Thursday, December 19, 2019

Don't Say Anything about 'Bombshell' at KTVU

Image result for bombshell movie
Cast of Bombshell: from left to right, Theron, Nicole Kidman and Margot Robbie

At KTVU, they can't talk about "Bombshell" --the movie out now about the inner machinations of Fox News chief, the late Roger Ailes and specifically, Megyn Kelly.

I hope this is just a romp and someone at KTVU is trying to mess with me (again)


  1. Heather Holmes, Julie Haener and an (Iranian?) intern?

    Where's Frank and Mark?

  2. I wondered if the movie was real too, but here's a link to IMDB which indicates it's real:

  3. I would think people have heard enough about the Roger Ailes Era. We already know most of the details, sordid and lurid as they are.
    We also know most big media corporations are run the same way.
    The notorious Casting Couch goes back even before Jean Harlow.

    "Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi?" Patti LaBelle wants to know.

  4. This is going to sound crazy, but, ask me why Megan Kelly reminds me
    of Colin Kaepernick? Thank you for asking. Both Megan and Colin have been very successful in their respective fields of endeavor, successful enough to become multi-millionaires. Both Meg & Colin have a strange habit (compulsion?) of biting the hands that feed them or provide them with the best career opportunities.
    Megan was trained by Roger Ailes and used her own skills to become a top rate TV Reporter. How does she show her gratitude?
    By running to the press, saying that he harassed her and chased her around office rooms.
    She got another job at CBS. Then she starts naming CBS executives who are being accused of rape and worse. She even interviews the accusers on the air! CBS grabbed the first opportunity to get rid of her. Even with a $26. Million Dollar payout.

    Colin was given the opportunity to be a Quarterback for one of the top tier football teams in the nation. How does he thank them?
    By staging protests against police DURING GAME TIME.
    He was made a free agent. Nobody wanted him, so he sued out of anger, and got at least a $10 Million Dollar settlement i.e GO AWAY MONEY.
    **Now both are clawing at the doors to get back into the action.
    Both can't figure it out why their phones are not ringing 24/7 with job offers.
    Most companies have learned to keep the gates closed and locked for these clever and deceptive Trojan Horses.

  5. It was NBC, not CBS in the case of Kelly. In that case, the networks have a clue, but don't give a care.
    In Kaep's case, his protest turned into a movement, no matter what views we all have. And the NFL still has clueless owners who have no business running a franchise, regardless of "tradition". At least two franchises have made the Washington Generals (the Harlem Globetrotters' patsies) look like world beaters. One of which has even existed for 100 years, with 1 technicality title and 1 earned NFL title which would have been dismantled by another football champion in a league called the AAFC, led by Otto Graham in Cleveland. Kaep's "bad timing" pales compared to the ineptitude of the Cincinnati Bengals and Arizona Cardinals, which covers a combined century and a half, even with Kyler Murray in the Desert.
