Friday, September 20, 2019

Bland Bay Area

Image result for Bland


IN ADDITION TO THE RAMPANT INCOMPETENCE and overall lack of talent in this Bay Area, there's also remarkably BORING people that are disguised as news anchors and talk-show hosts; radio, newspapers, TV of course.

I liken it to bland month-old cream of wheat. BLAND. There is NO spark, no fire, no desire, no creativity whatsoever. It's a chronic lack of talent and when you have BLAND people running the show then you have BLAND actors performing their function. It's a toilet bowl full of mostly incompetent coke machines littered with emptiness and creative retardation. Have you seen these rancid characters? They look like pathetic soles abandoned by their family and left to rot on the streets of San Francisco.

They are baseless pathetic zombies. They do not know how to perform a simple function like broadcasting a cohesive live shot. KPIX tapes its live shots because the bulk of its reporters look as if they just got off a vanilla train that started out in Lodi. Name me anybody that stands out, do it, I dare you. You can't. You can't because there is no one and if there were they'd be headed out of town on their way to Barstow.

WE HAVE become a TV/Radio news market run by zombies and mental midgets. They have ZERO taste. BLAND. They can't perform and broadcast worth a bowl of feces. They are pointless, baseless, talentless and they are BLAND. Like Velveeta cheese on white bread they add ZERO flavor and possess ZERO talent or news acumen. They might as well go on KNBR at night and set up a hopeless encampment because they are WASTED SOULS here. Please, someone stop this DISASTER TRAIN to nowhere.

Wait a minute. Like I said, it's hopeless.

And damn BLAND too.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more, Rich. The bay area TV/Radio market is as dull as a Fresno Denny's. It's as lifeless as a Milpitas strip mall 5am in the morning. It's as bland as a Bakersfield Burger King.

  2. So you're saying it was better in the past. Back before certain political organizations flooded the area to rig the system and stay in power for decades, simultaneously killing the identity and uniqueness that made this area so great.

    Isn't diversity grand?

    1. oh, as if the asshole traitor in the White House isn't selling this country out to the highest bidder. I bet you're also a member of his communist party who only answers to his real boss, putin. You're a coward and a traitor to this nation. go back to russia.

  3. The bland state of the radio market means that an opportunity awaits the outfit that does something different, bucks the conventional wisdom, and has the guts to go out and be original. That can still happen, but don't expect it to come from iHeart/ClearChannel or Cumulus: it won't.

  4. Crap goes in...poo goes out.
    Nobody can afford it here, nor wants to work here.

  5. Haha, that was laugh out loud funny. But you're not wrong Rich.

  6. Somebody find a Billionaire who remembers "The World's Greatest Radio Station" and wants to recreate it. Music, News and Sports in one place where I don't have to change the dial

  7. "They can't perform and broadcast worth a bowl of feces." You said it, Rich! This past Wednesday, KCBS's Kim Vestal said "braked down" referring to a truck that broke down on the San Mateo Bridge. Really!?? I'm surprised she didn't say "had braked down" just to make the sentence complete. It's that type of ignorance that turns the public off to the news media. The anchors & reporters make so many errors like that and more and more use incorrect syntax. They need to learn the meaning of that word, and many others, and take a refresher course. They're slacking badly & seem to be rushing through their reporting, IMO.
