Tuesday, December 15, 2020

KRON Staff Told to Dress Up --Nextstar Bosses

The 8 Best Rooftop Bars in San Francisco

EARLY LAST MONTH, at KRON, the bosses told the working stiffs to dress up; women especially and men too; wear dresses and men wear ties and suits; even the off-air staff; why?

Nextstar suits were to pay a visit to the KRON 900 Front studios and offices. No, they were not there to exchange spaghetti and meatball recipes. Put two and two together.

*I thought $500M was too high a selling price for independent albatross KRON; so did you. Until I remember back two decades ago that KTLA fetched $500M and people shook their heads. TV stations are valuable properties. Ask Jim Gabbert.

*Speaking of Gabbert, mister thrifty could have bought KGO Radio for cheap but el cheapo wasn't interested. He apparently wants to die rich.

*Papa and Lund "sports?" More like Papa and Lund, porno.

*With the 49ers' drop-off and baseball/Giants uncertainty, expect KNBR/Cumulus to have another round of 2020/21' layoffs and furloughs. 



Any contributions/donations to my "donate" button are welcome. It's a time of year that all donations go to holiday things like food, expenses, groceries, etc. Go the "Pay Pal" donate button on the right and follow the prompters. I will personally call/e-mail you thanking you for your donation.


  1. They would be well advised not to tell women to wear dresses. They can request professional business attire.

  2. Jim Gabbert has given the majority of his money to a land trust and they return a fixed amount per year for the rest of his life. That’s seems pretty honorable to me.

  3. So that's how the Dysfunction Smile developed! Scantily dresses encouraged, and of course, the most misbehaved one(s) flirt, which led to the KRON pair photo that RL - whose Gabbert flashbacks are nice, but are just another relic in the Bay TV past - shared weeks ago.

  4. I know a great way for KRON's new overlords to save some money right off the bat: Fire the asshole ND.

  5. Is this what's known as putting lipstick on a pig?

  6. "I thought $500M was too high a selling price for independent albatross KRON; so did you. Until I remember back two decades ago that KTLA fetched $500M and people shook their heads. TV stations are valuable properties."

    I thought a billion dollars was too high a price for some dotcom startup that's just another variant on the Internet Relay Chat of the 1990s, which was developed and available for free. But add some nice design and a cool hipster name and suddenly this 25-year-old technology is "changing the world."
