Greg Papa called out Warriors' player Draymond Green for being too honest on his TNT NBA Playoff studio commentary. Pop, it's a free country, let the guy speak his mind -he's entertaining and fresh. It's quite a listen.
*Pat Thurston was filling in (again) on the KGO Radio morning show and did quite well on Friday; now if only the nebbish news guy would have shut up it would have been great.
*Trump gets fingered by The Atlantic for saying shitty things about military vets. The Atlantic is not like The Enquirer so I believe the story.
*Papa and his potty-mouthed partner, John Lund, have some ongoing issues with a few advertisers in that HORRIBLE last thirty minutes of the KNBR show and it's potentially quite bad news for the asshole Lund.
*John Rothmann is too nice to Trump callers and that's the problem; but I get it now because Rothmann is sincere: he really believes by drawing out the brain-dead Trumpers they expose themselves. To a degree.
*I'll be here throughout the Labor Day weekend which I know you just love. You should. Everyone else is headed to the beaches. Wait a minute.
*Raj Mathai on KGO this morning --stick to the night job.
*Ronn Owens thinks nobody knows he's trying to rip off Paul Harvey.
*KCSM is even more mellow on Saturday afternoon jazz with Sonny Buxton, man, what a terrific show.
*Seaver, in addition to all his great statistics, had longevity too.
*John Batchelor : an educated Trump butt boy.
*Thurston in the morning: there's a nice ebb and flow.
All of a sudden Democrats care about our military and veterans. I guess it's true what they say, "never let a good (or fake) crisis go to waste". The hypocrisy has been so ridiculously lame on this latest bs with all of them suddenly tweeting about "our veterans!" "How dare he! OUR VETERANS!".
ReplyDeleteOh please. Go kneel somewhere.
A lot of us Veterans served our country (I did; used my GI Bill after two tours in godforsaken Vietnam). We served our country to fight for our freedoms--which includes freedom of the press, speech, and the right to practice whatever religion we choose.
DeleteI don't have a problem with kneelers. I'd never do it. But it's their right--something I fought for (and something my cousin died for in Vietnam--as did two of my platoon mates).
Misinformed kneeling. That is the problem. And these morons are allowed to vote. That is why shithole cities have become what they are usually under the rule of 1 particular party. See: tons of USA Today articles lately about people fleeing California and New York and citizens of their new cities and states telling them: "Leave your politics behind please".."don't ruin your new homes with failed policies".
DeleteYou are watching, yet again, what the president calls fake news, what is also called a pseudo event, where anonymous sources are used by a leftwing site to smear the president, and it is timed to do maximum damage 60-days before the election.
ReplyDeleteRich why so much hate on Trump? Just shut up and vote for his opponent
ReplyDeleteFolks, I have a GORGEOUS Asian co-worker, who just gained her citizenship and is HOG-WILD over Trump; I asked her (she's 54 years of age and still GORGEOUS LOOKING Asian babe..) what about when Trump says "...grab 'em by the pussy" and I get that blank stare ... Julia Zuo, please learn this political game ... (and I'm NOT a 'Biden' fan but given the alternative...???
DeleteRichard?? Do you remember, the vivid memories of watching the Miracle Mets on that '69 season? I'm NOT a baseball fan, but GAWD DAMN, that was ONE sweet season and post-season to cheer on the Mighty Mets ... Tommy Agee was MY GUY but ALL those guys rose to the challenge of the dasterdly Orioles ... RIP
ReplyDeleteThe real fakes are the Russian-influenced responders on this blog who are only on because it brings the Great RL the money he deserves for producing his product.
ReplyDeleteCasualties of war and all Veterans who served overseas are Winners and Patriots. The real Losers and Suckers are those who continue to fall for someone who wants to continue his cheating life atop the free world. These Putin-copying responders on this blog may also be the opens influencing voter intimidation. They all should feel lucky that their posts carry monetary value that Rich needs.
Don't put down the Enquirer. After the Carol Burnett suit, they instituted a new policy -- they'll pay for stories only if you pass a polygraph. And if you bother to read them, you'll find they're more accurate than anybody.
ReplyDeleteThe Atlantic had one source, who wasn't identified. Seems the story was rushed out there to change the subject from Pelosi's hair styling. But the Atlantic story is already falling apart. John Bolton, who was with Trump in France but isn't a Trump fan, says he didn't hear it. Neither did Sarah Huckabee, but she doesn't count since she's a Trump fan.