Saturday, October 31, 2020

Bay Area Media Plan for 'Historical' Election Night

Coronavirus brings big changes to 2020 campaign TV coverage - Los Angeles  Times

TUESDAY NIGHT …. can you feel the anxiety? If you say no, then I would say you're either non-human and/or you have no pulse. A central nervous system is required for human being status.

All local media are preparing for a historic night: Election 2020. It figures to be indeed, historic, but maybe for all the wrong reasons. Tension, high drama, unrest, anxiety? A longtime TV anchor here who was concerned about all of the above, told me, he personally, isn't taking any chances.

"I'm staying at a hotel, downtown. I don't want to be driving to the 'Eastbay past midnight. You don't know what the streets will be like." The anchor asked that I not use their name. But I'll tell you that anchor isn't alone. Maybe it's the angst that everyone is feeling.

It could be much ado about nothing. It could be a Y2K version of 2020 Election Night. Nothing really crazy happens.

A news writer at PIX: "Biden wins; it's a landslide; not even close and everyone is safe and sane." That's too easy. But...

All the Dominos will be open past 3 AM. Hold the olives.


  1. Democrats gotta Democrat. So I'd expect fires, looting, vandalism and assaults.

  2. I wished I believed that newswriter but I think a far more likely scenario is Trump loses the popular vote but wins the Electoral College. If it's close and goes to the Supremes, he's already installed his fixer, who's probably already drafted her opinion as to why Trump should prevail using all sorts of florid legalize. And yes, I expect riots and fires...everywhere.

  3. Veronica De La Cruz will be staying away from the Studio, too.

  4. Tell your anchor friend not to worry...
    Based on the last few days I have see giant turnouts of the Biden "base" all over the country. Texas, Florida and Saturday in Beverley Hills.
    So much Biden love everywhere that I would expect the Biden Base to rally big on election eve....and be ready to PARTY!!!
    Those "shy" Biden voters will emerge to push our VP Pal over the top with a landslide 362 electoral votes.

    The Biden victory should be so decisive, and chilling...that good democrats will be able to march and party all night. those poop, and golden lined streets...of Old San Francisco.

    PS: Not too safe being trapped and landlocked when both bridges to SF are blocked...and the 280 is closed because of a giant "red force" who will permanently blockade SF...for the good of the rest of the state.

    Don't fear the conservatives, fear those that insist on marching in poo filled streets...with a mask on.

  5. I can almost guarantee that the media will fuck it up.

  6. If Biden wins Florida it's OVER and they will call it early, that's my greatest hope...otherwise no doubt Trump will try to steal the election.
