Monday, September 21, 2020

Sze's-Trixie Reign of 'Managerial Terror' Continues at KGO' Led Wang to Leave for San Jose; Watkowski-Influenced; Fear at 900 Front

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Sze and Thomas Tension; Morning Family Feud At  KGO-TV

WHEN SHE'S NOT BUSY working behind the scenes to draw up a manufactured "petition", Kristen Sze is often devising plot schemes to maintain a power grip at KGO-TV where she teams up with Trixie Watkowski, the equally detested News Director.

Up until recently, I always assumed Sze's power-driven ego was just someone who had a grudge with her; a newsroom veteran who has an axe to grind; a disgruntled co-worker who objects to Sze's cozy relationship with Watkowski's reign of managerial terror. I now know more which speaks of a woman consumed with her own position and how she co-opts her influence with bosses grudging acceptance. 

Sze was able to convince most of her buds at Circle7 to sign the petition. Notably, at least two high-up KGO anchors, including Ama Daetz and Dion Lim are no friends of Sze.. Both women feared mightily by Sze and hostile workers she deems unworthy. Watkowski is allied with Daetz and Lim whom she sees as potential more-exposure aces but she nonetheless sticks with Sze because she does'nt want to draw her ire.

Both Daetz and Lim did not sign the petition. 

Sze uses her considerable influence at KGO to ward off people, mostly women, who she views as hostile forces. She practically demanded that Watkowski give her a non-watchable news show at 3 PM -something Trixie didn't want to do but reluctantly gave approval to because she feared Sze would go over her head to get her way. The show at 3 would be an abject failure no matter who was hosting because no one watches. Even so, Sze is allowed to massage her ego.

Sze had a quasi friendship with ex-KGO anchor, Janelle Wang; they both worked the weekday line-up at KGO but they also feuded and when Sze told Wang at a secret lunch she ruled the KGO forest, Wang left and ended up at NBC in San Jose. She told friends that Sze was "too much to fathom." They both talk now but clearly it was Sze's fear of her (Wang) that led her away from 900 Front.

Sze is pretty much deemed "hands off" at the station. Much to the chagrin of ND Trixie and Tom Cibrowski, the GM who reluctantly allowed her to coordinate the petition using Disney/ABC/KGO company e-mail. That development has reached the corporate HDQS at Disney's ABC LA offices.

Sze's grasp of power at KGO is so vast even long-tenured anchors and star reporters fear her alienation and wrath. They play nice to her and cozy up a relationship so as not to pick a fight with her. They worry if they dare try to out-flank her,she will find a way to make their life miserable.


  1. > Kristen Sze is often devising plot schemes
    > to maintain a power grip at KGO-TV where she
    > teams up with Trixie Watkowski, the equally
    > detested News Director.

    > Up until recently, I always assumed Sze's
    > power-driven ego was just someone who had
    > a grudge with her; a newsroom veteran who
    > has an axe to grind...

    I thought she was just some mediocrity doing the unwatched noon news, which is about as close to Siberia as you can get in journalism, TV or otherwise.

  2. Sze is such a plan C anchor. She would not draw me into watching a newscast at all. Dion Lim AND Ama are Head and Shoulders in a higher class than Sze

  3. Kristen is the definition of a witch

  4. Sze reminds me of a spoiled only child. Doesn't know how to share and gets jealous when more capable women like Dion & Ama are out performing her

  5. After co-anchoring with her for several years, poor Eric Thomas frequently considered a strong left turn mid-span on the Bay Bridge back to Walnut Creek. Sze & Trixie are power hungry nut jobs. Watch out Tommy-Boy, Trixie wants your gig!

  6. All seems ludicrous. The needle would not move one way or the other if Sze was there or not. Competent anchor, solid on camera presence...but geez nowhere near unreplaceable. Why all the fear?

  7. I had no idea she had a news show in the afternoon. I hope it's not another one of those dreary "We sit down with an 'expert' on XX and talk about some hot topic that's already been done to death" shows.

  8. I'm still convinced that the roles reverse when Sze tries to mess with Ashley and Finney, which would be a fatal mistake that even the Circle7 execs would see. Perhaps it makes sense that because Sze tries to anchor With Authority, Beil seems to tolerate her best, as if they were made to pair together on a newscast. An RL Nightmare Hour where even the worst air quality forecasts by Christian are breaths of needed air.

  9. Sze and Trixie are both intelligent and attractive women. Let them be.

  10. Can you write about Nikki Medoro's sloppy English? This morning she said when referring to Biden and his wife "Joe and her" instead of "she". I have suggested that Lee Hammer or the station hire a tutor for Nikki.

  11. I used to work with Sze and here is a little known fact. Every Thursday she would eat Thai food and less then an hour later she would overflow the toilet in the ladies room. It was so rude.

    1. No surprise she dropped a bomb in there. Bet she didn’t do anything to make it fresh.

    2. What kind of woman goes number two in the ladies room at work?. What is wrong with Sze! This is a hell of a scoop by 415 media again!!!

    3. Rude? Sounds disgusting and unprofessional. Pam Moore would never do her business at the office. She is professional and a lady. Sze is a disappointment.

    4. That's orientals for you. Did she wear flip flops too?

    5. Great content as always on 415! I used to work with Sze too and we used to call her...Sze Sweet Ass!

    6. Sounds like a stinky ass

    7. I heard that Sze used to microwave left over fish in the office, thats downright gross! I guess now she can stink it up since everyone is working at home, but thats just nasty!

    8. Nick Gerz pent up in the TenderloinSeptember 22, 2020 at 11:29 AM

      If i ran into Sze you know dam well i'd bring the ruckas! I'd do my dizzle!

    9. I saw her at Wild Side West once. It smelled around her there too

    10. I bet she puts her toilet paper in the corner on the floor. That’s what we call ass in the bathroom.

    11. Woah, Les Be Honest... I didnt know Sze was 'into it' you know what i'm sayin? Not gonna lie, thats kinda hot!

  12. You'll notice the ones who did not sign the letter are the ones who frequently put their sexuality on full display, legs, "winnebagos," skimpy outfits, too tight clothes, etc. These women like to use their sexuality to get what they want ... raises, promotions, followers on "social media," male attention, in general ... they know exactly what they are doing and use their assets to manipulate men. Photos of Heather's legs on full display, Ama's cleavage propped on the anchor desk when she was pregnant, Rosemary's Daisy Dukes glamour shots, any number of other examples, etc., etc., etc. These women tend not to have much going on intellectually, so the alternative is their physical exhibitions. And, men apparently like being manipulated this way because they fall for it every time like the imbeciles they are, as clearly evidenced by the frequency of the comments entered here lauding such overt displays.

    1. Very few women signed it overall not just the hot ones Karen. Do you want women in tv to wear burlap bags? Give me a break. It's a visual medium. This sounds like a woman who gets no attention from the opposite sex having a bitter bash. Women who bash other women. The all time crappiest woman out there. Ridiculous you are.

  13. First she does a hit job on Rich. Now she takes a dump at work, stinks up the John, and overflows the toilet. Who is this woman?!!! Let the truth come out.

  14. Damn. I guess everyone needs to keep six feet away from Sze even once Covid is gone. She’s probably farting all over the newsroom.

  15. Is she divorced? Please confirm. I know her husband is Chinese/Asian and notice no ring on air for years.
