Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cristina Rendon Needs More Air on KTVU Besides Mornings

Image result for cristina rendon ktvu
Cristina Rendon


Of course I'd love to see more of Cristina Rendon on KTVU--again, their best assets and key talent, they waste in the morning instead of using in the evening and nightly newscasts. Rendon should be a mainstay on all KTVU platforms --and especially on the desk.


  1. Without a doubt. However, she doesn't "sell sex" like the two cat-fighting blondes you frequently write about. Ms. Rendon is too much of a professional to get herself involved with that crap. She and Ms. Rasmus just do their jobs and do them well. No need for heavy lipstick and tight dresses that show legs.

  2. Christina Rendon looks and speaks like a Kindergarten teacher.
