Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sondland Testimony to House Impeachment Inquiry that there was 'Quid Pro Quo' Portends to Lively Rothmann Show on KGO Tonight


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Ambassador Gordon Sondland 
Ambassador Gordon Sondland-- testified under oath before the Congressional Impeachment Inquiry; a quid pro quo was administered and that "everyone was in the loop." Including the President, Donald Trump, said Sondland.

The various media outlets have begun to spin Sondland's testimony but his words to Congress' House Intelligence Committee were clear.

I've watched Fox News Channel and both CNN and MSNBC and will be eager to listen tonight on KGO Radio here (locally) when political historian,  John Rothmann, is sure to talk about today's (Wednesday) testimony. Rothmann will broadcast a three-hour special from 6-9 PM; should be appointment listening.

Image result for john rothmann kgo
John Rothmann
This has suddenly exploded.

Could be the smoking gun that Trump loyalists have been waiting for and undoubtedly a signature moment that may be their move to distance from POTUS.

415 Media


  1. Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, Carlson, and the like will spin this so much thatthere will still be a huge portion of the USA that believes the Democrats made all this up. They will never get enough Senators to vote him out. Fox News Opinion makers to the rescue

    1. Are you sure you don't mean Maddow, Blitzer, Anderson CNN/MSNBC as well as their army of snarky late night "hosts" Colbert, Kimmel, Oliver, Myers, Noah, Bee, et al?

    2. Oh, the dog and pony show is on again?

      Russia! Oh wait, that was a few months ago.

      The pivot from "quid pro quo" to "bribery" after their polling showed they weren't connecting with the American people is funny and disingenuous. Gotta love Dems and their branding, always trying to pull one over on the American people.

    3. Re: "They will never get enough Senators to vote him out."

      Perhaps not. On the other hand, Senators who vote to keep him in might themselves get voted out. The first three words of the Constitution are "We the People". That's where the ultimate power lies. Despite all the courts, from traffic court to the Supreme Court, the only court that actually matters is the court of public opinion.

  2. "everyone was in the loop."

    Trump's Alexander Butterfield moment...

  3. I still don't see anything WRONG. Who cares if the President wanted to get something in return for giving MILLIONS to Ukraine. So what if it was information that would help him politically. The bigger question that nobody is asking, is WHY are we giving Ukraine MILLIONS when we certainly need that money here in the USA?

    1. Reminds me of the time when a live mic caught Obama telling Russian President Dmitri Medvedev he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

  4. Stay steadfast in your niche, Rich; people can get political hot takes anywhere, and setting up Trump arguments on here between true believers on both sides will lead to no good end, imo.

    Your media work is totally unique, THAT is what drives people here; that and your all too occasional memory musings on Bay Area scenes that is in the rear view but will never be forgotten.

    When you drift us all back in the swirling fog of days gone by to remember gentler and more honest times through your reminiscences you shine!

    1. RL, I think you/we should stay away from this impeachment issue on here.

  5. This got reduced to 'assumptions' and 'presumptions' later. Which means his testimony was second-hand garbage.

  6. Guess what? This impeachment inquisition is making the president's ratings go up! People are tired of these chicken little campaigns.
    Keep on digging those deep holes, Democrats!

    Meanwhile the Canada, United States, Mexico Treaty remains undone.
    That's too much like real work, and you don't get invited on The View for that.

    1. What does your nonsense have to do with Trump's crimes?

  7. Let's see if rothman gets weepy and emotional like he has before arguing with the trump brigade which seem to come out of the woodwork

  8. Excellent coverage and insightful analysis yet again by NPR/ KQED FM. Good for them for adjusting their programming schedule to best serve the public interest.

  9. On the night Trump is impeached/resigns no doubt KGO will be carrying Cal basketball instead of John Rothmann.

  10. Just like in the transcript of "the call" each side sees and hears what fits their own narrative; there is no middle ground or room for agreement/compromise. Senate doesn't convict and Trump wins by landslide.

  11. Yawn!! this is a nothing exercise by the Dems that is going nowhere by wasting a lot of money.
