![Hot Update Tutorial · GitBook](https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/advanced-topics/hot-update/title.jpg)
BEAR WITH ME HERE, I'll keep it short and simple...
I have written this blog(s) without any funding the past month. I didn't think it would be wise to ask for contributions in the middle of a pandemic. I put out a pledge break early this week and pulled it because it didn't look right. I know a lot of you are having a tough time now.
I know a lot of you are having to make ends meet and your life has taken a huge fall, both maybe health and financially --I could only imagine what you're going through now. It's a difficult time.
I hadn't planned on doing a blog today/tomorrow but many of you have called/e-mailed. I'm OK if a bit out of the loop. No family. No Seder. Out of funds, all the boxes checked. It's tough.
I'll be straight now: I cannot do a blog when I have to pay bills and try to get a bag of groceries and prescriptions. It's impossible. If you would like to read a blog, then I ask you to contribute to 415 Media. If there's no financial help, then I'll cease to report and while I'm hoping that's not the case, it's entirely possible. I understand. It's your call.
Again, I sympathize with all of you, like me, who are going through a financial hell. Be safe, be healthy.
To CONTRIBUTE to 415 Media: Go down to right side of blog to "Donate" button; click on the button and follow the prompters--it's fast, easy, and 100% confidential and secure. You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to contribute. I will personally call you, e-mail you thanking you for your donation. ALL donations are anonymous --and secure too.
Thanks to all of you who have been there with me all along--some, repeatedly.
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