Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Truth and Bullshit: Darya Last Legs at KRON; Bastida Too at PIX; Veronica De La Cruz has a New BF; Kate Larsen Maintains Diva Status at Circle7; 'TKB' at KNBR Hate Tolbert; Wednesday Wash

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Top 5 Most Annoying Women in Bay Area Media
The end is near: Daya Folsom


Darya Folsom is on her last merry go round at KRON. I doubt she makes the year. She's putting on the good soldier routine around the studio, but that's all bullshit. Darya is for one person and that's Darya. Fine, not a big deal, we're all out for each other, it's called human nature but Darya makes it all about herself. When she finally has her Black Swan --when the donuts begin to sag in earnest, bye bye baby. She knows it and so does her boyfriend enabler, the newsroom refers to him as the office supreme "screamer."


Ken Bastida – CBS San Francisco
Ken Bastida
*WE"RE supposed to believe that Ken Bastida over at PIX is just humming along and that he'll end his run at Battery and Broadway when he's ready. Not really. My industry spies tell me that Bastida, who's been at KPIX long enough to know where the bodies are buried, in fact we'll be offered a modest buyout and leave, not with a thud but with a whimper. Bastida is one of the few anchors that makes considerable money but no more. He doesn't move the needle, any needle for that matter. In fact, it's all utter BS that Bastida has managed to stay put. His only attribute of late is that he's more noticeable than the new weather guy. Swell.

Veronica De La Cruz on Twitter: "Happy Friday! Back and feeling ...
Veronica De La Cruz
*SPEAKING OF 'PIX...she's supposedly as "together" as ever and just enjoying some vacation time. One of my spies says there's noting more to talk about. TOTAL BULLSHIT! No, not that a contact is spewing bullshit just that the natives are quite tight-lipped about Countess diva, Veronica De La Cruz, who seems to be MIA every other week. She has problems; we all do, that's hardly an issue. What is an issue? In a highly publicized field, when you're gone numerous days, out of the ordinary, people in the office tend to speculate and gossip. Or both. VDLC is in love again. That's great. But men wanting very badly to be her chain has proved costly to her. She either better level with the new admirer or take him for a drink at her pad --it's Ok, another day off, what else is new?

*You would think a worldwide pandemic would make someone humble. You would be wrong. Across the street at KGO (ABC7) her holier-than-thou DIVA!, Kate Larsen, continues to prance up and down the newsroom. My question? Why? Is Larsen, who looks like she's been inside the naval locker room with a bunch of guys named "Blair", that desperate for attention? YES. Katester has quite an ego--bigger than the nearby ferry terminal. She's also got more baggage than the United gate at SFO.

Kate Larsen - Home | Facebook
Teeth be told: Kate Larsen
She's been hellbent on upping her profile. BULL! TRUTH is Larsen has pissed off the old guard at Circle7 from day1 --she's a total farce. And the staff knows and resents. One prominent rank and filer: "If she had any whiter teeth, she'd be selling cosmetics at the Walnut Creek Target!" Rim Shot!

*They'd have you believe it's all lovey-dovey at the KNBR Afternoon Sow, AKA: "TKB" (Tom Tolbert, Larry. Krueger, Rodney Brooks BULLSHIT!

Tolbert, Krueger And Brooks | KNBR-AF
Tom Tolbert (left), Larry Krueger, and Rodney Brooks (Ha, ha ha)
Here's the deal: all the sports midgets DESPISE each other. Tolbert, who gets ass-kissed on an everyday basis by Brooks, is suddenly getting the wrath of others. Seems Tolbert, an ex-jock, is consumed with beer, boobs, and betting. That would be OK except the ratings have suddenly tanked and the "3 B's" are no longer warm and fuzzy. Maybe Tolbert needs a reset. And less foam.


*A prominent KCBS staffer tells me this: "They're (management) tone-deaf." That's the consensus from newsroom staff, at least some, that KCBS' policy of running promos saying how wonderful their anchors and reporters are for broadcasting from their home studio. Yeah, I'd agree.

*When you're 57 is it still cool to call yourself, "Kevin the Rat?"

Sarah and Vinnie - Home | Facebook
Where's Uzette? Sarah and Vinnie and staff 
*Sarah and Vinnie on Alice are still making people laugh and rule FM AOR but the virtual IGNORE on comrade Uzette, who mysteriously left the show at the end of the year

Very interesting


  1. Sports talk radio is a waste of time at this point and ESPN should be convicted of larceny. At least I don't have to pay for radio.

    1. I am seriously worried about Larry Krueger. If he is lifting major iron, please disregard. If he is not,the fact that his cheeks and neck are wider than his ears is
      cause for concern.

  2. Awesome column! I'm going to subscribe right away!

  3. I ONLY listen to ESPN radio nowadays (been doing so for 3-years now). They're not beholden to any local-yokel team. When one anchor gets on his fan-boy bandwagon (i.e. for the Patriot, Yankees, or Michael Jordan)...there are many others throughout the day who will pile on those teams. Unlike KNRB, where it is the company mandate to be a cheerleader for the Giants first, the Niners second, then the Warriors (if Klay and Steph can bring them back to respectability)...and then repeat.

  4. KNBR really should be using this downtime to trim away the fat. Do they NEED three hosts in the afternoon? Does ANYONE need Paulie Mac or BJ in the morning? Dump Powlie and his soundboard in the dumpster along with Lund and move one of the afternoon guys to pair with Papa--maybe Kruger, who seems to do well as a sidekick.

  5. How Rod Brooks is still on the radio is beyond me. He continues to be the only one "giggling" at his own jokes, is obviously TT's buttboy while trying to diminish LK's presence (survival of the fittest?), and is basically just obnoxious. I guess we all know why he is on the air (and I get it), but still...….no one better?

    1. This August will incredibly mark 23 years that the Very Mediocre Houston Native Rod Brooks has polluted the airwaves of Bay Area Sports Talk Radio. First hired in August 1997 at the Old Ticket 1050 since then Brooks has Ass-Kissed his Prior Co-Hosts like Gary Radnich, Rick Barry, Bob "Rudy" Fitzgerald & Now Tom Tolbert. Actually there is one slightly better than Brooks-- Adam Copeland, Brian's Son, who hosts the 5 am - 6 am show before the horrible Murph & Mac 4 hour Vomit-Fest. Rich--I absolutely Love your Blog! Cary SF

  6. Bastida's head wouldn't look so pointed if he'd let his hair grow out a little.

  7. Kate Larsen -- the carpet doesn't match the drapes ... high maintenance.

  8. Some vacation time is one thing. Seems Diva La Cruz has taken the entire season off work. Is this woman phoning in her career?

    1. You're not complaining, are you?

    2. Veronica De La Cruz continues to pull off the ultimate hat trick- (1) skips work for weeks at a time (2) collects her full pay and (3) secretly laughs at the other angry underpaid PIX employees. When will they get a clue and learn from her?

    3. I don't get how some people can "fall up" so much, but this business is full of them.

  9. I am fortunate to be in Southern California, where I can see the lovely Carolyn Johnson, formerly of KGO, every day on KNBC (LA). A very beautiful woman indeed.

  10. Veronica is desperate for love and in search for a step father for her child. Second Diva Natasha taking time off in search for love and you know what is next. Wonder is Veronica giving birth and in hiding??? Her first one was such an embarrassment forcing her to fled from East to West.

    1. VDLC was looking fatter recently but if she was full term pregnant then she did and excellent job hiding it.

  11. TKB's most immediate problem is that their weakest link (Rod Brooks) is doing most of the talking. Krueger seems lost because he is ready to talk about sports but Tolbert keeps rambling on about beer and Rod - well, Rod just rambles. I would either pair Larry with Papa (to prevent Lund from making him sound creepy) or ditch Rod and let Larry keep Tolbert on track the way he did with Gary.

    1. I thought Papa came to KNBR to work with Lund again? I can't imagine you bring Papa over and dump his preferred co host.

  12. Tijuana Tammie's better days are behind her. Her next gig will be servicing a Glory Hole in Ensenada. Maybe part of a Donkey show?

    Bitch is worthless.
