Thursday, August 20, 2020

Ama Daetz has a New 'Do--I Endorse

Ama Daetz - Home | Facebook

Ama Daetz of KGO-TV, has a new do. I LOVE it. Has a sort of glamour look and appeal; she's been sporting the new hairdo for over a month--I endorse it wholeheartedly.


  1. I like her original hair when she debuted on KGO with Reporter Wang. She curled her hair claiming her daughter has curly hair and she is doing the same.

  2. Maybe Gary Radnich would have lasted longer if he had upgraded his look. Yeah, like maybe lose 50 pounds...

    1. "...lasted longer..." Would you care to clarify your statement? Lasted longer ... banging the interns? keeping his job? banging his wife (hah, I had to throw that softball in there ... Radnich ... soft...)

  3. Wow! I'll bet Ama's just been waiting with baited breath to get your validation. Now that big promotion to the network is as good as in the bag.

  4. Hey Rich, can you change you hairstyle or is that not possible?

  5. Yuck. You need an eye exam.

  6. I gotta be honest.... I liked her a lot more with straight hair. But she's great regardless!

  7. WHERE did she get her hair done ?

    During this Covid-19 Salon
    Shutdown Fraud ?
    Everything will reopen after election

    1. Anon August 20, 2020 at 6:42 PM: I don't think she had it done but the reverse; no hair-relaxing, no straightening it out & just letting it flow free.

      Shutdown Fraud?? You must live in a bubble.

  8. She got a phone call from the '80's: "We want our hairstyle back".

  9. What about Adrienne Bankert w/ ABC News? This week on GMA, she looked horrible. She's gone natural with her hair, she's wearing huge glasses and wearing a picnic table cloth as a dress. She seriously looks so unpolished. Does she want out of a contract? What is her deal?

  10. I liked Ama better when she had straight hair. But either way, she's not my favorite. No comparison to Kristen Sze. The latter is just radiant !
