Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thurston Positions Herself as Lead Talker at KGO; Scores Another Coup with Ex-PUC Chief

Image result for Pat Thurston KGO
Pat Thurston

RISING STAR at KGO --Gets influential figures to appear on her talk show

*Daily diatribes make her an enemy at PG&E while consumers love her

*Scored exclusive interview with former Cal Public Utility chief, Loretta Lynch, twice!

On a station where buzz is king, Thurston has the most email and generates most feedback and discussion.

 Pat Thurston has come a long way, baby. The KGO talk veteran (Noon-3 PM M-F) has positioned herself as the station's most powerful and influential person. That may not mean much to me and you but it sur as heck means a lot to a whole lot of public people, pols, CEO's, consumer advocates and the like.

Just for example today, (Tuesday) Thurston did a biting 20-min interview with Loretta Lynch, a former state PUC head and the discussion was PG&E --Thurston was right in the middle with Lynch and didn't ask softballs. It was significant on many fronts as in a dearth of local media disinterest Thurston has been ON the PG&E story since day one and then some. Her disgust hits home and continuing battle to keep the utility in check has been nothing short of remarkable.

Lynch has spurned a lot of interviews but has done the Thurston program more than once and is scheduled to do the show after the holidays. It shows the growing influence that Thurston has garnered at the 810 AM outpost.

Talk more later.


  1. I've heard better.

    And does she have the energy to continue on at this pace? Isn't she now in her mid to late 60's?

    1. If you've established yourself (Pat Sajak, Larry King, etc.) in media and your over age 60 your leveraging your success is natural. In the case of Pat, I'm sure she just trying to survive. She has always been a bottom quartile performer. Not compelling on the small stage (KSRO) and even less so on a larger stage (KGO).

      Be it a conservative or progressive host, I can't stand folks that I can read like a book. You tell me the issue and with 99.99% accuracy I'll predict where Pat is on the issue! That means shes lacks intellect and is a giant bore!

    2. Spot on 8:50. Couldn't agree more!

    3. I really like Pat, and agree with Rich, that her shows on PG&E are spot on. I also like her interview with David Katz, about impeachment. To a certain degree I do agree she can be very predictable, certainly her feelings about Trump never waver, but the callers make it interesting. When it comes to politics I prefer John Rothman. Often on the noon to 3 hour I listen to Tom Sullivan, he is right wing, not a huge Trump fan, and tries to be fair, and take callers that disagree with him, and lets them talk. If you can't stand predictability in a talk show host I assume you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, just to name a few.

    4. Her PG&E stuff sucks, so does the gov’s. I’m happy to buy 10% yield bonds post bankruptcy. The more PG&E spends and bills customers (thanks PUC) the more $ I make.

    5. How can you say Pat's PG&E shows suck. She is bringing up some very important point and getting some very good information. Are you in favor of PG&E being derelict of their maintenance and thus causing deadly and destructive fires. Just wondering...

  2. And speaking of KGO, does Thompson realize what a total joke his show is?

    1. Are you yelling at me?? This guy can't keep his voice down. It is annoying as hell! Get rid of this buffoon.

    2. I listen to Mark, because no one else is on at that hour that I care listening to. He is the weakest of the local KGO line up, he is not a bad guy, and I like some of his segments, like draining the swamp, and some of his interviews. As for his voice, yes it can be annoying, but most of the time I don't think he is yelling, he just has a booming voice. Just my opinion.

  3. Thurston is doing a good job with her shows. Her and Rothman are the best of the KGO lineup. A&G are also doing well with their syndicated brand of humor and Conservative views.
