Tuesday, January 8, 2019

TV News People With Bad Habits

Image result for TV News People TV NEWS PEOPLE THAT HAVE BAD HABITS...

Later today.


  1. "Tune in to Rich Lieberman and News People Behaving Badly..."

  2. Mark Tomayo, uh, likes to, uh, say "uh" a lot. He's, uh, unwatchable.

    1. I think he's the best of the Channel 2 weather people.

    2. Not a fan of ANY of the ch 2 weatherguessers. Martin is getting too eccentric...talk about unwatchable. "Oh, we had video of snow on Donner Summit, and did you know, Frank and Julie, that no two snowflakes look the same? We have a view who sent us 50 pictures of snowflakes from their Instagram account, and we looked at all of them, and they were all different." Rosemary O is overall the least objectionable, though I admit so far I like the new chick Kyla, even though she is so ugly I wonder how she got into television. Overall, though, I'll take KGO's Sondhya Patel and her smoky good looks any day. I hear she's a really nice person, too.

    3. Uh, I agree that Mark, uh, Tamayo is one of the best, uh Channel 2 uh, weather people.

  3. Good job Richie make us wait. I hopping for some dirt on HH and Gary and Pam Cook. I watched Cook yesterday and she looked hot in that sweater.

  4. thanks for posting sir, u remind me a lil of herb himself..... .. i am glad u stay on some of these wankers... especially radnich.... poor pam, she is speechless sometimes..... for kicks, what do u think of ktvu's morning weather guy, ( his name escapes me).... jeeze, what a narcissus . ....... carry on sir :)

    1. His name is Steve Paulsen. Other than wearing ill fitting sports jackets, he does a decent job.

    2. he does great weather background stories but boy is he needy in the "admire me" department..... although he is more watchable then 2's "famous "night guy, the surfer hang dog dude.... he is completely full of himself :) why does news have to be the prisoner of personality.... i am so sick of editorializing after every story, like somehow we care what they personally think... ...... whatever, tv is whack .. utube rocks

  5. I'm still thankful somebody somewhere told Dion Lim to knock off the "Hello Friends" thing. That was real bad.

  6. I know one that uses her professional connections to cover up her affairs.

  7. Hi Rich: Besides an obvious choice of KPIX' Da Lin another veteran news reporter who has Annoying Habits is KTVU' GA Reporter Paul Chambers. EVERYTIME when Frank or Julie send it off to Paul whether he is reporting inside the KTVU studio or outside in the field Paul always says "AW Frank, AW Julie." Why does Paul always utter "AW"?
    Is Paul Chambers from Canada? NO- On his KTVU Bio he's born in Philadelphia. It isn't that Paul Chambers is a newbie TV news reporter. He has been with KTVU since 2007 as a GA Reporter. In all these years why hasn't anyone at Channel 2 ever told Paul to NOT say the word AW" before saying the news anchors 1st name. To Paul Chambers-your NOT a Canadian so PLEASE stop your Annoying Habit of Always saying AW!!
