Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Buyout Options on the KTVU Big 4

A new era has begun at KTVU with this... - Julie Haener KTVU ...
Clockwise from top: Bill Martin, Frank Somerville, Julie Haener, Mark Ibanez

FOX Possible BUYOUTS on KTVU Players --My take

*Martin: his contract is up in March of 2021, Fox may speed up his sunset years and offer a buyout. Martin may balk but the money might be tempting enough.

*Somerville: Not likely. He's still quite capable and the face of the station. His deal, like Martin, is up in March and he's due an extension, just not the current money he's making now: roughly $615K a year.

*Haener: she's the only woman on the male-dominated 10 PM News, a big advantage. On the other hand, Haener is also become more ordinary and distanced (literally) --she would be a buyout candidate but it would probably cost Fox a fortune both money and image.

*Ibanez: he's earned one last extension --March, 2021--and figures to get it because he is still enormously popular and has 40 years at KTVU only now there's still NO SPORTS so Ibanez' status has become more problematic --a lavish buyout is not out of the question and Ibanez, who's in his mid 60's, might take the offer.


  1. > Ibanez, who's in his mid 60's...

    "I'm Mark IbaƱez coming to you from my waterbed at the music lounge of the Rumba Room here in Napa. Before we get to the beautiful dancing girls Tiffany and Kellie let me give you some sports highlights..."

  2. Gawd I hope they get rid of Haener. Her constant sighing and moaning after sad stories is so unprofessional. Somerville does it, too. One of the things I miss so much about Dennis Richmond is he just read the stories in a professional and straightforward manner.

    1. Would it hurt him to show a little compassion?

  3. Senile Martin needs to go. His constant blubbering & "Uh, uh's" are painful to listen to. Ibanez irks me badly, too. He tries to sound so cool & unique. Not! It's like he has to spit or cough his words out instead of speaking normally. Anyone notice or is annoyed by it? I am! I always wondered if it was an act, as he does it more often sometimes. Pretty dull guy, IMO.

  4. Here's the thing, Rich; considering it is only about 9 months or so until these news personalities' contracts end, and considering if these people were "bought out", KTVU would then have to hire and pay their replacements, albeit, at a lower level, but still, wouldn't it be cheaper to just let the existing contracts expire and the people shown the door, next March? It is coming up quicker than we realize!

  5. Don’t know why you’re down on Ibanez? Met him a few years ago during the Giants spring training in Arizona. He and his crew were on a street corner doing a segment. My cousin and I went up to him and introduced ourselves. He and his crew were very friendly and talked with us for a while about the upcoming season. Good guy.
