Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ask Rich Lieberman

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Ask Rich Lieberman Just About Anything

ANSWERING YOUR TV/RADIO QUESTIONS...Please, name and town and try to stay on media questions, thanks.


  1. I watched NBC Bay Area news last night. I noticed Robert Handa (ex-KTVU) is now a reporter for them. Good move by them. (I find it amazing that a lot of their anchors and reporters are castoffs from KTVU & KGO in particular.)

    Question--Do you see a radio station in the Bay Area flipping to "classic hits"? KBAY out of San Jose is in the top 10 ratings wise, which is amazing since most of the Bay Area cannot pick up their signal. I thought of 103.7 (the all 1980s station, whose ratings have fallen in half over the last year, but they tried it before & failed) or 99.7 (Currently CHR, some ratings slippage) as two possible candidates. Your thoughts?
    Mike from Concord

    1. Mike, you and me are sort of albatross--we listen to FM radio still for music. Most people these days listen on their smart phones or streaming sites like Pandora or Spotify, etc. I like all forms but I'm in the minority.

      NBC Bay Area, has named a lot of KGO talent mostly because their News Director, Stephanie Androuny, used to be the assistant ND at Channel 7, so your observation is quite accurate and good.

    2. Handa has been w/KTVU for several years now. It was a homecoming of sorts for him--he started w/the "old" KNTV (when it was an ABC affil) back in the late-70's. Good reporter. Good dude, too.

    3. Add me to the albatross list. We have a FM station here in Reno that plays 80s, but a lot wider playlist then others and not hear Jessie's Girl for the 1000th time. It's independently owned and has more flexibility then a corporate station.

    4. WiLd 94.9 has fallen, too

    5. I'm going to nag Negin on this. But before the pandemic shut down the Bay Area, Dan Ashley was promoting his Rock show weekend on KGO-TV, and his big guest get for 2020 was none other than Mr. Jessie's Girl, Rick Springfield. I assume Negin was definitely not in Walnut Creek that night, LOL. It helped Ashley that every time Springfield does an event with any ABC station, it is at least a semi-homecoming for the ex-General Hospital star. BTW, it is cool that GH is now led by Martinez native Maurice Benard, he of the most important soap actor personal story of all, revealing his bipolar disorder. Benard could teach a few people among both broadcast conglomerates and federal officials a few lessons on this.

    6. Add me to the dinosaur-I-love-good-terrestial-radio list. But over-the-air, KCSM is one of the few I can listen to for music. I do cheat, using SimpleRadio app to pull in KOZT from Ft. Bragg (Lotsa older bay area FM DJs up there) and Saturday night Soul Shack on KSQD out of Santa Cruz. If there wasn't a paywall, I'd listen to KPIG a lot as well.

  2. Why does Julie Haener keep looking to her left at something every couple seconds while broadcasting the KTVU evening news from home? What is she watching over there? It's annoying.

    1. teleprompter.....

    2. Maybe an alternate monitor or something --I agree with you, Haener is very nervous and it shows, it also shows how flustered she looks, not good optics at all for KTVU and Fox.

  3. Are you serious as in your recent post that Christine Craft has the hots you? I see more like the 40-50 year hottie type, one that can hold her own with you. Professional, bright, energetic, etc.

    1. They all want a piece of me --the women--can you blame them? (Wink)

  4. Whatever happened to a KSCO gig. Seems to me that even if Micheal Z couldn't pay you much, maybe nothing...guest hosting still would have been worth it to push your blog and grow revenue.

    1. I still fill in every now and then and I just spoke to MZ about future guest fill-in, stay tuned.

    2. When was the last time you filled in? I listen to that station regularly and haven’t heard you since the hillbillies ran you out of town and Dave Michaels sabotaged you with “gremlins” lmao

    3. Rich when was the last time?

  5. Why is it when most reporters introduce themselves on TV nowadays they just say "I'm --- working from home" but Mark Ibañez has to say, "I'm Mark Ibañez coming to you from Napa"? As if that were some big deal or something. Woo-hoo.

    1. I think it's just a matter of personal style and/or ego mostly. I also think it's highly pretentious too. There's no reason I need to know where it is Mark is broadcasting from, it's pretty obvious it isn't the studio.

    2. No, studios don't have waterbeds....

  6. When is VDLC slated to come back to KPIX?

    1. Maybe she should have kept at the acting career

  7. She said she'd be back a few weeks ago--that was a few weeks ago which is all you need to know. With Veronica, there's always drama and speculation --lots of it.

  8. Hey Rich,

    Have you ever thought about writing a book? Perhaps about the history of Bay Area Media and Milieu?

    1. I haven't really, too busy thinking about today and tomorrow but that's a interesting idea. Probably past my paygrade but worth a few thoughts.

  9. Long-time San Ramon resident, moved out of state a few years ago but still trying to keep up with local news...

    I just saw this video of the looting of Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek.

    Have you seen it? Has anybody in Bay Area news media covered it?

    Is this happening elsewhere? Is the media covering it or shying away from it?

  10. Any reason why we haven't seen any on air cuts at 95.7 The Game? Entercom has made huge cuts at more of their successful sports stations across the country. 670 The Score in Chicago cut 4 on air people & it has way better ratings than The Game

    1. 95.7 has cut their weekend staff. No Urban and Tittle anymore. Methinks Butchi Boy and Covey are next on the block.

  11. I've been watching it all week and it's been widely reported on ALL Bay Area TV news stations, even in tony Walnut Creek.

  12. While the Raiders were in Oakland they were considered to be a local team and as such all games were televised here. What happens now since they're gone? I'm assuming we'll only get them on a national basis now.

    1. No, probably the same since they still have a fan base here (not me) you'll get the usual amount and then some.

  13. Care to elaborate on the 'basic instinct' mention the other day?

    1. When I'm OK to elaborate, yes, I will. Not gonna name names now. Too sensitive.

  14. Now that Sports 1140 KHTK has fired Grant Napier, will they go after Gary Radnich as a permanent host? Radnich knows most of the power brokers in the Sacramento area so he should be able to get on board rather easily.
