Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The TV News Anchors Reporting from Home Sound is Really Shitty (Still) Embarrassing

Coronavirus upended local TV news. It may never be the same - Los ...


The sound quality, or lack thereof really, SUCKS! on virtually all local TV News outlets; it used to be occasional, now it's universal. Congratulations TV stations.

I get it. These are extraordinary times. Unprecedented. Fine. Last I checked, the big corporations that own these operations? They still have lots of money in the bank. What, can they not spend some dough on the sound coming out? It is RIDICULOUS! KTVU, owned by FOX, is a nightly joke. KGO, they of ABC/Disney are only slightly better. KRON? Welcome to high school broadcasting (even though, yes, KRON barely has anchors at home, they still sound vile), -- Nextstar should be ashamed. NBC Bay Area, like KPIX, has deep pockets so they really shouldn't sound so crappy.

These anchors at home delivering the news so8nd like they're broadcasting from the toilet or the kitchen. A few weeks ago it was a novelty; I suppose the bosses figured viewers would find it amusing. Sort of like a novelty. Which pretty much is all you need to know what the suits think about you, the viewer.

What an abomination.


  1. Coming in May: Reporter broadcasts live from her Bubble Bath.
    She'll be wearing an Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini!!
    Who would dare to do something like that?

  2. I like that anchor in the picture, Rita Garcia, formerly from Houston. She is really not that bad from home.

  3. Sound bad, so!!! as long as they look good, who cares!!

  4. Audio terribly misaligned with lip movement, speaking over each other, and routine awkward delay responding to questions, enough to drive a perfectionist thoroughly nuts.

    1. How Sara Stimson has a job at KRON is beyond me. Her LIVE
      shots are amateurish, AND yesterday she was garbled trying
      to talk through her mask. SARA....it's early in the morning! There is no one within 50 yards of you! Take off
      the damn mask for TWO minutes so we can hear what the hell
      you are saying!!

    2. 9:12 you just described the way I felt when I saw Will Tran trying to talk in a mask the other day. Completely alone at the airport...really Will?

      Sara, I'd totally tap that.

  5. Here's the real story: KTVU's top story tonight—Something retarded Trump said. KPIX's top story—the surge tents in Silicon Valley have come down, meaning hospitalizations are becoming far less. THAT'S news. KPIX, for all you knock them, has far far better news judgment than KTVU.

  6. Sound is acceptable, stop complaining. The color balance between local news anchors is another story. Color temp looks great in the studio while the at-home anchor color temp is quite different. Do I really care? No, not in COVID times.

  7. To be honest.....I stopped watching for the above reasons.

  8. Dennis O'Donnell has the video conferencing down. The setting looks like it was professionally staged and it is refreshing that he is a little more distance from the camera. It's easier to watch.

    On the other hand, HH is back to her off-the-shoulder black t-shirts, and her delivery sounds like she is presiding over a heavy metal funeral. Appears to be seriously depressed she has to stay home.

  9. The lights and backdrops spare them the black eye their poor content leaves us with.

  10. Especially when all they need to fix it are some li'l mics attached to their collars, just like any other broadcast. What a crock.
