Monday, December 30, 2019

Greg Papa and Tim Ryan Radio Embarrassment Sunday Night 49ers-Seahawks Contest.

Image result for Greg Papa Tim Ryan
Papa, left and Tim Ryan: yelling and screaming

THIS HAS ZERO TO DO WITH THE 49ERS exciting win over the Seattle Seahawks Sunday night, especially at the end.

This is about two broadcasters who went overboard. I heard terms like, :embarrassing, over-the-top, crazy, unprofessional, etc.

I tried to listen early on and throughout but couldn't stomach the carnage.

Greg Papa is just out and out ridiculous. He's become a caricature of himself. He screams an yells. "Homer?" More like a raving lunatic. His touchdown call is now reduced to rubbish--he makes the crazed, soccer announcer in Mexico sound like a relative snooze.

If Papa were smart, he'd listen to Sunday night's multiple train wreck and embarrassing audio assault --and it was an assault on the ears.

Tim Ryan may be a very knowledgeable, insightful color guy but his lame act on Sunday night too was one for the ages--yeah, like putting Velveeta over Beef Wellington. Ryan wasn't just an embarrassment, but an abomination. He should ask the Webster family to put his face next to "jockocracy."

Nobody bemoans excitement and enthusiasm on a broadcast of a marque NFL game but context is a key ingredient. Papa and Ryan apparently didn't get the memo.

Even the 49ers 'Faithfull' would agree.

My goodness.


  1. I don't recall Rich ever writing negative comments about Ted Robinson. I wonder why?? Because Ted is a professional and knows that it's about the game and not himself.

  2. Tim Ryan has always been a big kiss-ass homer. But now since the team is winning and he's paired with Mr. Wonderful, it shows more often. Ryan has zero ties to the 49ers other than he lives in the area. Certainly there has to be a former 49er living here who could do the job just as well. If you look at the color analysts around the NFL, most of them have played for the teams they're working for. Kinda makes sense?

    As for Mr. Wonderful, we're stuck with him for the short term. It could be worse however. We could have Rudy Rudy Poohay instead. But at least he won't sound forced and phony when the 49ers score a touchdown.

  3. Papa has become like a 16 year old that finally gets to announce his high school teams game and he uses every sorry cliche and bad announcing tricks that he thinks make him sound awesome. And don't get me started on Tim Ryan growling garbage like; "their playing defense with extreme violence and carnage". Also quit saying "We". There is no we, it they or them. You haven't done anything besides growl

  4. Regardless of the Niners' postseason run - can't trust anybody in the NFC Playoffs, outside of the fading Vikings - I wonder if the Faithful, no matter how passionate they are for their team, will start their own campaign and vent their disgust with Broadcast Bob and his alignment with Papa, let alone the mess Niner Broadcasts have become. How many Faithful are favoring National TV over Local Radio, which would be opposite of most NFL teams?

  5. Agree, the 49er win was one for the ages.
    But the announcers came across like some country bumpkins.
    Little high schoolers watching their first NFL game and plenty of over-reaction.
    Tim Ryan should concentrate on selling F150s.

  6. just bring back Ted and all will be forgiven. He reins in cheerleader Ryan a bit too. If I can't stand this homer twit. Just do it.

  7. Hey look 5 out of 5 million 49ers fans dont like Poppa and Tim.

    They are just fine. Much better than previous itinerations and much better than the homer garbage the Warriors trot out.
