Monday, July 8, 2019

Back on Monday Media Mash; Ashley About To Be Bay Area/CA Highest Paid Anchor; Radnich Secret Talks With 95.7 FM; Tolbert Ain't That Excited about Krueger and Brooks on KNBR; KRON Off Air on Peninsula; Greg Papa The Certified Buffalo Boor; No Joke: CSPAN3 Turns Down KGO Radio Awful Mark Thompson; Drama in the KTVU Parking Lot Good For TMZ Material; Ronnnnnn Owens' New Oakland 2029 Cruise; Hey Put On a Happy Face, I'm Back

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Dan Ashley and his bud, Jimmy Kimmel

*SOONER OR LATER; probably more sooner, KGO senior anchor, Dan Ashley, will not only become the Bay Area's most highly-paid news broadcaster, but California too and believe me, that's a lot of money. More than enough to buy lunch for buddy and fellow Disney employee, Jimmy Kimmel.

*NOT ONLY has Gary Radnich talked to the suits at "The Game" (95.7 FM All Sports) but even discussed money and time slot so yes, he's going to have to "un-retire" because dammit, the overhead!

By the way, if you still believe Radnich voluntarily retired than you think American Idol is a documentary too.

*LA has two yuge earthquakes in two days and Stan Bunger is worried about the marine layer.

*How much will Ashley get? Enough to take care of his family at least through 2022 and probably beyond because if anything, Disney rewards loyal soldiers who carry on even when there's far less talented folks at 900 Front who get more moolah.

*Another soon-to-be bigtime bread winner at Mickey's SF outpost: Consumer Affairs Anchor, Reporter, Czar, Michael Finney.

*Tom Tolbert: Beer, Pop Tarts, Hondas, and Wagering; sports-talk? What the hell is that?

*Speaking of Tolbert and his new afternoon room mates on KNBR, Larry Krueger and Rod Brooks, I hear Tolbert is less than amused with the trifecta because it's pretty hard to throw in two guys who have ZERO connection or chemistry to Tolbert's personality. Yeah, I know, they haven't performed yet but trust me, this threesome has all the disaster of a remake of "Water World."

*KRON was off the air the other night on the peninsula which was unintentionally good news for the peninsula.

*If the Chronicle has the chutzpah not to tell you that they canned Ben Fong Torres or just inform readers of his status think of how they handle intermediate columnists like the guy who likes to talk about his wife who suddenly went missing, the Hoppe guy.

*Two MAJOR voices in the Giants' radio broadcast booth will NOT be back in 2020, take a wild guess.

*It's not that Greg Papa doesn't know his stuff, I've said here before he's knowledgeable and has good, solid on-air bravado that's not the issue(s) here IS the issue and then some: Papa has become a certified BOOR. A mean-spirited asshole who thinks his crappola doesn't stink. He got personally greedy a few years back and took advantage of a few high tops in management who bought into his crazed, hostile personality, for some reason. I don't know if Papa has pictures but his brief encounter with Polaroid must have included at least two volumes of secret classified documents.

Papa used to be a mensch. Now he's an A-Grade jerk whose ego has reached Mt. Everest proportions. That will get Papa to the base but he will severely FAIL to reach the 49ers' radio summit.

Plus, Papa and his radio boyfriend, the insufferable and all-time schmucko, John Lund will prove to be a DISASTER of all time in Bay Area radio unless you like stupid, UN-FUNNY, toilet humor and dick jokes, well then, you're in heaven.

*Still can't fathom how AWFUL and GOOFY the typical Bay Area TV reporter performs a standard live shot. It's frankly embarrassing --because without notes and a script, they pretty much look and sound foolish. I could say more but you get my drift.

*The further down the road in style and technique KCBS goes, the less I listen. The cackling has intensified; the unnecessary conversation between anchors; the newfound dumb, superfluous "stories" like say, sending the dick reporter to an athletes' shoe promotion and wasting a good 3 minutes on ZERO news; maybe it's time for a regime change at the once, almighty "news" station.

*Mark Thompson is so bad on KGO Radio, members of the staff from CSPAN3 weren't interested in doing a simulcast --I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP!--turns out CSPAN3 is looking at KQED instead which kind of tells you what the state of AM radio is and KGO in particular.

*If Thompson continues to be a ratings boor killer, he'll probably go off the deep end and pitch KGO to the "Mark Thompson Report." Which should be good enough for free cruises with Ronnnnnnnnn and a lifetime supply of hair plugs.

*Dear Frank Somerville: You really are Ron Burgundy only Ron has better hair plugs.

*Mark Ibanez took a break from his fulltime job of calling KNBR sports-talk shows.

*The KTVU parking lot after 11: 35: more drama than a decades worth of General Hospital.

*New Slogan at KTVU: "Our Persian female interns are better than yours!"

*BREAKING NEWS: Ronnnnnnnnn Owens is taking a new cruise in 2029 up the Oakland estuary straight into Alameda where he will wrestle with longtime girlfriend, Dr. Tara Fields at her house in the Gold Coast section. Manicures for everybody!

*Today on the "Ronn Owens Report:" "When I played Bridge with Mickey (Luckoff) --those were the days when Ronnnnnnn was having the good life with his friend and occasional wife, Jan Black.

*When Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn split with his man wife, Brian Copeland, because the elder "Copes" is suing Cumulus, they're was a shock wave up and down the city from Sea Cliff to San Leandro.

*John Rothmann: electric and quite terrific on the air but off? You'd be a little surprised.

*If his retirement doesn't work out, Radnich could pitch KTVU for  new, retro show, "Spawning For Dollars."

*This is no joke but real, actual news: Gary Radnich said the reason why he wanted to have more kids in his later life was because he didn't want to be alone when he got older which kind of tells you what type of great family man Mister Radnich is.

*You don't get this shit on KNBR or KQED or KGO or the Chronicle which is why it should be mandatory you sign up today to become a paid subscriber to 415 Media otherwise you'll be stuck with the Foodie Chap and Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn's latest cruise.

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  1. I saw Krueger the other day when I was having lunch at McDonald’s on Commerce Blvd. in Rohnert Park...he ripped one that was so stank, it made the babies cry in the ball pit.

  2. Just as he was for Gary, I think Krueger will be good for Tolbert. Larry can drive the show and Tom can go back to the role he had with Ralph of just being himself and reacting. The real problem is that they don't need Rod.

    1. Couple problems there: Tolbert developed into a good lead host in Ralph's absence; to expect him to add "reactions" as the second in the studio is a non-starter. (And there are those who may not think Mr. T is a good lead host -- just my opinion.)

      For all of his tangential interests away from sports, people tune in to his show for his personality. I'm a sports fan but never have demanded 24/7 stats and analyses; that's why I always opted for Howard Stern in the mornings over dedicated sports shows. (Howard's jumped the shark too but that's another story.)

      The audience that listens to Tolbert is not going to be happy with Mr. Boredom and Mr. Fake-Shuck-And-Jive crowding his studio.

      I bet before long Tolbert will start showing up 15 minutes after the show starts -- like back in the Ralph days. (Though Ralph was late a lot too.)

      -- Gaga V

    2. I agree Tom's strength is his personality and having Larry setting him up will allow Tom to return to do what he does best. And like Gary, Tom shouldn't have any problem keeping Krueg from getting too hardcore. There just isn't any room for Rod's incoherent rambling.

  3. And if you have DirecTV, you can't get KRON either. Apparently, there's some issue with KRON's corporate and DTV agreeing on fees, I guess. That means no Darya Folsom and her massive water wings.

    1. Every DeckStar station around the country is off DirecTV and Uverse. In other areas, DreckStar stations are network affiliates, and if it stretches into September, people will miss actual stuff they want to watch. Here, it just means we miss J.R. Monotone, the Darya Yenta Review, and the daily bad infomercial for cosmetic surgery. .

  4. You always get the news here first...

    TV, Radio, Internet...dishing dirt since 2001

    Keep up the great work Rich.

  5. How many backs will Gary Radnich stab to land with 95.7 The Game ?
    On second thought, he ought to consult Ronn Owens.

    1. who is worth stabbing at 95/7, they are all buddies of his since everyone there worked at knbr first

    2. how that guy the butcher has a show is beyond me.. they used to have another obnixous guy like him named zack who would yell and bellow and constantly would get names and facts wrong..this guy butcher and ryan kovay, can they suck any more then they do now

  6. KRON has been off the air for AT&T customers in the San Jose Bay Area since July 3rd over contract disputes between AT&T and Nexstar.

  7. The Gary Radnich show...with Bob Fitzgerald.

    Gary's ready to

  8. I've never understood peoples infatuation with Tom Tolbert.

    Drop Tom's huge contract, give the Comcast spots to Larry and make it the Larry and Rod show.

  9. "Two MAJOR voices in the Giants' radio broadcast booth will NOT be back in 202 0, take a wild guess"

    Amy G and that Asian fella?

    1. No, silly. Amy G and Jeremy Affeldt.

      Jeremy, such a yawnfest.

    2. Wish it was true about the inane one that scatters Oracle Park crowds away the moment they see her with dull microphone (can't go to the ball park or even watch home games for that very reason). But Jon Miller will likely retire, and Mike Krukow's ailing health is only frustrating him more. Duane Kuiper has been mailing it in the last few years. But RL said two MAJOR voices, so we'll be stuck with one long-in-the-tooth, likely D Kuip.

  10. Rod Brooks is terriable he is inchorenent and 3 person radio is a disaster. Should have kept Fitgerald and released Brooks. How he keeps a job is beyond belief.

    1. OTOH, you can't spell or complete a coherent sentence.

  11. They can't let Rod go or they will have a lawsuit like KGO and he will win. Maybe he could do sportsphone 680 or whatever they call it.

  12. Oh Lordy, Rich L bringing his fastball today! NO MERCY

    Yeah, Brooks is odd and will be the odd man out in that trifecta, he and Fitz had their schtick down and adjustment may be tough for the old sport. Krueger does his homework and generally makes any show better imho.

    Giants broadcasters? I hope Javier Lopez gets more air time, that guy is so smooth and his knowledge really comes through at the right times, very unforced. No "personal sayings agenda" either, meat grab some pine you gamer babes down in the SQUATTT rub yer boiler san luis=harvard of the west etc Etc ETC.

  13. Since Fitz got canned, has he been spotted anywhere?

  14. What drama happened in the KTVU parking lot?? Who got into it with whom?

  15. Ashley is about as bright ss a doornob and, if they renew his contract at all, they should take him off camera for less money. He's a drain on resources for what little he contributes to the venue.

  16. Maybe they pair Radnich with Bruce? Two blowhards who deserve each other.

    Wish Papa would retire.

  17. You're crazy... and just bitter and mean. He's clearly one of the best in town. Passionate about his job and deeply involved and committed to the community. I served on a charity board with Dan and a good friend worked with him, and he's extremely bright-- just for the record. Very. And kind.
