Friday, January 29, 2021

Bunger's Punt on Willie Brown KCBS Friday Schmooze; 95.7 FM 'The Game' Nobody-Is-Listening Morning Show; 'Check Please'; KPOO Cool; BS; Friday Dotters

 I KNEW he'd (Stan Bunger) PUNT when given the chance to ask Willie Brown on his regular Friday AM conversation on KCBS, about what was the real deal behind Da Mayor losing his Sunday Chronicle column. Bunger is a soft tart only late in his career and not a news guy, that doesn't fit his pedigree these days.

I DID expect and was royally disappointed that Bunger didn't ask the mayor his feelings about the SF School Board's crazy decision to make 44 schools change their names. Bunger and fellow KCBS/Chronicle contributor, Phil Matier, concentrated on teachers and the Covid-19 vaccine. All well and good, but IGNORING such a news-worthy subject like the School board hijinks? Gotta get to that traffic report and Bunger's Willard Scott routine.

I should not be surprised anymore but hell yes, what pathetic display of dumbness by Bunger. Has he given up? Is he more concerned about visiting the Alameda Rotary club to talk about the pancake breakfast.

YES and yes.

*That goofy alleged morning show on the All-Sports 95.7 FM station has had ZERO buzz and has ZERO Ratings which means (again) that NO ONE is listening, no one has ever been listening even with the woman who never says anything and the butcher who dsepite all his screaming and yelling, can't make a dent into the numbers, or LACK of numbers.

*Bunger's 2021 business model: constant giggling with traffic yenta, Kim Wonderley; repeated weather forecasts even though Stan doesn't have a meteorology degree (ok, no big deal) and amongst the WORST questions of any news guy in this town. Lightweight-central is Bunger.

*The most overrated crap on local TV: KQED's boring and nauseating "Check Please" --a bunch of asshole snobs who were lucky enough to get 20 bucks and TV air time to comment on eating stuffed bell peppers. 

Yeah, really amazing and creative programming.

*Two days of sunny weather and a break from the storms just enough time for the cretins to talk about the drought. And they will.

*Yeah right, Bill Martin uses his surfer background to monitor the wind --about as realistic as me analyzing my diet patterns by consuming extra cheeseburgers.

Nice try, though.

*NOTICE that, especially on locale radio, when the assorted hosts can't think of anything creative to say, they start to giggle? It's so darn pathetic and ridiculous and annoying as all get-go.

*Yeah, KPOO is a delight as I've discovered but not as fantastic as all you have told me. Yeah, compared to lousy music and endless cackles, the music is cool.

*The Chronicle is in deep doo-doo as those of you that still read it already know. 

*TONIGHT's live shots at a few SF restaurants --reporter to diner: "Isn't it awesome to eat outside?" OMG, what insightfulness.

*On the other hand, Wayne Freeman gets to go out into the field.



  1. I see Loooooose Pena is Special Reporter For Some Covid Thing at KGO now, for some unknown reason.

  2. Rich, when are you going to be on Check Please? Decent show and it's locally produced.

    1. 11:09 That's a fantastic idea! Think they'll broadcast from Tommy's Joynt?

    2. Rich has been on the show before

  3. She is a part of the ABC7 News vaccine team. Unfortunately, no one can understand what information she is providing.

    1. She's helping to build a better Bay Area!!

  4. Stan Bunger now that's a guy in need of a stage name! Perhaps someday the great Ronn Owans name can be Recycled. Who knows Stan may get lucky and snag it.

  5. So YOU'RE gonna tell surfers about surfing and weather?! Oh, ok. I didn't realize that was you out in the line up at Ocean Beach.

  6. I think she is sexy, along with her accent.

  7. RE: KPOO. But it's called "K-POO". Won't listen to anything with that name. Ick.

    1. I second that. Ewww!

    2. I agree. I've had it up to here with poo.

  8. RE: Stan Bunghole. Not a very attractive name.

  9. Rich, you just don't watch "Check Please" with the right attitude and the proper frame of reference. It's a tribute to the the latest "foo foo" dining among the hoity-toity set. According to Wikipedia the only cities with their own "Check Please" programs are Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, Kansas City, Phoenix, Seattle, and Philadelphia. So we are among the elite cities.

    1. Hmmm. Not New York or LA. They must know something and shared it with Rich.

  10. 95.7 the Game morning lineup is a complete “joke”. If they replaced it with FOX sports radio national shows Dan Patrick 6am-9am and Colin Cowherd 9am- Noon which will be more listen to right now I believe especially going up against Murph and Crap on KNBR...might even beat them in numbers...

  11. Here's the thing about KPOO: there are different shows every day, you can't just leave them on 24/7 like KCSM. (Speaking of, KPOO does jazz on Sun and Thurs nites.) The individual shows can be great depending on your tastes. The oldies blocks (late Sun, Mon nite, Thurs afternoon and of course JJ's fantastic'70s/'60s soul show on Sat at 10pm) are all pretty great. As is DJ Lamont's Tues nite dance music extravaganza. You just have to know when to tune in.

  12. I'm hearing rumblings that the supervisors are upset with St. Francis because he scowled at a squirrel once and may push to rename San Francisco too.

    1. I vote for 'Safespace Pussyville'

  13. Why no comments ever about Sarah & Vinny daily show?
    They are entertaining and far better listening than the Bunger Group
    at KCBS or any of the other AM shows.

  14. Serious surfers keep tabs on the storm track, because storms brings waves, duh.If a storm is arriving from the north, that affects beaches which face northward. If the storm is arriving from the south, it affects the wave quality at south facing beaches. Take a map, and look how the coastline is configured. Is this too complex for you?

  15. I don't mind Luz Pena's accent but why does she sound so breathless? I know lots of people who've suppressed their accents without sounding like they're gasping for air -- Da Lin is the same way only not quite so bad.

    1. Da Lin is Walter Cronkite compared to Pena

  16. That group photo in the KCBS hallway, just think, one of those people banged the bejesus outta the new VP!!!

    1. The VP must have been really hard up for a bang.

  17. Check Please is like porn for me. Because of COVID, I can't go out and get some on my own, but I can watch others enjoying themselves. In a foursome!
    And Leslte Sbracco is not bad either.

  18. all you need to know about joe shasky, he was just some grocery store butcher they found off the street, who used to call in to damian bruce someone thoght because of how overhyper he was and the "passion" he showed as a local all SF guy they would try him out on the air..
