Monday, June 17, 2019

That Sacto Woman on KTVU They're Working to Death Ripped Sal Castaneda on Twitter

THAT NEWBIE Sacto woman schlum, Sara Zendehnam, managed to accomplish the unthinkable; maybe she really is tired because it's rare you rip a fellow colleague on Twitter and a veteran at that; furthermore, how embarrassing is it for KTVU to throw this young woman at the masses as if she were some zombie robot.

Wait a minute, KTVU doesn't give a shit anymore, so what the hell.

Image result for sara zendehnamMight as well be Gumby doing the weather.

Image result for Gumby


  1. You call THAT ripping? I don't.

    1. Me neither. Could be taken as self-deprecating. "Ha ha, I'm a no-name . . ."

    2. I disagree. There's some hidden hostility there, and there should be. Forgetting a colleague's name is both rude and careless.

  2. Management doesn't have a clue about these leftover people at the end of the alphabet. You know Natasha Zouves at KGO and now Sara Zendehnam at KTVU. They've always been last in line and now they've trying to get even with the world. They are trying to push their way up. No such problems with the "A" people like Jessica Aguirre.

    1. W-w-what??

      This is what happens when you legalize cannabis.

  3. I love the daring women in our News media, they are "extra special" and should be rewarded. Liz Cook should get a pay raise and a new car! It's unstoppable! A pleasure to watch. One of those women who grab your attention and won't let you go!

    The Women are the News.

    1. Think really highly of yourselves, don't you. No wonder the news sucks.

  4. Replies
    1. Speak English!! Joe the plumber from San Leandro has no idea but you and I what a "Yenta" is.

  5. Way better than Fresno "talent"

  6. Sara is not very good doing weather. She came across as someone who rather be somewhere else. KTVU had Kyla Grogan who is better than anyone at Fox2. It seems like management is giving the middle finger to the viewers. Hire Kyla Grogan as their lead meteorologist and release Bill Martin. Martin acts and looks like he is ready to retire.

    1. > KTVU had Kyla Grogan who is better than
      > anyone at Fox2.

      Which is exactly why she's not there anymore. The incompetents are circling the wagons and protecting themselves. They need to pay for those mortgages in Danville and Blackhawk.

  7. I kinda like her, a bit too skinny, and what Happy o my fav Rosemary?

  8. Gawwd...beautiful brown-eyed Brunettes just SLAY me.

  9. This was self-depracating humor. I saw the transition Monday morning. Sal looked up and was used to seeing Rosemary and blanked on her name for a second. They joked about it the next couple of transitions. There was no mal intent on Sal's part and Sara rolled with it. The tweet was making fun of the situation. BTW... no she is not giving you deep meteorological info like Steve. No buoy readings, No GFS and European model info but she is doing just fine. How did she become this big of an issue here the last few days? SMH

  10. She gives off the personality of wet dish rag! I've seen her do the weather at 6:00am she needs to go back to the field. Leave the studio to the pros

  11. WOW, she is good looking....almost trying to be LA/SoCal.

  12. Good looking? Please cover bare arms, too skinny.
