Saturday, October 26, 2019

M-F News Anchors Probably Come in Rare Sunday Shift Due To Kincade Fire and Howling Bay Area Winds

Image result for SF Bay Area TV News anchors


*There's a very good chance you'll see your Monday-Friday top news anchors take to their respective desks Sunday; that is, if the extreme winds they're predicting come to fruition and in turn, the Kincade fire up north intensifies, expect to see Dan Ashley and Ken Bastida, probably Raj Mathai, Jessica Aguirre, working Sunday for what could be a very memorable (or maybe unmemorable if you're in the devastated area) day in Bay Area history.

Both Frank Somerville and Julie Haener work a Sunday-Thursday shift so they'll be on the desk anyway.


  1. Come on in.... Sal
    Need that traffic support.

  2. If you want your viewers to watch, you need to bring in your "A" team.

  3. Rich,

    Did you happen to catch Kate Larsen on Sunday morning reporting on the Kincade fire with her uh, VJJ in full glory? During the Soda Rock segment (7:30 ish). Man it was the only positive thing during a gloomy report.

  4. KCBS is bringing in week-day anchors (Susan Leigh Taylor on Sunday morning). Margie Shaeffer is doing an excellent job in the field, and on Sunday as an anchor, for KCBS. But - where is Stan Bunger?? He's been absent on the air all this past week...and partially the week before..

  5. PG&E's Outage Map shows no power outages whatsoever in the entire state of California as of 11:45 AM on Sunday 10/27. What a cluster**** PG&E has become.

    No Known Outage 


  6. Hey Rich. I know you posted this on Saturday, BEFORE any anchors had a chance to get in on Sunday, but once again, you were right, in that KGO had Kristen Sze in on Sunday morning. KGO was on live until around 1pm, which was impressive. They had a slew of reporters out in the field, but to me, this was really the first time I was actually impressed with Kristen Sze's anchoring. She was serious the whole time, and basically did to me, a great anchoring job, especially considering the constantly changing circumstances. I think this time Rich, even you should give her credit on this one!

  7. Sunday, 10/27/19, right now, Jessica Aguirre and Terry McSweeney on TV today. Not Aguirre's usual day; unknown when McSweeney usually works.

  8. I also Gasia M. on the evening news broadcast, yesterday Saturday, 10/26/19, who's usually a weekday a.m. anchor.

  9. Sick in bed watching NBC Bay Area's coverage of the fires. Big guys are out now: Terry McSweeney and Jessica Aguirre. Well done, very clear where and where not the fires are all afternoon long. But who was the anchor working with Jessica from 2-3? Wearing a tight red blouse, looking like she's in her second trimester? Strange thing to wear on such a serious news day.

    Berryessa Chillin'

  10. I live in Concord, I had KCBS on all morning. Around 1:30 I left to do some grocery shopping. I mostly have KGO on my car radio, so when I started the engine, I was surprised to hear Pat Thurston and Bret Buchardt on. I just got home at 3:30 now Pat and John Rothmann is on, people are calling in with stories, of where they are, what is on, how traffic is ect. It sounds like the whole area is in an emergency, there is fire in Lafayette, and one by 4 towards Antioch, I can see the smoke from Concord. At one point a tree was down across 680 by Danville and blocking the road, not sure if it was both directions or just one, think it might have been removed. Just driving 10 minutes from my house to downtown Concord, I saw several heavy branches and lots of smaller ones on the roadway, as well as one tree toppled, looks like it missed the house.

    Claycord is the local website for this area (Concord, Clayton, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek and Martinez) they are reporting several trees down blocking the roadway, and several fires in the area, can barely see Mt. Diablo. It is really scary, and I'm glad KGO is doing live coverage. John Rothmann just said he will be on to 7 p.m. Pat is still on with John, but said she will be leaving shortly.

  11. Hey, no one's left KTVU yet...

    Just mentioning...

  12. Just a news item FYI - On my way into downtown SF this morning I saw that demolition was finally underway on the former KRON building on Van Ness. They are tearing it down starting from the rear so that demolition is only observable from the O'Farrell street side.

  13. Don’t let Kyla slip on the cat shit again.

  14. Can they dispense with the bullshit sign language signers at all the Pressers? First of all how many people are deaf? Second, every TV has closed captioned for those who need it. Just because some liberal bureaucrat idiot thought having some Bozo making a bunch of hand movements and facial gestures doesn't mean it was ever a good idea. Get rid of them..

    1. I say get rid of the sign language exchange for also getting rid of saying the goddamn Pledge of Allegiance and singing of the musically-lame National Anthem before any meetings or ballgames.

    2. I admit I find the sign language interpreters extremely annoying. I read online somewhere some deaf folks might prefer sign language compared to closed captioning (speculation); but also found a few stories where the interpreters were found to be phonies. I say get rid of the sign language interpreters and rely upon closed captioning (I know CC has some faults in misspelling, missing some info, and some time lag).

  15. KCBS Radio elected to carry the news about the fire rather than broadcasting another of their inane, boring, and tedious 6 hour no-news-value football games. The decision seems obvious to the point it shouldn't need to be mentioned here, but in this day and age of media greed, I'll give a "Good call" to KCBS.

  16. I've been watching the new guy on KPIX, Darren Peck who seems to be going 7 days straight who comes across knowledgeable and does a nice job for what it's worth.
