperate move, and I declined the "offer."

  17. KRON does nothing but news. They have nothing else to offer and their News isn't much to get excited about either (Except for Vickie L.) They talk about the same thing over and over. Who wants to buy this place?

  18. WTF watches mouse 7?

  19. How the hell are they "building a better Bay Area?" Are they out there building roads/bridges/building/other infrastructure? NO--they just read the goddamn news.

  20. mouse 7 is disneyland on steriods
