Saturday, March 21, 2020

Jobina Fortson, KGO-TV (ABC7)

Image result for Jovena Fortsen KGO

To take our mind off everything else, mine especially.


  1. A Good ‘Ol Darkie stuck on n FremontMarch 21, 2020 at 11:29 AM

    My man. That one fine ass sista. She got some groceries upstairs and they ain’t nothin but meat and potatoes. Make a brotha want to shelter in place with her. You heard me.

  2. Man Rich, you know I pretty much agree with you on everything, but Jobina Fortson??? C'mon now! If there was EVER anyone with a HORSE FACE, it is she! I mean, just look at her directly. It looks like her eyes are on the sides of her face, like a horse, and with that hair the way it is, it looks just like a horse's mane. Everytime I see her on air, that is the first thing I think of. I could understand it if she had been hired by KRON, but KGO? Sorry Rich, but I disagree with you on this one!

    1. Spot on! I had her pegged as looking more like a goldfish. Not sure what Rich sees in her. I’ve become more enamored of Christina Rendón. I know she’s not exactly symmetrical in the face so I might be speaking out of both sides of my mouth but damn something about her is irresistible. Made my day last night when she was on next to Andre Senior.

  3. She is an absolute treasure. Smooth, confident. Someone will snatch her away from us.
    Pay her what's she's worth.

  4. She has 'electric eyes you can't ignore'... Nora O'Donnell. Billy Ocean, Caribbean Queen.

    The Women Are The News.

  5. well, my obsession is asian women. So, I get your obsession.
