Saturday, August 29, 2020

Pat Thurston's Time Has Come: Put Her on KGO Radio Morning Drive

Pat Thurston (@PatThurston) | Twitter

THE OTHER DAY ON KGO, Pat Thurston once again demonstrated why she's one of the best hosts on 810 AM: Thurston was interviewing  Loretta Lynch, the ex; PUC boss and was able to make breaking news.

Lynch called out the ISO and basically said the whole energy crisis in California is corruption central.

This wasn't just a great interview, it was damn entertaining and information laden, something Thurston does regularly and has a growing allegiance --notably all demos including women.

Thurston is able to move the needle; stir things up; conduct fluid radio and do so on a rapid fire basis.

KGO could use her in the morning slot \from 6- 10AM. She filled in for Nikki Medoro the other week and was terrific. She not only can interview, she can also talk and make interesting points even if you happen to disagree, like I do; Thurston's politics are a bit more left-leaning but so what, I enjoy her repertoire.

Thurston would be great on morning drive.


  1. No. Her voice/delivery is barely tolerable in the afternoon and hearing it first thing in the morning would ruin the whole day.

  2. Well anything is better than Chip Franklin.

    I listened to Chip tell us...twice...on Thursday that James Worthy walked off the set of Inside the NBA on TNT Wednesday night in protest. It was widely reported that Kenny Smith walked off.

    James Worthy. He of 1980's Laker fame.

    I guess to Chip they all look the same.

  3. Yeah, but can she sing "Bogut Nights"?

  4. Pat Thurston would be a improvement in the early morning, but then who would take over from 12 to 3 pm ?
    Not sure that the extra time she spends on topics and guests would fly on the early morning drive time where listeners are in and out of their car.
    One more point.
    Which ever time slot she gets, it would be important that she stops "personally" doing the spots for Balance of Nature where she "personally" speaks and endorses a product that tells a out and out lie in their spots.
    To wit---Pat personally said the following.
    "Six capsules a day gives you ten servings of fruits and vegetables"
    Sorry folks but that is a flat out lie...a fraud.
    The daily 6 powder capsules total weight is only 4.8 grams. Even after you return the water, you only start with maximum 48 grams (1.7 ounces) of fresh fruits and veggies. That is not even one single serving. Pat Thurston is passing on a lie when she says you will be getting 10 servings.
    A lie, a fraud that is falsely inducing KGO listeners to spend $70 to $100 a month. Especially the vulnerable seniors who are so worried about their health during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Stop inducing seniors to spend their money on a verifiable fraud.
    If Cumulus runs the ads, Pat can't stop that, but she can stop "personally" passing on the lie that you will get 10 servings of fruits and veggies in 6 tiny capsules of powder.
    A host can't sit there and slam big corporations like PG&E while winking at smaller companies selling falsehoods to KGO listeners.

    1. NO!!!

      The reason Dunbar and Wygant were so successful for so many years was because their program was paced for AM drive, where most listening occurs in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and cars. You need to hit the informational elements (weather, traffic, news) often enough to keep an audience informed. That prevents the continuity that a long-form, substantive interview requires. You can have one or the other, not both. If Pat is so good at substance, move her into the old Owen Spann/Ronn Owens mid-morning slot and find a fast-paced morning host with a comedic, light-hearted sensibility. Pat doesn't strike me as right for drivetime.

    2. She does it for the bonus check. Just like Chip pushed "my pillow." They only want the money!! But, hey, she loves Bernie!! She's a fraud!!

    3. Anybody would be an improvement in KGO's morning drive.

      Nikki Medoro Monday 8/31 9:13 AM: "Me and Brett were talking about... just the other day"

      Her bad grammar disqualifies her for major market radio. And drive-time listeners want to hear news, weather and traffic, not stories about her home laundry room.

  5. John rothmann would do it,he openly admits he wants more hours,would people want to listen him six hours a day in between all of his plugs for radios and grocery. Stores

  6. Thurston Thursdays!! Mark Thompson in the Morning Friday thru Tuesday. Thurston Thursdays and Fridays.

  7. I'm not sure Pat's intense essays on the many injustices of the world would make for good coffee time.
    i was thinking Mark Thompson's corny humor and shorter bits would work there. Give 10-12 to Ronnn, keep Thurston in place, Nikki goes back to Chip who is floundering.a little. Rothmann remains making Trump sausage out of red hat butt flank. Bachelor keeps his job reminding me to turn off the radio and watch TV,

  8. Pat Thurston has really grown into being a powerhouse. When she was first on KGO (maybe 20 years ago?), I wasn't so impressed or maybe I hadn't warmed to her. She seemed to really grow when Gene Burns was out sick. And she was the only one with the balls to honestly admit that KGO wouldn't tell its audience where or when laid-off hosts would land. Now, she is really KGO's star (Jon Rothman too). Ron Owens would have done himself a favor if he had quit when the other hosts were laid off.

  9. Pat Thurston is the best thing on local radio....

    1. No, Pat Thurston is not the best thing on local radio. Local radio is pathetic. I just love the lectures from Dick Franklin.

    2. Lol Dick Franklin. That's so true. Never thought of that one.

      And the lectures are the worst.

  10. Get rid of Medero and thompson. Keep Pat in the morning and bur khart at 10. Figure out the noon slot. Listen to your audience.Keep chip solo. John is great.n Now, that would be perfect for the listeners.

    1. KGOs worst area has to be the sidekicks. As soon as i hear a syllable from Burkhart,, Mcallister or Bristow I just tune out until it goes away. They are not qualified to discuss politics. You know it's bad when they start a sentence with "It would seem to me that.."

  11. KGO must need Medoro to give the station some appearance of "diversity". Technically she's a woman of color....half Puerto Rican
