Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Me and Juliette Goodrich: 415 Media Short Story

Billy Poon on Twitter: "KPIX 5 anchor/reporter Juliette Goodrich ...BEFORE THE PANDEMIC...

I WAS COMING HOME. It was a long, exhaustive day. I was my usual cranky self only worse. Maybe even worser. In any event I was in no mood. No mood at all.

It was an unusually stormy night. I spent all day in SF at the law offices of Duddy Medielstein. I had gone there to sign some documents. There was some extra paperwork that I was obliged to honor. I did so. Errands over. I fled outside to catch an Uber home across the bay. It was just past six in the evening.

As I gazed outside Montgomery Street waiting for my car, there was a text. Driver subdued. Cool, I needed a drink anyway. I went inside the bar and sat next to her. She recognized me like a bat recognizes blood. I was short on time and long on a quick fixer. I ordered a scotch neat. She kept gazing. Could you blame her? Sure, she had a wedding ring on but that's OK, I wasn't holding auditions, besides, as pretty as she was, wrong look for me and wrong color. That said, I'd have been a moron not to at least acknowledge her and pass on a respective glimpse. She appreciated my candor and east-coast disposition. There was genuine karma and mind you, I hadn't said a word. Adulation ruled the mood and mostly, it was her adulation for ,me.  Iven seen plenty of it. My past greatness reappeared. There was instant chemistry and I sensed a sexual early 4th of July excitement but being in my position, you have to remain calm and settled. I did. Besides which, the optics looked bad had I acted upon my general body instincts. I am a firm believer in feminist issues and I didn't want to rock the boat. Mind you, I could have. But I also believe in history and respect. I voted for Hillary Clinton. I think Janet Reno was a stunning beauty. But that's where the story ends.

I moved on.

Take care, Countess Goodrich.


  1. Rich,
    You need to do a sequel, the ending was incomplete. Nice story though.

  2. Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

  3. Your a sick man Rich

  4. You went too far, dweeb. Please return my checks, Asshole.

  5. Can you get more of whatever you have been smoking?

  6. Waiting to read about your Carnelian Room rendezvous with Sylvia Chase

  7. Nice try, Rich. Jules wouldn't touch a bar. She's more of a smoothies girl, with an occasional stop at any of the Tri-Valley vineyards. And not all of her kids were out of the house yet pre-pandemic.

    BTW, a ranting comedian long ago when Janet Reno was alive thought she looked like John Lithgow in drag.

  8. Rich, Did you take Mucinex last night?

  9. What a nice "Wet" dream you had.

  10. Actually that was Jan Wahl.

  11. This shelter in place lockdown has made me lose track of the today April 1st?

  12. Whose next on your shit-smearing campaign? Princess Grace?
