Monday, July 6, 2020

Pandemic or Not, Fox Corporate Was Thinking Lean and Mean --KTVU Bears Brunt So Far

Black journalists to KTVU-TV: Do better | KALW

FORGET THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES --wipe it clean from your pandemic industry mindset.

FOX had a fiscal scenario in place. The pandemic accelerated its pace and gave its blueprint the thumbs-up and allowed for it to do what its always wanted to do: cut significant personnel at its O and O (owned/operated stations) and thus put its budgetary mandate into working order. It's always operated on the idea that lean and mean is always the prudent fiscal practice. Fox is no different than most of corporate America. It's not to suggest they're taking advantage of the current Coronavirus but they sure as hell saw an opening and ran with it.

KTVU, as much money as they make for FOX corporate and the Murdoch gang, (and they do) has always been seen from the cost-cutters as much too financial dare-devils. There's a feeling from the suits that look at the books as why is KTVU only earing this? Or that? Or pretty much everything they spend. An example of late?

"Why the hell were their 4 sports anchors on payroll when there's NO sports?"

Well, this took care of the latter

So, worldwide pandemic or not, Fox has always believed in financial prudence and KTVU isn't the only member of its eventual chop theory, it will involve all Fox's stations. There's a reason why a good amount of panic and anxiety attacks pervade its studios and home offices. If the news and sports anchors were to be actually at the studio (most are not because of the virus) there'd be a shitload of vodka in the refrigerator. Trust me.


  1. > "Why the hell were their 4 sports anchors on
    > payroll when there's NO sports?"

    I wondered this before Covid. I don't think they really need that many. Same with weather. Isn't there some old, fuddy-duddy weatherman who has been there forever and is getting forgetful that they could retire? I'm trying to think of a name here........

  2. Nope. Fox suits are not driving this. Amber Eikel is trying to save her own rear. That's the real story.

  3. Monday Gassy showed up late for work (working from home) with no make-up. Even though she is one of the lowest paid in the market getting rid of her would be a step in the right direction.

  4. To the Aholes who say they should get rid of this one or that one. People in ALL industries are suffering in the bay right now. Karma is as karma does. I wouldn't be wishing crappy things on your fellow citizens if I were you. Namaste Mother F#@ker ��

    1. May a toothless yak gum your grandmother's wheat thins
