Thursday, December 26, 2019

How's Ralph Doing?

Image result for kgo radio

PERIODICALLY --I get asked about Ralph Barbieri. "How's he doing?" 

A few months back I was told by a contact not so good. Then I heard nothing. No news is good news. I asked one of his close friends and was told they hadn't talked to him for a year.

Barbieri has been in Marin for nearly eight years removed from being bounced from KNBR. His status as one of the station's best-known personality remains unchanged. He rocked the Bay Area. He annoyed the Bay Area. He had a presence. His style may have irritated but he certainly moved the needle. Nobody quite like him there to this day.

I'll be certain to follow up.


  1. Yes Rich, many of us have wondering the same.

  2. I dig Ralph Barbieri...There's a 'there" there, in person and on the air.He has that great quality of unpredictability, and therefore is not BORING!

    1. Always licking Shawn Estes boots was Ralph, embarrassing!

      Why is Christine not banned but Stan is?

    2. One worked in the industry and brings quite a bit to the conversation. The other is just bat shit crazy.

  3. Miss his non sports opinions on the then current news. His OJ monologues are classic. Hope somebody recorded it

    1. No one could utilize the English language like Ralph...

  4. I'm glad (but not surprised) to see a media veteran post that there was/is "there, there," with regard to Ralph.

    I often listened to Barbaroo, for many years, when he was on-air. LIked him at times; didn't like him so much at other times. He did, however, consistently draw in my attention.

    I got the impression that Ralph cared about his profession, his beloved teams, and our area. And he was convictive. Those traits, along with his long tenure, warrant recognition and respect. He had his "Razor" image, but it was accompanied with other interesting qualities and a sincere interest in his work and world. Unlike some others, who have had the "schtick" and not much else beyond their schtick.

    We miss you, Ralph. Be well, and Happy New Year!

  5. Tolbert and Ralph were good together. Seemed to genuinely enjoy each other's company and the banter was good. Sadly, Tolbert has been a shell of himself since. Especially in the past few years. Ratto seemed to get him in shape again. But with Peepee boy Lund before and now the two dingalings, he's a spent force. I have a feeling he will move to 95.7 soon enough. To go with his Warriors gig.

    1. I agree, 7:35. Ralph and Tom worked very well together. Loved their lead-in, too. "And you have.....The Razor and Mr. T!"

  6. Rich glad to you are still going at it.

  7. Why don't you update us on Mike Cleary and Frank Dill?

  8. I still have my 'Bay Area Leg Lovers' card from Frank...and I miss the 24hr tractor races ...

  9. How are Charlie and Humphrey doing?

  10. The only thing that made him stand out was his annoying voice. Especially in the later years of his career he was just mailing it in. Tolbert carried that show at the end and KNBR had every right to say goodbye.

  11. Boy! knbr could use him right now. Pure garbage

  12. From what I've heard, he's in no shape to return to the radio. He has a debilitating disease and his medication wasn't working. Rather than dream of Ralph as he once was, I just hope he is getting his affairs in order.

    1. "...I just hope he is getting his affairs in order."

      Well aren't you noble, 12:06.
