Sunday, December 29, 2019

After 161 Years, Death of Martinez News-Gazette

Image result for martinez news gazette

PRINT continues death march, now the end of the 161-year-old Martinez News-Gazette.

Yep, Goodbye indeed.

Another victim of tablets, phones and other steaming devices. When the really big ones go bye-bye is just around the corner.



  1. ¡Adios, ya filthy animal!

    1. What kind of comment is that, when commenting on a newspaper closing down? Asinine.

    2. 10:32 AM, That line is famous. It's from the movie Home Alone.
      I guess, 11:44 PM was you say....making..a JOKE! No?

    3. Could be it was a joke, but I'm likely to believe it is some right winger who does not tolerate opposing points of view.

  2. Just talking about newspapers the other day. I remember back in the 50's 60's riding the streetcar in San Francisco people folded their newspapers in quarters so the wouldn't disturb the person sitting next to you.

    1. Common courtesy? So there really was a time when that existed.

    2. Today they blast rap on their phones with no earbuds and don't care.

    3. How times have it's more likely the guy next to you will drop his drawers and pinch one off while yelling into his cell phone.

  3. I believe that KCBS did a piece on the paper last week about its ending. 20% of newspapers around the country in the past 15 years have gone under. And, they claim, but aren't able to confirm that the paper had someone at the Civil War covering the it.

  4. Good riddance left wing nut newspaper.
    And another bites the dusts.
    Meanwhile, that other left wing nut newspaper
    "The Sacramento Bee" will cease printing it's Saturday edition.
    Too bad and continue to alienate your audience hick town paper.

    1. As stated from a person that only Knows Fox prime time and KSFO talking points.

  5. I wish it was the SF Chronicle going out. On the other hand, it's just a matter of time.

  6. I always wonder why someone is happy, when a paper, radio show etc. who has a different point of view, goes out of business. Are you suggesting we should only hear one side of an issue? In that case you don't seem to want to live in a democracy! I'm mostly liberal, but welcome other points of view, sometimes it helps me see the issue from another side, other times it just reinforces my position.
    I'm not fan of Rush, Hannity or Mark Levin, too predictable, but in no way do I support taken them of the air, just because I don't agree with them. You sound like you would be more comfortable in China or Iran?

  7. And who doesn't know proper grammar. Typical low-IQ Trump voter.

  8. A new iteration of local news is rising ex:

    Not the same as a printed copy in hand, on the kitchen table, etc, but it's viable.

    I'm not sure how long it'll take to trickle down to the many smaller communities that have head their coverage decimated, though. Sad, but the only constant in life is change...the town crier was once the model.

    It can work in smaller communities, also, though some folks will be resolute in their refusal to go online, etc. Maybe their nephew can print out articles for them.

  9. Concord, Ca have an online paper "Claycord" it covers mostly Concord, Clayton, Pleasant Hill, and to some extend Walnut Creek and Martinez.
    It is not the same as a paper, and there is still and actual paper of a different name that get thrown in the driveway. Claycord cover traffic accidents, news of businesses in the area, opening and closing, in general what locals might want to known about. The covered the Halloween Party shooting in Lafayette, and refinery fire in Crockett (I think it was). The also have a forum, just like here, where people can voice their opinions, a few times a week, they pose a question, and readers can write in. It might be on politics, or something just kind of fun, like: What is your favorite Christmas movie, your favorite Christmas meal etc.

  10. Amazing a small-town paper in a large metro managed to survive this long. I remember when the Richmond Independent and Berkeley Gazette had to combine into the "I-G" in the late 70s, and it still didn't help; the Independent folded in 1982 and the Gazette in 1984...
